
Saturday, February 4, 2023

Baby It's Cold Outside

I'm glad I don't live in this log cabin - I bet it is drafty!  It is -7 here in Connecticut this morning.  Yikes!

You might have seen this on my social media, but there is a backstory.  I found a UFO block in "Jill Reid's" box of things that I took home after she passed away.  
I was very happy to rework it so I could have it in my House Quilt Along quilt.   I'm making a Ranch that I think I'll call Vedderstone after the TV series Yellowstone which I have loved to watch.

I'm moving right long doing big stitch quilting on Hanna's wedding quilt.  Less than 2 months to go.  It will be done by the end of February.

I've been cleaning out my quilt stuff and trying to get it more organized.  You can tell which color stacks I've sorted.

When I saw Wendy's (The Constant Quilter) blog, it made me think I wonder what is in my little lunch box?
Well bust my buttons, I have circles in mine too!  and they were from wendy!
Hhhmm, what was the plan for these???
Maybe something like this?
Okay, I have to be honest.  I am not loving these.  Maybe that's why they were put away.  I may have 'unsew' these and come up with a new plan.  

My new movie challenge is watch the 100 Best Black Films to celebrate Black History Month.  I've seen several but if I don't really remember it I will rewatch it.   Yesterday I viewed Malcolm X and it was powerful!  Denzel is one of my favorite actors.

It has already warmed up to -4

Stay warm and well!

p.s.  boo hoo, I didn't get my quilt into the Vermont Quilt Festival.  It filled in 30 mins.  I had trouble with their website so I'm on a waitlist.
boo hoo hoo


  1. Well bust my buttons! I too had forgotten about those Betsy Chutchian circles that I cut from the backs of my blocks. I love the results on your wall. Why do we second guess ourselves? I have already changed the layout of my little circles and I'm only on #35 or 365! I hope Nutmeg will adjust to the loss of the quilt after the wedding! She seems to love it almost as much as I do! Stay warm until we get back to "normal" tomorrow!

  2. Very cold here too. -17 with the wind chill…that’s Celsius. Jill’s log cabin will be a special addition to your house quilt. I love your storage lunch box for the circles. It’s funny how we all come up with our own systems for storing things. Your fabric closet is well on its way to being organized. Your daughter and her fiancé will cherish that special quilt you are making for them. Nutmeg is adding love (and maybe some cat hair) to every stitch!

  3. Can't wait to see "Vedderstone" - great name!
    Thanks for the new movie list. Not sure I'll have time to watch much this month, but it will be a guide for future viewing!

  4. Your Wedding Ring quilt is gorgeous and the lucky couple will adore it! Need to see more of Vedderstone! For your circles, what about a Trip Around the World layout? I'm going to be making another circle quilt in red/neutrals.

  5. Now that's a real log cabin. It is so cute and impressive! Love it. Vedderstone is a great name. The little John Deere box is so cool. I thought it was bigger than I saw the picture with your hand and Wowzer, it is so tiny. I'm a sucker for things like that. Not sure what you don't like about the layout of the button blocks but all I can see is a cute doll quilt. Just saying. Enjoy! ;^)

  6. I can see that charming log cabin block as a medallion-ish center block. I recall Jill Reid's patterns from AmP&Q. It was frigid here yesterday but it will be 40 today and warmer into next week. I look forward to seeing how you use those circles. Sorry about VQF.

  7. I love that log cabin block, it reminds me of photos of early Appalachian log cabins. Sorry you're not feeling the love for those little circles, the intense hues of the solids make my heart sing!

  8. Minus 11 when I got up this morning - perfect excuse to stay home and quilt!😊. The log cabin block is wonderful. For the circles, try some different settings and/or adding some more blocks in different colors to tone down the brightness, or maybe use them as part of a border or maybe even cut them up and sew different parts back together or work in some appliqué (stems with circles as flowers?), before giving up. The DWR is fabulous! Good thing it’s warming up tonight into tomorrow!

  9. I actually like the setting of the circle blocks. Your shelves are looking neat and tidy. I always gain so much enthusiasm when I organize things. You've got the cold weather we had last week. I don't envy you. All I wanted to do was layer up and stay inside. It was finally in the 40s today but snow is expected tomorrow so the temps are going back down. Stay warm. So sorry your didn't get to enter your quilt. . . so disappointing.

  10. That is wonderful that you will be able to fit Jill's cabin into your house quilt.
    The DWR is really stunning, but it looks like someone has already taken possession. The re is an "I dare you" look in the eyes.
    Good for you getting your fabric refolded and organized. It would be good for me, too, if I did mine, but I probably won't. LOL
    Very cool baby lunch box, and what a fun forgotten surprise inside.
    I would give a barn Raising setting a try with those circle blocks and see what you think. I love the colors you have set them on. A favorite combo of mine. Gladi has done some wonderful quilts in those colors.
    Wow--I read through the movie list and I have only seen around six of those. Good luck with that challenge!
    I remember a few days ago when -4 felt warm after having taken evening walks in the -20s. I've never had my forehead feel frozen like it did on those walks. Hope you are out of this soon. I just saw on tonight's news where somewhere in New Hampshire recorded the record low wind chill. It was -100 something. I can't even imagine!
    Sorry your quilt didn't get in on the first try. I am hoping the wait list is short and you can get in anyway.

  11. Oh my -4.... eeek. I really like the little circles as you've arranged them. Will await their destiny. And the log cabin- so glad you resurrected it. I have a quilt made using a similar log cabin. There was an author some years ago who wrote a book about piecing cabins together like these and then using them in a setting. Her name won't come to me at the moment. But I recognized it as soon as I saw your photo. Big Stitch- I've decided that all my quilting is now Big Stitch. I feel like my hand quilting skills have peaked! But I like the look of those stitches, so it's all good.

  12. You've gotten such cold weather. But your quilt blocks are warm;). You will figure something out with the circles! I can't imagine you not getting into VQF - I hope you do end up getting in. Hanna's wedding quilt is just SO bold and beautiful. I'm impressed that as a busy MOB, you are still able to finish a quilt for the wedding! For my girls, I promised to finish their wedding quilts by their first Christmas married. xo stay warm.

  13. It's always delightful to see what's going on in your creative space. The log cabin will be a sweet addition to Vedderstone. Can't wait to see what's next. We've had crazy cold here too. At least we weren't on Mt Washington.

  14. Vedderstone is such a clever name for your "ranch." And I absolutely LOVE that log cabin block. Too funny that you had Wendy's circles in your lunch box. I really like the way they look on those solids :)


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