
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Happy New Year News

Happy 2022~ Please!  

Many of you may have seen this big announcement on my Instagram and FB.  
I will have 24 quilts, spanning 30 years on display at the New England Quilt Museum.  Click here to see a preview

I am delivering them tomorrow and on Monday, I decided to add a sparrow to the back of the quilts that did not already have one on the front.  A bit of an undertaking along with lint rollering and steaming them, but worth it to me.
I used lot of different techniques.
This is a fancy label that was a block that made twice.  Nothing was too much work when I first started quilting.  I need to reflect on that.
We had a big disappointment (along with many many people) this Christmas.  After decking all the halls and setting the menus, we were unable to have our week together with Hanna and David in CT.  
They both got covid.  DC saw an explosion of omicron cases in mid-December.  boo hoo.  Thankfully they are recovered and will come this weekend!

Here they are on Christmas Day.  David got a beard decorating kit in his stocking, ha ha.
It is our tradition to take our sweet Coco to her favorite State Park on Christmas, which is also her Birthday. She must directly in front of Rich.   She is an old granny at 12!
My vintage pink and red tree in my sewing room has been very cherry I mean cheery.
I kept busy getting the quilts ready and making more crochet hats.  I know, I'm addicted~  I find it relaxing and fulfilling.
I will be back soon to share how I did with the intentions that I set last January.

Until then, I wish you Peace and Good Health.


  1. Peace and Good health to you as well!
    Glad the kids recovered from covid fairly quickly.
    Happy New Year!

  2. Ohhh I'm sooo happy for you Barb and I would have liked to be there, admiring your quilts ! Woo Hoo for you !!
    Thank you for sharing these funny pictures !
    Oh Gosh... I hate this virus !
    Happy New Year for you and your family !

  3. That decorated beard!I'll have to look for one or three of those kits, as my sons are all bearded and would appreciate the silliness.

  4. What a really special event for you. Wish I could go see it.
    Fun holiday pictures.

  5. Congratulations! What a great way to start the year with this good news. Glad your family recovered from COVID. I like David's Skyline t-shirt. Wishing you and your family a prosperous 2022. kelley secrest

  6. Congrats barb..... It's going to be an amazing display in sure..... How very special....

  7. Happy New Year Barb! May it be a year with much joy and lots of stitches! Your museum exhibit is so exciting!! I love that you added sparrows to the ones missing them. Enjoy your weekend together!!

  8. I am so excited to see these I can hardly stand it! I think adding the sparrows was essential for you and I am so happy you made it happen. I love what you said about "nothing being too much work" when you started quilting. We have become too obsessed about the time factor. Let's ditch the clocks and enjoy 2022. I'm hoping to get a post out today and will include your announcement. Woohoo!

  9. Best wishes to you and your family. I anxiously await the morning so I can see if you posted something. So glad you had time with Coco on his birthday - I can't believe that she's 12. You will be all happy this coming weekend to have your children for dinner!!

  10. Congratulations. Wish I could see the exhibit in person.

  11. It is so exciting, your upcoming NEQM exhibit. I can't believe I will miss it, darn! I'm sorry you didn't get to spend your Christmas day with your kids. I hope we can all have more predictability and collective health as 2022 progresses. Coco is so sweet. Love your vintage tree. I look forward to each one of your blog posts. I admire your approach to life!

  12. It's always disappointing when things don't go as planned. But keeping our eye on the positive helps to soften the harder times. I sure wish I able to see your exhibit. What an honor to share your quilt history and creativity.

  13. So looking forward to seeing your exhibit at the museum!! This is a well deserved honor for you and you should enjoy every minute! Guess what - my son and his partner in Brooklyn, NY were both diagnosed with Covid 2 days before Christmas. My son had an asymptomatic case and his partner a mild cold and they’re both fine now. I hope this is the last major round of this virus!

  14. Your addition of birds to the labels is so cool. Love it!:)

  15. Congratulations! This is such a well deserved honor. Love those sparrows and their symbolism. May this new year bring us all a measure of peace and hope, and faith over fear.

  16. Congrats Barb! It is going to be amazing.

  17. Wowzer Barb, It looks like a fantastic show. I wish I could see it in person! Many Congratulations on a wonderful retrospective! and Happy New Year!

  18. Congrats on the quilt exhibit, Barb! If life were more normal, I'd be scheming to come see it in person. :-(
    Glad you are able to have your family get-together and hoping the Omicron bug spares the rest of you! Happy Birthday to Coco!

  19. WooHoo! Super excited to hear you are going to have your own show at the NEQM! What a well deserved honor. Your quilts are incredible and they will make a show worth seeing. Wish I could get there to see it in person, but with COVID going crazy, I'm not sure I want to hop on a plane for a while. Please share lots of photos when you can.
    I love the idea of a sparrow on each quilt, and that you are using a variety of techniques to apply them.
    Oh, the beard decorating kit is a hoot!
    The pink and red tree is so pretty. I love the old fashion glass Christmas ornaments. I have boxes of them, too.
    Your hats are cute, and a good way to use your "relaxing" time.
    Beautiful amaryllis and hyacinth.
    A great post, Barb!

  20. Congrats, Barb! Wish I could attend in person to see your quilts up close and personal. Glad you could finally gather together. We had a limited gathering, just to be safe. It is really surging here right now. Take care!

  21. So sorry about your canceled plans. And that exhibit is such a wonderful thing. Thanks for the link.

  22. Congratulations on the exhibit, it is well deserved and will be a treat for all who are lucky enough to see it! I always enjoy catching up on your posts and seeing the delightful things you are sharing. I wish you the very best 2022!

  23. Congratulations, what an honor! I am sure everyone who sees your quilts will fall in love with them! So glad to hear everyone is feeling better. Happy New Year!

  24. Oh, Barb! What an honor to have your quilts on display at NEQM! I wish I could see them in person. Please post lots of pics so we can all enjoy the show :) Love the sparrows and how they define your work. Happy Birthday to Coco! Covid sure upsets plans but happy to hear everyone has recovered. Wishing you and your family the best of 2022!

  25. How wonderful that your work will be exposed in the New England quilt museum. Wish I could 'hop over the ocean' to see it!
    Have a wonderful 2022!

  26. Whoop! Whoop! Congratulations to you! So good to hear all are on the mend and you will be together this weekend. I'd love to see the exhibit! Fingers crossed! All the best in 2022!

  27. I hope your new year is blessed with health and happiness. I am glad that you were able to celebrate with your family, even if it was later. Love the beard decorating- always good to have a few fun gifts! :) Have a blessed day! Happy Quilting, Lona

  28. Oh, what a compliment to your artistry, Barb! Wish I could see them in person.

  29. I wish I could attend as well! I was lucky enough to visit the New England Quilt Museum about 10 years ago! Happy New Year!

  30. Lovely post....Happy new Year..wonderful about the exhibit...wish I could see are the best! xo


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