
Friday, January 20, 2023

Sweet Retreat!

Happy Friday!  The big stitching has begun! 

I first machine quilted in the ditch all the blocks and arcs......sigh.

I'm making color choices as I go along.  My plan is to do the 4 patch intersections the same way and use black on all the backgrounds.

I got away for  3 days for  a quilting retreat.  It was wonderful.  I always bring a pillow and quilt from home to sleep under if I'm driving.  This one went perfectly with my hotel room decor.

First up, was the tissue covers for  my daughters wedding.  They will be added to the welcome bags.

Retreat Tip:  Doing your cutting at home with fewer distractions.
If you get; you get it.

I was in mass production mode.


they still need pressing - yes, I press them after I put the kleenex in.  See the cover third up from bottom on the right.  That one is pressed.

I made a dolly quilt inspired by Beth's quilt in Yellowstone.

I didn't have the right grey, but I made do.  I also added the yellow floral print.  My sewing neighbor, Alice, agreed it added some sweetness and color.
The way to appreciate a doll quilt is on a doll bed.
I also made a block for  the house sew along.  A hen house.  Here is my sketch.
and my finished block.  The girls are inside laying eggs. ha ha
I'll leave you with this gorgeous photo of sunrise yesterday from my front stoop.
The old saying is true: Red sky in morning, sailors take warning.  The day ended with an electrical storm with lots of lightning and thunder!

Take care and stay well friends!


  1. Your doll quilt is adorable and I love the starry quilt on the hotel bed. I take a quilt & pillow on retreat too. Also when we take a long trip. The double wedding ring quilt is looking amazing. Just the right amount of hand quilting!

  2. Dbl wedding ring is looking beautiful--that is a lot of "in the ditch" sewing!!:000
    Little Dolly quilt looks so sweet on its bed...that WAS quite a huge storm last night--but still no snow to speak of--Winter where have you gone?...Answer: global warming....;000
    hugs, Julierose

  3. I still can't believe you made all those tissue holders!! Bravo! You really make me want to try the big stitch. It is bringing such great texture to your fabulous DWR! What a treasure!

  4. You've been marathon sewing. The big stitching is going to add such wonderful texture and color to the DWQ. Adding a little sweetness to Beth's inspiration quilt would definitely be needed. I'm behind in the series. I'll have to look for the quilt. Sewing all those kleenex cases seemed like a good thing to do at a retreat being surrounded with friends and fun.

  5. I like your plans for quilting the DWR - looking forward to seeing the finished quilt. (I know it will be wonderful!)
    Evening Star was the perfect quilt for your retreat! I love that pattern; it's on my bucket list.

  6. Great progress on the DWR quilt. I love big stitches but I haven't tried it myself yet. Love the quilt you brought to the hotel room. Such a lovely one! 48 tissue covers are a lot of covers. Kudos for getting them all finished. Your doll quilt is charming. I love it. I also enjoyed your hen house. Scrambled eggs for breakfast? ;^)

  7. Loving the big stitch quilting on your DWR. It's always more fun when you can change up the thread colors in a project. Your chickens appear to be in a kerfuffle - fox in the henhouse?

  8. Your big stitch looks great. This is such a dazzling quilt. I agree with your retreat tip - I cut the tip of my finger off when I was sewing with friends. I now NEVER cut out anything when we are together, it all gets done before I leave home. Sweet little doll quilt and the yellow is a nice touch.

  9. How exciting to see the quilting! It will make the quilt truly come alive! Looks like a busy retreat!
    Love the dolly quilt.

  10. Love your sweet finishes. Cute doll quilt!

  11. Big stitch seems to be just right for the DWR quilt and your stitches look excellent! I tried a little big stitching once and, even though I am accomplished at the “regular” hand quilting stitch, I could not get the hang of it! I need to give it another try some time because I do like the look on certain projects. Retreats are such fun and it’s great that the pandemic has receded enough that we can enjoy them again 😊. Excellent doll quilt and house block!

  12. The chickens love their hen house! Big stitch quilting is perfect for the wedding quilt! I like to sleep under one of my own quilts while at a retreat too. What are all the pouches for??? Something for the wedding?

  13. The big stitch on your DWR looks great.
    The bed looks so inviting. I never plan well enough to bring a quilt along for retreat. Love the idea, I just never remember to follow through.
    My jaw dropped at the pile of tissue cases! Wow, Barb! Are you providing gifts for a whole guild, or vending at a quilt show? Or do you just have a whole passel of friends? :)

  14. Oops, I hit publish accidentally with a twitchy finger.
    Love, love, love the doll quilt! An excellent reproduction with a nice twist.
    Your chicken coop block is very fun.

  15. I love reading your posts. It's so cool how you bring a quilt and pillow to a hotel if you are driving. I'm going to start doing that!!! What amazing preparations for your daughter's wedding! Cute doll quilt. No one makes improv fun houses like you! The big stitch quilting is perfect for your DWR. That was a lot of work, to stitch in the ditch, but this quilt will last forever!

  16. You've been busy, Barb! So many good things happening in your world. Love the way your DWR quilt is coming along. You sure have a way of making a hotel room look homey. Oh my, that's a lot of tissue covers! Sweet dolly quilt and it's perfect for that little bed. The hen house block made me smile--what fun!

  17. Nice that you could go on a retreat, and take along your own bedding. It suits the space beautifully. I totally agree about doing cutting at home, ahead of retreat time. It's sort of like making your own kit to work on. You certainly accomplished a lot! So many tissue covers. Oh my! Bet you could make them in your sleep now. I haven't watched Yellowstone, but your little quilt is a good facsimile of the one you showed. Very sweet. Love your outdoor sunrise view. Lucky lady to get to see that each morning!

  18. LOVE your star quilt, inspiration for how to use my Stars In A Time Warp blocks.


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