
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

2021 Intention Review

January means I hang up Flat Stanley!  

For my 2021 intentions, I batted 500, which sounds better than I did only half of what I intended to do.

Whig Rose - I have finished quilting the center and 1 border so this is a definite.
SUCCESS - Hooray I finished this and earned a ribbon in my guilds show! 
Here is Chrome Sweet Chrome

Jill's Quilt - Half of this top is appliqued.  I intend to finish this top and if I have time, start big stitch quilting.
FAIL - I'm putting this on the 2022 intention list.
Love Birds - I will machine quilt this one.   
FAIL I'm definitely putting this on the 2022 list.
Teatime at Downton Abbey - I will machine quilt this one.
SUCCESS! finished!
Finished quilting 
coco loves it 
Animal Crackers - I need to finish the machine applique and machine quilt it.  
FAIL! I'm disappointed that I didn't even work on this! on the 2022 list it goes.
Chernobyl - I intend to make a total of 16 blocks add machine applique' borders and machine quilt it.  
SUCESS! Yay for me again, I finished it and received a ribbon in my guild show.
Finished in early summer :)
I have decided to join my friend, Cecile', with her 2021 Quilt Along.  The theme this year is "curves".  how fun.
SUCCESS! I made a special quilt for under my TV

I'm going to join in this years QAL.   The theme is a sampler, so it will be making pieced and appliuqed blocks but they all have to be different.  I'm going to do 16 blocks I think, 8 of each.

You can register here until January 20th on Cecile's Blog.  It should be a lot of fun!

I received a Chia pet from my thoughtful and nostalgic son for Christmas.  I named her Harriet and here is her journey:
So I'm off to start tackling some of my 2022 intentions.
Stay safe, healthy and warm!


  1. I think you did a fantastic job in 2021. And, I know 2022 is going to be the best ever. I think the 2022 list should say 1) have a one woman show in a museum and teach at a fabulous show in Maine - oh wait... both of those are a "check". See, you are on a roll!! I love Harriet. There could be no better Chia than a hedgehog!

  2. You did some amazing quilts in 2021. Here's for another year of more wonderful quilts. ;^)

  3. I’d say you had a successful year!! May 2022 bring you peace and joy!

  4. omigosh....a beautiful photo journal....i doubt many other quilters finished their hoped for projects for 2021....i know i didn't...LOL

  5. You had a wonderful year! Beautiful quilts!

  6. Wow, you are sure ahead of me! Love both Whig Rose quilts, that is on mybuxket list! Well, ptobablyjust one block for these aging hands. Perhaps as a medallion? Who knows.

  7. You've got a great head start on 2022 projects! I need to take a cue from you and start making smaller quilts. :-)

  8. I love Flat Stanley! Of course, your finishes and intentions are beautiful too. It will be a fantastic 2022.

  9. I think you did very well with your goals. I’m such a slacker I never set goals. You made some fabulous, beautiful things in 2021 and I look forward to all you make in 2022!

  10. You scored on so many goals. I'd say it was a winning year! Your quilts are always fun and/or meaningful. I appreciate the whimsy and the thought behind them.
    Oh, the chia pet! My daughter's family used to have a pet hedgehog. A neighbor was holding it once and dropped it on a hard surface. It didn't live much longer after that. Very sad. But what a perfect chia!
    I am so excited that you have your own show. And what is this that Wendy referred to about teaching in Maine?!?

  11. Given last year’s circumstances I think you did very well! Beautiful finishes.

  12. You got a lot done this past year! yay for you!!! I have no doubt you will finish up the rest in good time.

  13. Wow you are bold to put your intentions - and the results - right there on your blog! I make a list every January, with goals etc., which does help! Congratulations on a great year! Stay warm and safe!

  14. I think considering the past two years, we should all just be glad with sticking with quilting, any quilting! Love your Chrome Sweet Chrome especially. All that yummy hand quilting!

  15. Woauuuh ! It's a parade of beautiful quilts and projects !
    Congratulations for your fabulous work !
    And thank you for your participation in QAL this year again !!

  16. Looks like you are focusing on quality over quantity. Lower your standards and you will get more done. Just kidding, keep doing what you are doing. You are doing great! So many beautiful quilts, award winning too!

  17. Wow, Barb, you had a great year with your beautiful award-winning quilts! Looking forward to 2022 and seeing more great finishes. Have fun with Cecile's SAL. I'll be watching from afar :) Love Harriet. I think deep down I always wanted a Chia pet, lol! And Flat Stanley makes me smile :)

  18. My list always seems to be longer than what I can actually finish too! You created some beautiful quilts last year and here’s to several more in 2022! Love love love Harriet!


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