Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday Updates

Good Monday Morning!

I have many irons in the fire at the moment so I thought I'd do an update on a couple of things.

I'm trying to put in a little quicting each day on my Olympic Star quilt. I love the way the quilting is looking so far.

Here are the blocks I have finished so far for the doll quilt along, Strawberry fields on Lori's blog.

I have finally figured out a border solution that I like for this quilt, which I started late last year. Sorry, the colors are hard to read, I'll take another photo when I finish the borders. It's hard to catch the right light in the morning in the sewing room because it's on the west side of the house.

When I went to the quilt show about a week ago, my friend Susan bought a pattern for a tote bag. Pauline and I jumped on the idea and we had a sew day last week to get started.

And here is my new tote bag.

okay, so this is only the beginning.

You wrap clothesline with folded fabric strips -

Then you zig-zag them together into a strada

Here is a close up. I'm using neutral tans, which I pieced together.

Pauline is using gorgeous batiks and Susan is using a beautiful green fabric. They are all very different, so stay tuned to see more on this.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, I hope you had a nice day. I received these beautiful caladiums from my kids. Pink and Green? my favorite!

Finally, while coco was busy elsewhere, Luna (the one gold eyed cat) decided to visit me in the sewing room and use coco's bed.


Lori said...

You do have a lot of going on. I am really loving the quilting on the Olympic Star- really amazing!! A little every night and the next thing you know it's done!
The SF blocks look the little bit of cheddar and gold you added.
The tote will be cool, although it looks a little tedious for me.
The selvage quilt? graphic! and stunning!!
A wonderful post of quilty goodness.

Jan said...

Oh, I am loving the string/selvedge top you are working on! Really dynamic.

Tonya Ricucci said...

your quilting is fantastic - really makes your star shine that much more. I love all your works in progress - that would be a fabulous quilt mixing those blocks up into one quilt - the doll quilt blocks, the houses and the selvages.

Selvage Quilter said...

Wow, you have so many interesting projects in the works! Love 'em all.

Sue-Anne said...

Your quilting is beautiful and I love your SF blocks. I didn't realise at first that the border for the zig zag quilt is selvedges - it looks fantastic! That tote bag looks interesting and how cute, the cat pinching Coco's bed.

Anonymous said...

You are one busy Lady, the quilting looks fantastic.
I have made a bag using the same method, it is the Bali bag pattern.


Karen said...

I am wondering if your bag is going to be heavy with all the cord inside the fabric strips. I started a tote (never finished it) with clothesline inside and it was getting heavy fast.

Karen said...

Oh, I forgot to comment on the selvedge edge project. It looks very interesting. I sewed a bunch of my edges into triangle strips which will be part of a basket block.

Mary said...

Your Olympic Star is beautiful and I love, love, love the selvedge zig zag. I've always wanted to try one of those clothes line thingies- wish I could have joined you on your sew day. Luna looks like she's got one eye on the lookout for Coco.

antique quilter said...

The hand quilting is just beautiful, adds so much to a quilt. I love how your selvage quilt is coming along.
oh I agree pink and green is right up there with red/green/cheddar! Interesting selvage quilt, looking forward to seeing that one finished I really like the border!
Luna looks comfy!
new tote bag that is interesting...nice and sturdy that one will be!
you are busy! nice to have choices of what to work on when you enter your sewing room each day.

Janet said...

You look like you have made the most of your sewing time. The quilting is gorgeous and I love your SF blocks. I can't wait to see how the toteis going to look. Love the border of selvages too, that represents a lot of fabric.

Crispy said...

Goodness, you have been VERY busy!! Love the quilting on the Olympic Star quilt. That tote is a LOT of work :0)


Rose Marie said...

I'm intrigued ..... that bag looks so interesting!

Your quilting on the long star is amazing.

Magia da Inês said...

Olá, amiga!♥
Passei para uma visitinha...
♥Gosto muito do seu cantinho porque é agradável e você é muito talentosa.♥
Uma ótima semana!
♥Beijinhos carinhosos.
Itabira - Brasil ♥♥

Shelina said...

Thanks for the quilt show pictures. A great way to start the morning. You certainly are keeping busy. Your bag looks wonderful. I look forward to seeing how it looks finished.

Mayleen said...

I really like your selvage quilt! I'm just getting started using selvages and wish I had more. So many projects to make!

Looking forward to seeing your Strawberry Fields quilt too! I decided to not join in this time as I have way too many projects in progress right now.

Lynda said...

The colours of your strands are going to make a very sophisticated bag!

Letterpress said...

Strada? Do you mean strata?

Looks cool. You didn't write much about the selvage-edges quilt. But I'm a new reader and will keep reading this fabulous blog--thanks for your writing!