
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Baby Boy Quilt

 Off it went today to a new home for a sweet boy named Warren.

It was made with two different swap blocks; the star and the churn dash.  The tutorials for those are still on my blog below the header.  I love how the bright buttercup yellow really set off the blue blocks.

the back - pretty wild, huh?  Sadly I had to piece it, but that's okay.

I included a snowman because he was born in January.
One lesson I have learned using solids with white is that it is always a good idea to grade the seams.  This means I trim back the seam allowance so it won't shadow on the front.
makes a little mess, but worth it!
I used teacher bulletin borders to mark the wavy lines.

Miss mischief was so happy to keep me company. 

She has no regard to being in my way.  

I machine quilted it very slowly - the curve was very curvy.  
I've been doing really well this year watching the movies.   So many are available on streaming platforms.  I do miss going to the theater and will go more in the future.
So far my favorites have been The Power of the Dog and The Lost Daughter.  I haven't filled in my ballot yet.  

If you like films and podcasts these are my two favorites:  

they can be found where ever you get your podcasts.  I use an Apple iphone, so I use Apple.

Coco and I went to the Sound today and she had her first swim of the season.

Tomorrow I'm off to MA to visit the New England Quilt Museum with some friends and to visit my quilts again.  I'm going again on Saturday with my boys.  

Thank you to everyone who sent me a comment or email with concern for  Rich.  He is doing very well and we so appreciated all of your well wishes.

until next time~


  1. What a wonderful gift for baby Warren!! LOVE the mix of blocks and that wild backing fabric!!

  2. Congratulations on finishing this lovely quilt. I'm sure Warren will appreciate the snowman (especially if there isn't a lot of snow where he lives). The bulletin border trick is very smart. That's for sharing that great tip. Happy to know Rich is doing well now. ;^)

  3. What a clever idea, the wavy it and the quilt.

  4. So glad to hear your husband is doing well. When you go to the museum, do other people visiting know who you are? I’m not sure if I would just listen to what others say about my quilts or if I would tell them I made them. Enjoy your visits with your quilts and your fans!
    Warren will love his quilt! I made the colourful star!

  5. It is a great quilt for a little guy. The blues and cheddar just work magic together, and I like that the churn dash blocks are not placed in a pattern, but just seem to pop up wherever. The wavy lines of quilting are a nice effect.
    Look at you go on the movies!
    Hope you have a great time at the museum with your friends. How fun to share that experience.
    Glad to hear Rich is doing so well!

  6. Really neat little boy baby quilt!! That back will keep his little eyes busy for sure;)))
    Happy to hear that rich is making progress..have fun on your trip to see your quilt hugs, Julierose

  7. Glad Rich is doing good.
    Love your baby quilt! Have a fun museum visit!1

  8. Those colors are amazing on the baby quilt. Everyone is going to love it. Hope you had fun at the museum with your friends. That's the best way to share the joy of seeing your quilts again. Thanks for the idea of the bulletin board edging to make those scallops. Brillant!

  9. Love that little yellow quilt! Your idea for using the teacher's bulletin borders for marking is novel and wonderful! Thanks for that idea!

  10. Thanks for the wavy border trick!! I could have used that a couple weeks ago. Instead I ordered a stencil. I'll be on the lookout for those teacher bulletin board borders.
    Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  11. What a wonderful quilt for a little guy and the yellow is perfect for setting off the blocks. You are so clever to use bulletin board borders as quilting patterns! I'm glad to hear that Rich is doing well. Have fun at the museum :)

  12. I spy my swap block in that quilt;). The yellow is terrific and what a genius idea to use that bulletin board trim as a stencil. The backing is SO wild and wonderful. I wish I could meet up with you at NEQM! Glad you can visit your quilts more than once, and see friends too!

  13. hope the other 1/2 is doing well now......

    the baby boy quilt is lovely.......lucky boy.......

  14. What a terrific finish... love the buttercup yellow! Great way to use up scraps blocks!
    Mine are still waiting for inspiration to come along.
    You are doing great with your movie watching - you should get to vote since you have seen so many and can compare!

  15. I recognize those blocks! What a cheerful quilt.

  16. What a great baby boy quilt! I'm so glad to hear your hubby is doing well -- and that you are too!

  17. Thank you for sharing how you created the waves. Clever Barb!



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