
Friday, February 4, 2022

Year of the Tiger! 🐯

 I was born under the Tiger in 1962.  Yep, I'm turning 60.  Seems like only 10 years ago I was 50.

🐯🐅In the Chinese zodiac, a woman born in the Year of the Tiger is independent, solicitous and a born leader.  She seeks a partner who equally matches her strong qualities, yet still respects her need for freedom and autonomy.  I got blessed with Mr. Fun.

Speaking of  Tigers - the Cincinnati Bengals are in the superbowl for the first time in over 30 years!  woo hoo!!!
My soon to be son in law is from Cincinnati so we are super excited!

Around the house:
My final amaryllis bloomed.  This is Apple Blossom - pretty.
We survived the big snow storm.  I'm so grateful for Mr. Fun who always works hard without complaint.
It was very pretty when it was all over.
On Sunday I made a family favorite:  Toms Pork Chops in the crockpot.  Hearty comfort food.  I'll add the recipe at the end of this post.
I made two more crochet hats with pom poms as gifts.
I've done very well on my Hitchcock viewing thanks to the library.
I have watched 34 so far!  I will give a final top ten report after I see the remaining five I intend to watch. I can not watch the silent ones.
For now the next few weeks, I'll be watching the Beijing Olympics! 
Curling is one of my favorite sports.  I saw the Italy/Norway match last night.  Since I am a quarter Italian I cheered for  Italy who is 3-0 after defeating Norway.
My current wordle stats:
I will leave you with this sweet little photo I took on my way into the house the other day.  This is my little bunny garden figure.   It looks like a groundhog popping up to check things out.
Stay well and warm!

Tom's Pork Chops  (named for the boat cook Tom Jensen)
4-6 pork chops, I like bone in, but I couldn't get them last week.
1 onion
1 lb mushrooms
olive oil
1 can cream of mushroom soup (I used low sodium)
1 can cheddar cheese soup
1/2 cup white wine
  • Brown pork chops in olive oil and butter on both sides, add to crock pot.  
  • Add more butter if necessary and brown the mushrooms and onions for about 10 minutes and add to pot.
  • Mix the soups and wine and pour over the top and toss with chops.
  • Cook on high 4-5 hours or low 8-10
  • I serve them over egg noodles with vegetables and cranberry sauce.


  1. There are lots of fun things in this post! The meal looks yummy and the hats are adorable! I have not succumbed to Wordle yet.....looking for less screen time, not more! though it looks fun! I am not into the Olympics this year and forgot that they are coming up! I do love the curling though.....

  2. That little rabbit is so cute!! Olympics are off the table for me this year. Have a great weekend!

  3. Always lots of fun in your posts :0) Such a pretty amaryllis.

  4. The amaryllis looks amazing in front of your hot flash quilt. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Happy Quilting!

  5. those pork chops sound really good--and easy!! Thanks for sharing.
    hugs, Julierose

  6. Your Wordle stats are similar to mine. That bunny photo is so cute.

  7. I think I started following you about the time you were working on your Jubilee quilt. Can’t believe it’s been 10 years already. Where oh where did the time go.

  8. Econ 101 LIFO comments - OMG, I am so going to make Tom's pork chops. Got beef stew in there now... Spent Groundhog's Day with 2nd and 3rd graders. So happy that the teachers are celebrating this day with them. (Do you know that groundhog burrows have 2 rooms - one to sleep and hang out in, and the other is the bathroom. The kids loved this fact.) Live a Colorful Life Got me hooked on Wordle. Just love it! Need to tune into the Olympics and Hitchcock. Wonder if I can convince DH to do a marathon like yours. Gorgeous hats and snow pics! And welcome to the Super 60's! My daughter is a Tiger like you. I got her the Year of the Tiger stamps from the post office. They are beautiful, bright and fun, just like the two of you!

  9. “60’s” was a great decade for me because of good health and a lifetime of accumulated wisdom. I did, however, become much more aware of the passage of time and the need to use it well. Be sure to cherish each day!😊. Thanks for taking the time to share your journey on your blog!

  10. It's always fun to see what's happening with you. After reading your title, all I keeping hearing in my head is the Eye of the Tiger song from Rocky.

  11. your hats are adorable! and congrats on another birthday...who cares what the number is, more birthdays are always good and mean more quilting!

  12. Oh, so many fun things here!
    Very pretty blossoms on your final plant to bloom.
    Glad you weathered the storm! And I love your hats.
    I will be interested to learn your top Hitchcock picks--once the Olympics are over. Watching the opening ceremonies as I type this.
    I am fascinated by curling. When the Olympics were in Salt Lake City 20 years ago we tried to get into curling. It was at a venue just 45 minutes away. But the only tickets available were from scalpers and I just couldn't afford those prices for my whole family.
    I tried Wordle once, and it was fun, but I'd have to drop out of Words with Friends to do it, and I don't want to do that to the cousins and friends with whom I play. And long ago I told myself I could only do one digital game.
    Love the bunny head popping up through the snow. :)

  13. Chinese zodiac - definitely fun! My oldest son is also a Tiger. Rooting for the Bengals here, as two of their top players were LSU Tigers. ;-) Tom's pork chops sound like they're right up my hubby's alley; will have to give them a try - thanks for the recipe! Can't wait to hear your Hitchcock reviews. Your hats make me think about knitting a hat of my own, but I'll probably just procrastinate until Spring!

  14. Yummy looking comfort food, on such a beautiful winter day. Happy birthday (soon?). I love playing Wordle;).

  15. Hubby and I were both born in the year of the rabbit, 11 1/2 years apart. He's my best friend, companion and beloved. Sending you Happy Birthday greetings! You go, Tiger!

  16. I always enjoy seeing variety in blog posts, and you've got this in spades! Or should I say "shovels." Ha! So glad you have a hubs to snow-blow for you. Shoveling was never an enjoyable job, in my opinion. Time passes more quickly, the older you get. I can sure attest to that! Still, happy 60th! I'm almost a decade older than you. As for the Olympics, we're all about curling too, and rarely watch any other sport. I pegged Sweden as a winner, and they're in medal contention, as is Italy, so I wish you happiness for "your team." We're really looking forward to the men's play, and US hopes. Your Wordle stats look good! I've haven't gotten two yet - well done you! But I've never had six either. :-) I look forward to playing it each day.

  17. Yay us for Year of the Tiger and turning 60 - eeeek! It doesn’t seem that long ago that we participated in making a quilt for our 50ths. Love your little bunny peeking out of the snow. It’s been mild here but hotting up again for next week.

  18. Year of the Tiger sounds like a good one to me! We'll be rooting for the Bengals, too. We got a lot of snow in that storm and it looks so pretty. Love your hats! I'm on and off with Wordle. It's definitely fun to get it right :)

  19. The recipe looks good - I'm going to copy it. BTW, I'm Norwegian, so I would have been hoping they would win in curling, but i can't get very excited with the curling sport (if you can call it that). Sorry for the comment. If the Norwegians invented it, I wouldn't exactly be proud. Wow! I'm really rude, since you like it. I'm thinking about trying Wordle. I just recently found out about it and it seems a lot of people are playing it. I don't know if I'm smart enough! BTW, Lori from Humble Quilts is going to speak at my quilt guild in April!!!


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