
Friday, July 1, 2022

60 Birthday Round Up

Birthday Bow Ties - 18" June Monthly Mini

I've been thinking about a chrome or cheddar bow tie little quilt for  a while and this week I needed some nervous sewing time (no comment on the current situations in America).
Birthday Bow Ties - 18" square - blocks are 3 1/2" 

How cute is this backing?
I am continuing to work on my Three Mile Island Quilt.  
This is my favorite block.  So 70s
Randy Danto recommended this book to me, and I loved it.  It is set in the 60s and female centric.  
We've been enjoying wonderful weather here in CT.  Low humidity and nice temperatures.
I had my final  60th Birthday celebration last weekend which included this fabulous cake!
and these gorgeous flowers!
Coco made a great model.   Go to Wendy's blog for  a link to all the merry mini makers.

Happy July Everyone! xo


  1. The back of the bow tie quilt is perfect!

  2. Congrats on this cute little mini quilt. Love that backing fabric. You always have such wonderful fabric. I'm jealous! haha. Three Mile Island's block with the 70's print is my favourite too. Your cake looks so good. enjoy! ;^)

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you;))) I love the little bow tie baby quilt--so wonderful in those colors...I also think that 3-Mile Island piece is great!!
    [And...I agree with the no comment on our Country's direction!! ;(((]
    I am trundling along with my hexie tabletopper project and have the 1st 3 central rows stitched and ready to be joined...
    Aren't we just so lucky to be able to sew away our woes?
    And another beautiful day has arrived--just a squinch
    warmer and more humid--but I'll take it..
    Have a wonderful 4th of July..hugs, Julierose

  4. Happy Birthday, Barb! Your celebrations have been so fun to see. Enjoy those beautiful flowers. I'm sure that amazing cake was already consumed :-) No comments on the state of the country as I find myself almost speechless (not quite) but in shock. So on to the cheddar (heart emoji) and Three Mile Island. You're work is always so inspiring!

  5. The bow ties are great! I just sold mine which is similar to yours, reproduced from an antique quilt in Sisters. Three Mile Island blocks are coming along wonderfully!

  6. Happy 60th! Such a colorful celebration. The pic with the flowers is framing quality. I listened to that book and loved it as well, great characters, especially the dog, 6:30, loved that name, and the dog. Happy Quilting!

  7. The mini is delightful, with the chrome shining from around the bowties. The barn dance backing fabric is so very fun!
    Excellent fussy-cutting of the faces for the Three Mile Island block.
    Your deck looks like a really nice place to enjoy the pleasant weather.
    Now THAT is a birthday cake!! You certainly know how to celebrate a milestone, Barb! :)
    Coco and the quilt are a cute pairing.

  8. That cake looks too good to eat! All the best to you in this new decade!

  9. Love the barn dance fabric on the back of your bright summertime mini! Happy belated birthday!

  10. I LOVE your cheddar mini! I may steal your idea of using cheddar in my July mini🙂. Happy birthday and have a healthy and satisfying first year of your 7th decade, full of quilty and other goodness😊.

  11. I love your mini quilt, the cheddar really does pop out between the other colours. Belated birthday wishes.

  12. That chrome yellow is "electrifying" as John Travolta would say!

  13. Happy Birthday, Barb! That cake was amazing! Love the little bow tie mini. Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blogposts, and your quilts are so inspiring. Strange times in the world, hope it gets better.xxxxx

  14. Hi Barb, love your mini! It looks like it’s blooming in your garden - the colors match! And I agree, it’s a tough time lately. I hope that you had a great birthday! Sorry I couldn’t comment as “me” today, sometimes the internet doesn’t recognize me! Happy 4th!
    Chris in Downers Grove

  15. Happy, happy birthday! That backing fabric on the mini is great; hope you have more of it to use again. Hope that cake was as delicious as it was beautiful.

  16. You have certainly celebrated your special birthday in a big way this year! That cake looks wonderful. Stress sewing is something I do as well…
    Lovely little bow tie quilt. Coco is a great quilt model. She probably has lots of experience!
    Take care. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  17. A striking mini, love how you use the chrome yellow. Looks great with Coco too. The backing is so unusual and fun. Glad you celebrated your birthday in style!

  18. The bowties are adorable! I have yardage of that backing fabric; saving it for the back of an Irish Chain quilt top I made to honor my central Missouri ancestors.

  19. What a wonderful birthday bow tie mini! Love the chrome yellow and the backing. Those 70s-look fabrics are perfect for your TMI quilt--fun! Now that's a birthday cake! Gorgeous flowers!

  20. A very happy birthday to you! Love that cake! Your celebration bow tie mini is fabulous and such a great photo of Coco guarding the treasure! Such an interesting juxtaposition in this post of you reading the book about women's rights in the 60's, making a bow tie quilt, backing it with an old timey barn dance fabric, and the photo of the beautiful woman statue surveying the bow ties - brilliant!

  21. The happiest of birthday wishes to you Barb. Your quilt glows, just like you!

  22. Happy Birthday, Barb! I love your bright mini!

  23. Happy three score! You've made it! Have a wonderful year!


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