
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Bits and Pieces

This year I decided to hang my Asian Grandmothers Flower Garden in our BR for the winter months.
It's nice to see an older quilt get a little display time.  I hand quilted this EPP quilt in 2009.  My friends thought I was crazy.  EPP was not popular at that time.
It has one of my favorite backs.   I only had a half yard of that asian print, so I created a window effect.  I also matched the sleeve, which is my preferred sleeve application.

Last week I delivered my quilts to The New England Quilt Museum.    I had a nice morning with Pam.  I helped her move the other quilts that will on display and we checked 26 of mine in.

Click the photo for a link to the Museum

What a great job to be able to see all the quilts that come to the museum!

The museum is in an old bank building, complete with a quilt vault!
I'm working on Cecile' and Corine's sew along and pieced two more blocks yesterday.  They are very simple blocks to go with the folk art applique'.
My current movie project is Alfred Hitchcock.  Here is my very messy coded list.  It has been very entertaining and interesting.  Half the fun is trying to find where to watch them for free.  Today I'm off to the library to pick up DVDs.
On sunday I (re)watched North by Northwest while doing a little applique on Jill's quilt.  It may be my favorite. 
Have you been playing Wordle?  It is a little challenging but very fun.  Here is the link if you want to play.  You can also play on your phone.
Well, that's about all I have to report at the moment.  I hope you are staying well and warm.

I think Nutmeg has the right idea on getting through January.


  1. It must be so exciting to have your quilts on display in the quilt museum! What an achievement! I tried Wordless for the first time today..solved it in 4 tries. This could become addictive! Nutmeg looks very comfortable.

  2. I forgot to say I like your EPP quilt …nice to put the older quilts out on display once in a while.

  3. OMG .... how wonderful for you to have many quilts on display and in the museum! Oh, I so wish I could be there to enjoy them all. That EPP quilt is lovely. I always put up my old quilts along with my new ones. I have a Lone Star that was my first large quilt up and despite it's wonkiness, I still love it.

  4. To see a body of work done by one quilter in a display like yours will be is really a treat- for the viewers and the quiltmaker! Nutmeg- so smart!! Thanks for the reminder about North by Northwest- I need to go find it for free viewing, too.

  5. Would be so wonderful to see your quilt on proper display....

  6. My son took a winter term called the Art of Hitchcock! We enjoyed a few of them!
    Super exciting to have your quilts displayed at the museum! Yay!

  7. Remember to let me know if you can't find some of the more obscure films. I think most of them are in the set. I cannot wait to see your quilts!!! I'm not sure if I ever told you, but seeing "My Mother's Garden" again reminded me that when I first saw it in the ASQ magazine after it won, I immediately said, "I need to meet this person!". I love everything about it. And lucky me that I didn't have to wait too long to actually meet you!

  8. i miss going to the museum...and yours will be a wonderful exhibit no doubt! can't go wrong with hitchcock...

  9. Congratulations on your Quilt exhibit!

  10. I love that hexi quilt! You were ahead of your time! Oh how wonderful that you are having quilts shown at the museum. They are lucky to have you! Yessss I've been playing Wordle. I like that it just comes around once a day. Just something fun to keep up with.

  11. Congrats on your show at the NEQM. Wish I lived close enough to visit. It's great to see photos of quilts but so much better to see them in person.
    I watched a number of Hitchcock's movies but didn't realize there were so many. What a fun project.
    So, about Jill's quilt. I love it and everything about it, especially that the silhouettes are not proportional in size to each other. I want to make one similar to it. Wherever did you find the silhouettes, or maybe you drew them free hand? And what size is the background?
    I had heard of wordle but had not played until tonight. I thought it was pretty hard so I was surprised to figure out the word on the fifth try.
    Your sweet Nutmeg. Cats sleep in such unusual positions sometimes and I often wonder how it can possibly be comfortable.

  12. So exciting! The quilts look so good, I wish I could
    see them in person

  13. What a delight for you and everyone who gets to view your quilts in person.

  14. Did your friends think you were crazy for doing EPP or for hand quilting it--or both? Think it is a beautiful quilt! It deserves some "hang time".
    I think I started my first EPP project in 1997 or 98. Just finished it in 2020--and I think I was crazy. ;)
    I am so excited for your show--and I so wish I could see it in person! Hope you will share LOTS of photos when it opens.
    I read down your list of movies. I think I have 10 of those in my collection, but there are so many of those listed that I have never seen.
    Have never heard of Wordle.
    Nutmeg seems to be sending a message--leave me alone!

  15. I think Nutmeg has the right idea, January is for hibernating! I love the Asian quilt, don't believe I've seen it before. All those beautiful fabrics invite a closer look and contemplation.

  16. How marvellous to have your quilts displayed at the NEQM! Wish I could come see them!

  17. I'm looking forward to seeing at least snippets of your quilt exhibit online! I had no idea Hitchcock directed so many movies - I admire your ambition to see as many as possible.

  18. It's so nice to see your Asian GFG hanging in your bedroom. What a stunning quilt--front and back! My goodness! Look at all those quilts that will be on display at NEQM--congratulations! Alfred Hitchcock?? Hmmm . . . I think I've only seen two--Psycho which has stayed with me all these years--and The Birds. My daughter just introduced me to Wordle :) Nutmeg looks so comfy all curled up!

  19. What a lovely experience for you, taking your body of quilts in for a display! I hope you get to go and browse while there are people enjoying them.:)

  20. What fun you have been having. Did you know that Rebecca has been redone recently? We have found a lot of these on YouTube, and Tubi. Tubi has commercials.

  21. Congratulations on getting a show of your quilts at the New England Quilt Museum! It would be SO nice to have a museum in our area, where quilts could be shown. You're very fortunate to have such access. I agree that back in 2009, few quilters were doing EPP. I knew of a couple who were, but they were using 1930s reproduction prints in theirs... all Grandmother's Flower Garden too. I happened across North by Northwest last week, and passed right by it. Now I wish I'd watched! I've never seen all the Alfred Hitchcock movies. What a task you've set for yourself! I just found Wordle a few days ago. Seems like it's a hot trend, right? I love word games, so it's right up my alley. Have fun!

  22. I so wish I could come to see your quilts in the museum! It is such a great place! I just heard of Wordle for the first time yesterday and now again! I think I will check it out.

  23. Congratulations on the opening of your show at the museum, Barb! Such a wonderful experience for you. Wishing I lived close enough to go see your quilts in person!

  24. Congrats on having your quilts displayed that the New England Quilt Museum! I visited there a few years back and would love to go again!

  25. How exciting to have your quilts displayed in the Museum!! So wish I could get there. I love Alfred Hitchcock movies too. Enjoy!


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