It was a group project with Jill Reid and Susan McD.
It is atypical for me as it is all pieced and as a plain backing. But it does have some renegade blocks.
Friends on FB and IG had a sneak peak of our hotel room while at the Vermont Quilt Festival. Car trips are the perfect time to pack some down home comfort.
I was surprised (and delighted) to bump into my friend, Sue Watters, from England in the lobby. She was traveling in New England and visiting the festival with a friend. Boy did we enjoy a chuckle at our impromptu room party.
Hooray for the Shelburne Museum! Hanna and I had a gorgeous day there. If go, ride the Merry Go Round. You are NEVER too old.We toured many exhibits and enjoyed the gardens.
I was so happy to see the show with my daughter this year. We had a great time and visited Chery's booth, Curvalicious and saw Kelly who was at her first VQF.
Alice Payne was awarded a 2nd place ribbon. I wore a dress that almost matches. They don't allow photos for public use, but check the website and they will post the big winner quilts which were quite modern and contemporary this year.
This adorable little Wren has been singing her heart out this week. I hope she moves in and has a family!
I have yet to see her mate.
Her is her sweet song.
What more American than Cherry Pie? I wish I had a piece for everyone!