
Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Life....You Know what I mean?

It's what happens when you are making other plans. 
I've been away from things for about 2 weeks.  Mr. Fun was in the hospital for almost 5 days with a transient stroke.   It was very scary and it took a little time to determine what was happening, but thankfully he is okay and doing really well.

No permanent health issues.  New diet guidelines and reducing stress is the priority right now.

I'm so grateful for my family and Yale hospital.
While doing laps in the Atrium of  Yale, New Haven Hospital I admired the beautiful artwork.  This sculpture is at the entry of the Children's Wing.

I even found a quilt made with masks. 
I'm grateful for my son, Andrew, who is a nurse in the Yale Health System.  He was there to support me and knew all the right questions to ask.
I'm grateful for Hanna and David who came up from Washington DC to help with food, pets and to take care of everyone here at the house.  (I was starting to take down the angel tree, when the whole thing started, so it had to wait.  It is down now.)
Here is another sculpture that was labeled a quilt at the Hospital.
Thank you as well to all the family members and friends for  their concern and support.  

This is a little dolly quilt that I made for Diane B.  I don't know how many are in her collection now, but it must be over 15 Birthday Doll Quilts.
Do you remember Miss Lollipop from Avon?  I still love the smell of this girly cologne.

I've been having a sore back, so not much quilting going on.  I started a crochet scarf for  NEXT winter.
I picked up this yarn at Joann's.
A doll quilt that I made in 2002.  Hand appliqued and hand quilted.
Hurry Spring!  We need you.


  1. Oh Barb I am so sorry to hear about Rich. You must have have been so scared. My esp must have been going off, I just sent you a note!

  2. I’m glad to hear that your husband will be OK. I’m sure it was a very scary time for him as well as you and the kids. Sending well wishes for continued recovery and better days ahead.

  3. Oh my goodness what a stressful scary time. It's so good your kids could be right there to help in different ways. And that you live near excellent health care! It's nice when hospitals provide artwork and places to walk - both important respites.

  4. I'm sorry to hear of your husband's health scare (which of course affects the whole family), but happy to know the outlook is good. Sending positive thoughts and vibes to all of you!

  5. A stroke, and especially not knowing what it was to begin with, must have been so scary. So glad to learn your husband is doing well and that you had good support and that everything at home was taken care of. Ugh to the sore back. Stress-related, maybe? Take good care of yourself! Both doll quilts are gorgeous!

  6. So thankful that he is so much better! Also thankful that you had your family with you. Happy almost Spring!!

  7. So glad to hear that he is doing okay, Barb. Life can get so scarey, so quickly. ;000
    Wonderful that your children came home to be there for you and your DH. When my DH was transported into hospital during the big snow storm my two were able to drop and come, too--what a relief to have them here.
    Best wishes for continued good health-- hugs, Julierose

  8. Oh my goodness! That had to have been scary! Sure is nice having a medical professional in the family. Glad he is on the mend.

  9. Oh Barb, scary for you and pleased Mr Fun is making good progress.
    Sending hugs to you and your family.

  10. Wishing Rich a speedy recovery. Glad to hear you have lots of family support.

  11. Having family close during scary times is such a relief and needed support. Having your son there to walk uoi both through the complicated health system was a blessing. I'm glad to hear that Rich is doing better and will be okay. The yarn name made me laugh.

  12. I am so glad that Rich is ok and on the mend!

  13. Wow Sending quilty love to you two xo

  14. Sorry to hear you went through such a very rough patch. Life stories are scarier than horror movies. In the movies, you know it will end well, in life, well ... you and Rich are the lucky ones. And I'm happy that he is pulling through. Also glad that your son and daughter were there to help you. My heart, my prayers are going out to you both, as you slowly settle back into "normal" life. Take care, sweetie. xox ;^)

  15. So happy to hear your hubby is recovering and now doing well. Life - we've been experiencing some of that ourselves, praying for a similar outcome and hopefully a return to a semblance of normal soon. Take care and cherish each day.

  16. Oh, Barb! That is so scary but happy to hear Rich is on the mend. Glad the kids were able to help during this time and to have Andrew at the hospital, well, that was perfect :) Love the crochet scarf you are making for-- next year! Sweet little quilt for Diane and I'm so looking forward to Spring!

  17. So scary and stressful for you and your family! Glad to hear Mr Fun is recovering well. Good to keep your hands busy while you are waiting and sitting with your husband at the hospital. Take care!

  18. I just started following your blog after your presentation for us at The Applique Society. I wondered why so few posts and now I know. So sorry you & your family had to go through this but I'm thankful to hear that the outlook is good. Wonderful to know family will surround you with love and care. Don't forget to take care of yourself as you take care of Mr. Fun.

  19. I’m so glad that your husband is OK and you will both learn from this warning. It sounds like you have good support and we’re able to find some beauty in this stressful time.

  20. Barb, I’m sending you a hug and hoping that your husband enjoys a full recovery. Count your blessings and hold your family close. Thinking of you…

  21. so glad serious illness avoided....teaching hospital always the best...modern medicine has benefited so many...i wouldn't be here without it...nor 2 of my siblings and countless others...kudos to your family for quick attention, makes all the difference...

  22. So, so glad to hear Mr. Fun is doing well!!! You are so right that “life happens” (speaking both personally and as a retired doctor!) and it’s great that you have family and friends for support. Hope you get some time to relax after all the stress.

  23. Oh Barb, I’m so sorry to read this... and glad your husband is on the mend ! Oh la la ... A great thing that Andrew was with you at the hospital and Hannah at your home !
    Pfewwww.... what pressure !
    I’m sending you huge hugs ❤😘

  24. Glad Mr. Fun is on the mend! Thank goodness for our children at this point in our lives!

  25. Sending hugs and prayer for you and your dear family, Barb.

  26. Sorry for what you and your family are going through. So glad Mr. Fun is doing well. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs

  27. I understand what you're going through my husband had a stroke 7 years ago at 57. He hasn't been able to work since but we a grateful that we have been able to adjust, adapt and overcome. There are days that are very frustrating and days that are great but thankful we still have days together.
    Hang in their. Wishing your family an easy adjustment. Hope your back feels better soon. I had that a few weeks ago, not fun.

  28. I’m so glad to hear Mr Fun is going to be alright! How wonderful to have your family near for support. I hope your back is feeling better soon!

  29. Oh how scary. I’m glad everything is ok, but I know TIA’s can be confusing and frightening. Good to get on a healthy program. I love your little show and tell. Yes I think we’re all about ready for Spring!

  30. Keeping your husband and you in my prayers. Such good news is precious and Spring holds much promise for your family.

  31. So sorry you all have gone through this but glad your husband is doing better. Very scary indeed. ❤

  32. So sorry you all have gone through this but glad your husband is doing better. Very scary indeed. ❤

  33. Oh, my goodness, Barb. I am very sorry to hear about what you and your husband have been going through! What a blessing to have your son there to ask the right questions and be able to clarify things for you. And the rest of your family close at hand, taking care of things on the home front for you--bless them all. Also a blessing that your husband is doing well and will have no lasting problems, but so scary when you are in the middle of it!
    That is such a meaningful sculpture for the Children's Wing. Very touching.
    And I do like that quilt from masks, and the plaque honoring the mask makers.
    The doll quilt for Diane is a beaut! Such nice work, Barb!
    A painful back can put a wrench in so many plans. Hope it isn't a long-term thing for you.
    We had a couple of days of Spring--then Winter returned. Supposed to get to about 2 degrees tonight. Brrrr!!

  34. Oh no! Sorry to hear this happened, but best wishes for good health and warm sunny skies for all! Hope your back gets better, too!

  35. Oh Barb… the hardest past is over.. Lucky Mom to have 2 children so devoted to their parents
    Good recovering to Mr Fun
    Xoxo Barb
    Veronique PRAT

  36. Sorry to hear about your husband but so glad that he is one the mend with no lasting damage. You certainly had a lot of support which is great. Loved seeing all of the art from the hospital. Be sure to take care of yourself.

  37. I'm very sorry to hear what you've been dealing with, but happy for you to have Andrew around to help get everything sorted, and Hanna and David to take care of things (and a dog!) at home. You've had a lot on your plate. But isn't it interesting that in between worries, you can turn to creating - as many of us do when seeking solace. Glad you have a new crochet project to keep you going.

  38. You have been through a lot! Good to know DH is feeling better now, and that you have had plenty of help.
    Take good care,
    Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  39. So glad to hear that Mr. Fun is doing better. What a scare that was for your family... and him!
    I enjoyed seeing the Mother Daughter sculpture, and that mask quilt... brilliant!

  40. Glad that he's on the mend. A scary time for you....but you found quilty goodness!

  41. Spring is right around the corner! Prayers that the Fun family is feeling well and healthy. Its a bonus when are kids are grown, responsible adults and can pitch in when needed. Hugs!



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