
Monday, May 2, 2022

Hey Hey It's May

It's Not Pie!
  When my friend Nancy Strife first said this expression I didn't really get it.   The concept is so simple and clear.   I really changed the way I thought about things.  It is a sentiment that I wish would take deeper root here in America (again).

I machine quilted it with variegated thread.
When finish I felt it fought a little with the liberated lettering, so I filled in all spaces, essentially doubling the quilting.   I like it better, what do you think?
I used this large bright floral on the back.
I decided to finish it with a facing.  I tried this method with triangles in the corners that I found on YouTube.  It was okay.  If you have a good method please share a link with me.  I want to get better at this technique.

Crazy photo of my cat, Nutmeg.
She likes to go out my sewing room window and watch the birds.  Yikes.   I'm always afraid she'll get picked off by a hawk or fall.  The yard is like 3 stories down.  I've put the screens back in.
I hit a milestone playing Wordle.   My stats will never look like this again.  I hope I haven't jinxed myself.
I'm off to Atlanta to stay with Diane of Butterfly Threads Quilting and do a program and teach in person for her guild later this week!   It is so nice to be getting together with guilds again.
I wish you a happy week.


  1. Sweet quilt and I love the sentence "it's not pie" !! :))
    Nutmeg is a naughty girl ! Tell her for me please !
    It's soooo wonderful to stay with Diane and teach a class this week ! Give her a hug for me .. Hug for you too ! xo

  2. I didn't get it at first either. Then after thinking about it for a minute..I did! I love it! Great sentiment and a great quilt!

  3. Cat on a chilly shingled room (rather than hot tin)? The quilt is wonderful, Barb! (Entry for QuiltCon 2023?) Enjoy the trip to Atlanta.

  4. I love your quilt and its timely sentiment. Oh Nutmeg! Wordle - I'm hooked too - and my favorite variation is Worldle (geography) and for an extra challenge, Quordle. I'm glad you are getting out and traveling!

  5. Nice design.. more need to think of this........ Have fun with your class

  6. One of my favorites of yours! I love this saying and you have worked your magic to make it really "sing"! Have fun with Diane! And get Nutmeg off that roof - what a crazy cat!

  7. Your “word” quilt is so inspiring! I really need to make one and I’ve got the phrase I want to use ready. Can you recommend a book or tutorial for doing letters? I enjoy Wordle too and do it regularly, but have missed an occasional day so don’t have an actual “streak” going, but I’ve also never lost!

  8. I love this quilt! (Of course I love all of your quilts :). Wish more people supported this sentiment. And yes, super glad the screens are back in place. Silly Nutmeg. My kitties are loving hanging out in the screened in porch. Between the bird feeders and the squirrels, they're very entertained.

  9. I tried that type of facing on a small (24x28) wall quilt and I didn't care for how it "warped" the edges into an inward arc. Not a fan. I'll take binding any day. Knife-edge finish if you want something more modern,

  10. Barb, this quilt is just fabulous, and truly never a truer word was stitched. It's not pie! Love it!

  11. Congrats on this great finish! Glad you are telling this world, loud and clear, what it needs to learn. It's not pie indeed. I don't know what you mean by "facing" so I will look it up and learn something new. Thanks! Cats love rooms with a view to kill, haha. WOOOW! on Wordle! No one could have planned that but it happened anyway. Here's to the next 100! ;^)

  12. Great philosophy & great quilt! I'm intrigued by the facing on the back. Have fun with Diane - I imagine y'all will have a wonderful time together!

  13. Love your words quilt. I've been wanting to make one for a few years. The quilt pairs beautifully with the quilt over the chair. Love it!!!! I just recently finished a quilt using facing technique for the first time. I used Terry Asks method. Google her, she has a tutorial on her site.

  14. What a fantastic graphic quilt, Barb! Are all those letters pieced? Love your double line quilting. Curious about the facing technique. Looks like it would be a good one to explore. Oh, that little Nutmeg. So cute on the roof! Congrats on the Wordle streak!

  15. I love your Pie quilt!! Simple concept but the meaning is off the charts! Congrats on your Wordle victories! I'm a bit behind you but I haven't missed one in a very long time. Happy Spring to you!

  16. I think blogger enjoys hiding posts from me. How did I miss this?
    Great quilt, Barb. I've never heard that saying before.Very clever.
    Oh, that would scare me to have a kitty out there!
    Congrats on your Wordle stats! And I hope you had a wonderful time in Atlanta.


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