
Sunday, December 12, 2021

Gnome Sweet Gnome

I made this little quilt last week just for fun and because I haven't been in the sewing room very much lately.   I think I'll hand quilt this one.

the mushrooms were really fun and easy to make.  Here they are before I fused them.
As a surprise for Mr. Fun, I got tickets to see Manheim Steamroller.  It was wonderful and put me in a festive mood.  If you get a chance to see them, I highly recommend it.
This year I'm displaying my Hot Flash quilt in the kitchen.  It's not a Christmas quilt, but I love the bright colors during these darker days.
Every year I set up my Dickens Village.  I always dread it and put it off but I also always love it and leave it up for a couple of months.
My goal is create a realistic village.
The set up is different every year.
This year I made two "town" areas

The Post Office is one of my favorite buildings.

The Church sits in the highest position.  There is Charles and his wife, Elizabeth.
I positioned the homes of Tiny Tim and Betsy Trotwood and others up behind the town square.
I love the little lights on the tree and the street lights.  Can you believe I have six different kinds of snow?  I also recycle it every year.

Here is an aerial view.   I posted a video with music on my Instagram.

Here are a few behind the scenes photos.  I start by unpacking all the buildings, lights, and people.  Nutmeg was vey intrigued.

I use styrofoam to construct different levels.  I learned this on Pinterest and it really makes a big difference!
I do a practise set up.  I also use that little string of lights under the batting to light it up.

It takes several hours, but it is magical to me.

I hope you are having a nice December.  It can often be stressful and full of commitments.

Be kind and gentle with yourself.  A few quiet minutes of meditation can be a blessing.


  1. Hot Flash looks great there and glad you and Mr. Fun enjoyed the performance!

  2. Love the mushroom quilt. Your village is magical
    Thank you for sharing : )

  3. Cute gnome homes and 'shrooms!!
    Your village is really pretty--nice work --I can see why you'd want to leave it up for quite a while..
    enjoy thee days leading up to Christmas...hugs, Julierose

  4. Your village is MAGICAL!! And the idea to use styrofoam to raise it up is a brilliant idea! Love your Hot Flash quilt, and that red background makes it perfect for this Season. Manheim Steamroller---oh my goodness, I think they are absolutely the BEST group! My favorite Christmas CDs. Would love to see them in concert. Merry Christmas.

  5. I always enjoy your blog posts. Thanks for the reminder to stop and take a deep breath and enjoy the holidays.

  6. I was wondering when we would see your amazing Dicken's village. And then add in your Gnome Home. You've got a lot going on.But when certain things are our Christmas traditions, you just have to do them no matter what. Enjoy.

  7. From the gnomes to the Dickens, your place is really a magical place where everything beautiful lives. ;^)

  8. Your Dickens village is so interesting to look at. Lots of details to see! Hot Flash is a real bright spot in your dining room.

  9. And Nutmeg leaves the village alone????

    1. It is her third year putting up with it! so she doesn't mind it much anymore.

  10. You surpassed your goal! It looks very realistic. I would love to be able to walk thru it. So peaceful and nostalgic.


  11. Love the woodland quilt - there's something so appealing about those red & white mushrooms! Thanks for sharing the "behind the scenes" look at your Dickens Village. I like knowing the little secrets that make everything look so special!

  12. Every year, I love to see your Dickens village ! Sooo magical and sooo beautiful !
    Your quilt is very cute and funny ! Love the colors !
    I wish you a Merry Christmas with your family Barb !

  13. You do a fantastic job on the village. I have a collection too and never seem to have the energy to set it up. I think it is the thought of having to put it Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  14. What a sweet quilt! I love your Dickens Village, truly a labor of love for you. I am going with my daughter and granddaughters to the Nutcracker this weekend, that always does it for me!

  15. I love your village, Barb! Thanks for the peeks behind the scenes, I had no idea how you create such a wonderland! It reminds me of the little town (pop. 1800) in Minnesota where I grew up, very picturesque, and makes me feel so nostalgic! My little white church with a green steeple looks like something on a Christmas card, like the church in your village. I attended a couple of performances in the past week, it does help fill us with the holiday spirit. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  16. I love heavily decorating my real tree every year, but never got into collecting and displaying villages or other holiday figurines. Thanks for letting me vicariously enjoy yours!😊

  17. Adorable and fun house quilt taking shape. WOW, I just love your Dickens Village. I love getting the behind the scenes view of how you create the arrangement. You really arrange it artistically, just beautifully! I think I would sit near it and imagine all kinds of village scenarios and dramas;). I love your hot flash on the wall and it "goes" beautifully with Christmas decor. I love your advice to be kind to ourselves. Why do we women tend to exhaust ourselves at the holidays? (I don't anymore, but it's so easy to!).

  18. Your Dickens Christmas village is beautiful, as it is every year. Thank you for showing how you set it up. I especially like the lights under the batting.

  19. Such a cute gnome home quilt.
    Oh, we love Mannheim Steamroller, but have never seen them. What a treat that must have been! My kids used to love to learn the piano arrangements of their music, and I miss having them around to play the music.
    Hot Flash looks great with your kitchen decor. Makes for a very cheery holiday!
    Wonderful attention to detail in your Dickens village. It is so beautiful. I can appreciate the effort involved and understand how you would put off setting it up and then want to leave it up beyond the holiday.

  20. I remember a number of years ago I got an album (CD) of Manheim Steamroller for hubby, and he thought it was goingto be some horrible sounding music with that name. Boy was he surprised!

  21. What a fun little gnome home quilt--love those mushrooms! Your Hot Flash quilt is perfect for the holidays. When I saw it for the first time it really made me smile :) You are a genius at putting up your Dickens Village. It is so magical! I know you will enjoy it. Nutmeg will, too :)

  22. OMG your village is so is just beautiful........

  23. Love the mushrooms... so sweet... and your Dickens Village is BEAUTIFUL!! I've also found that styrofoam and other risers really make a difference in an display. Wishing you all the best in 2022!!

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