
Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Color Wheel Fun is happening here. I'm developing a new workshop using Analogous Colors.

I think I'll call this red hot chili peppers.
Narrowing the color scheme is a fun way to explore values and colors.
I think this one will be really fun.
My boys bought a new boat!  It has taken many months but we have a new Andiamo.
I shared this old quilt in IG. It is a signature quilt I made for Rich 23 years ago.
I had forgotten that it had an early panel on the back.  
In other boating news; my guys headed to Chicago for the annual 333 mile race to Mackinac Island.  It is like taking a first day of school photo each year.
Sadly due to horribly stormy weather they withdrew within hours of starting the race.
Better to be safe, especially since they were down 2 crew members.  They drove up to island and are having a good time anyway.
Can you sense my husbands disappointment? 
Meanwhile, I have been getting ready for  three days of teaching a quilting fun at Maine Quilts.  
I'm teaching three all day workshops:
Pretty Pineapples
Liberated Houses:
Lollipop Garden 
I had a few friends come up for quilt camp while the boys were away.
I think we chatted and ate more than we sewed.  Sounds right, doesn't it?
coco has been enjoying swimming at the lake.  
Nutmeg is watching the hummingbirds.
I hope you are having a wonderful summer!


  1. Good to see what is going on with you! My husband planned for a year a hike across the Presidential Range from Mt. Washington a couple of weeks ago. When they got to the summit, the winds were 75 mph, driving rain, and no visibility so they had to go back down and stop. He was mightily disappointed also. Love to see your classes are going in person! Wish I lived closer.

  2. Maine quilts is coming up fast! How exciting! Looks like some fun color wheel exercises.

  3. I think your husband felt like I would feel if I was all geared up for quilt retreat and it got cancelled! YIKES! Banish the thought! Glad you were able to eke out some fun with friends. Your Maine Quilts 2022 classes look amazing.

  4. Sounds very busy.... Bugger about the race.... Can't control the weather...... How nice to have friends over sewing while they were away.........

  5. Oh and have fun at Maine the quilt looks great your teaching

  6. Sorry to hear that they had to bow out of the race. We’ve had some nasty storms lately. Looks like summer is perking along in your corner of the world. Have fun with teaching your classes.

  7. Last comment from Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  8. Oooh! love all your pretty colour quilts. Hot Chilli Peppers sounds perfect. That sucks for the boys. Weather is so unpredictable now a days. Have fun teaching. ;^)

  9. Analogous color play looks like fun! I'm glad the guys decided to cut short their sailing adventure. We've had some wicked thunderstorms around here, can't imagine what it would be like out in the open water during one.

  10. I like the quilts you're making, especially because as I look at all three of them - partial log cabins, bars, and appliquéd circles - I see many similarities with quilts I've also made. It's so fun to play with color this way. Good for you to have such a nice teaching gig at a quilt show! I think being in Maine during the month of July must feel wonderful. Though, I'm really sorry your fellas didn't get to complete their race. That dark sky sure looked ominous. Personally, I think it would just be nice to be out on a sail boat again. No racing needed! Looks like the new sailboat is really special. Lucky you! I can tell you're really enjoying your summertime activities. Keep doing so.

  11. Your new quilt adventure looks very interesting. I have a couple shelves of plain fabrics, I need to start making something with those. Sorry the guys race was thwarted but better safe than sorry. Good luck at the quilt show. My husband and I both worked with her father-in -law at the phone company. She put on a beautiful show at her church when she lived here. We were all in awe of the quality and quantity of what she showed.

  12. Love Love Love your solids quilts !! So sorry for your boys... They are safe, that's the most important (I think).
    Happy Quilt show and classes Barb with Wendy and Randy !
    Oh, I would have liked to be with you all there.....

  13. Busy days for all the Vedders! The analogous color schemes are beautiful.

  14. I had heard about that bad weather out of Chicago. Sorry they had to withdraw. But glad everyone was safe. Have a great time in Maine.

  15. Very fun and pretty quilts you are creating for your new workshop.
    Had to laugh when I saw the upside down boat in Rich's quilt. Glad their new boat didn't end up that way and they were safe AND sorry.
    Hope Maine Quilts went well for you. It was tempting to come, but it was our first family reunion campout since my Mom passed and I needed to be there.

  16. Lots going on with you and your family! Fun stuff, too! Wish I could have gone to Maine to participate in one of your workshops :) Loving your new quilts in analogous colors. The boat is a beauty! Sorry to hear about the race but it was the right decision not to participate. Glad you enjoyed some time with your quilting friends :)

  17. A new boat - how exciting! Too bad about that weather interruption though! But so much better to be safe! Your saleboat quilt is terrific! I'm sure you and your students had FUN in Maine!

  18. I love the picture of Rich looking longingly at the lake... how disappointing that must have been for them. But that weather looks pretty ominous so better safe than sorry.
    Your classes were a huge success and it was a real treat to be able to actually participate!
    Great to be together in Maine!!
    And so lucky you were able to sew with your friends when Rich and Andrew were away! Love the picture of Coco and Nutmeg... such sweet beings!

  19. I hope you had a great time teaching. You are in good company with the other teachers.


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