
Monday, April 18, 2022

Hooray for Spring!

What am I doing with my time?  Spring stuff, I guess.
I posted this quilt on IG recently.  It is a fan quilt that I made Hanna when she was three years old. (1996)  Each fan has a different color story or theme.
  I has a cute backing and I machine quilted it.  It has held up nicely!
Well, taxes are done and I also audited all our old tax files.  This led to lots of shredding.
The shredded actually starting smoking at one point.
I made a lemon cake to take guild.  I forget how good a simple bundt cake can be.
I also baked a Red Velvet Birthday Cake for  my son, Andrew.
My nephew, Nick,  was visiting from Colorado to help celebrate.  Three Vedder guys. 
I potted some pansies.
I saw this adorable photo on FB of my baby quilt in use!
I hope you all had a Happy Passover or Happy Easter.  It was a joy to attend Easter Service after three long years.   After the church the bells in  tower rang out for a full 10 minutes and it was glorious!
Happy Spring at long last!


  1. I hope it is spring soon! We had a frost this morning!!!! My pansies look pretty droopy. As usual all your recipes look scrumptious. I have a fan quilt on my list to make, I love your colors. Happy birthday to Andrew! The cousins look like brothers.

  2. lovely post...sounds like an idyllic day...i had some of that paper doll fabric in lilac...sooo cute!

  3. Thanks for sharing your Fan quilt. It's gorgeous! It is so scrappy and colourful and the little rose buds are the perfect finishing touches. Great job! Lemon Bundt cake! Oh! My! I haven't had that in such a long time. Why do we forget to make the good old recipes. You know I have to bake one now, haha! Happy Birthday to Andrew. There's definitively a family air to the cousin. Can't deny the relationship. You understand that the show stealer is that gorgeous baby. What an adorable face. ;^)

  4. I would imagine that a three year old would have a wonderful time looking at all the fabrics In your fan quilt! The baby obviously loves the quilt you made. Your baking looks delicious. Happy Easter and Happy Spring!

  5. The fan quilt is beautiful and has stood the test of time, ready now for a future grandbaby. We have some of that very backing fabric in our quilt ministry stash, fun to know its vintage now. We're beginning to wonder if spring is just a figment of our imagination, 18 degrees here in WNY this morning with 7-8 inches of snow in the forecast, sigh.

  6. What a fun post to read today. The baby and your gift quilt is adorable. Enjoyed the picture of the Vedder boys. I love red velvet cake too. And, I wish I could have heard the bells.

  7. Spring is making her presence known. Your photos are great with all of your various activities. Hooray for Spring.

  8. I just made a lemon poppyseed Bundt cake with a glaze (and a syrup) for Easter!! Delicious! Nice to see your fan quilt - fans are a favorite of mine and I’ve made 4 quilts with them with maybe more to come 🙂. Happy Spring to you!

  9. A very cute fan quilt for your little Hannah. It appears to me to have held up VERY well! Love the backing fabric!
    I've jammed plenty of shredders in my time, but I've never had one smoke. You were doing some serious shredding!
    Two delicious sounding (and looking) cakes.
    A great photo of the happy-to-be-together Vedder guys.
    Such a sweet shot of the baby quilt in use by an adorable baby.
    Looks like you attend a beautiful church. Would love to hear those bells!

  10. What a happy fan quilt. It is beautiful and so much fun with the theme fabrics. Those men look so happy! Who wouldn't be with someone to make them cake and adorable decorations! Don't you just love seeing your quilts in use. That little munchkin looks so happy on that beautiful quilt!!

  11. Oh, what a sweet fan quilt for Hanna! It still looks 'brand new.' Cute backing! I should do some serious shredding, too! Happy Birthday to Andrew.There's no denying that the three Vedder guys are related! Nice to see your baby quilt with such a happy little guy on top :) Ten minutes of church bells sounds absolutely heavenly :)

  12. Driving west through OK today, round about way home from visiting grands. Added to my stash, that is the only "quilting" going on this week. Good to see what you are up to.

  13. Sweet quilts across generations. The baking sounds delicious!

  14. Love the fan quilt, I want one!
    so simple but graphic (does that make sense ?)
    Anyway I really like it : )


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