
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Good Ole' Summer Time

That is the name of this quilt that I made many years ago.
 It was a group project with Jill Reid and Susan McD.
 It is atypical for me as it is all pieced and as a plain backing.  But it does have some renegade blocks.
 Friends on FB and IG had a sneak peak of our hotel room while at the Vermont Quilt Festival.  Car trips are the perfect time to pack some down home comfort.
I was surprised (and delighted) to bump into my friend, Sue Watters, from England in the lobby.  She was traveling in New England and visiting the festival with a friend.  Boy did we enjoy a chuckle at our impromptu room party.
 Hooray for the Shelburne Museum!  Hanna and I had a gorgeous day there.  If go, ride the Merry Go Round.   You are NEVER too old.
 We toured many exhibits and enjoyed the gardens.
I was so happy to see the show with my daughter this year.   We had a great time and visited Chery's booth, Curvalicious and saw Kelly who was at her first VQF.
 Alice Payne was awarded a 2nd place ribbon.  I wore a dress that almost matches.  They don't allow photos for public use, but check the website and they will post the big winner quilts which were quite modern and contemporary this year.
This adorable little Wren has been singing her heart out this week.  I hope she moves in and has a family!
 I have yet to see her mate.
Her is her sweet song.
Thank you for all your concern about my sidekick.  Coco is doing great and back to normal.  
What more American than Cherry Pie?  I wish I had a piece for everyone!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

All Over the Place

Sheesh it has been one of those weeks...busy busy busy

Here is my final layout for my One Block Wonder project.  It many different tries but I'm happy with this one.
Here are some close ups.
I am making some table decorations for the AQSG Seminar in NH in October.  This will be a table runner - Thanks Wendy for the  pumpkin fabric - isn't it fun?
Here are two centerpieces that are finished.
I realized with my dear Mary gone, I hadn't published my blog for 2016.  It used to be an annual Birthday gift for her and she liked it so much more than the computer.
 With her passing, I decided to dedicate the year to her and include our photo on the back and Alice Payne on the front cover.
 Thanks, Wendy for reminding me!  I do love how they lay out all the posts with one click on the computer.  Go here for their website.
My poor coco!  She has been sick since the weekend.  She's been having to sleep in the garage to avoid (more) indoor messes poor thing.  Hopefully this will help.
She feels bad and I feel bad.... Stanley Steemer is coming tomorrow to finish the cleaning job in the basement and that's all I'll say about that.
In summer I love to sleep on white embroidered pillowcases with crochet edges.  They feel cool and like I'm staying in a B&B.  I got 2 pair on ebay this year and this is one of them.
We have Andrew's skinny pig, Timothy, here for the summer again.  He is a cutie!
Here is a great summer dinner idea.  It is fake almost no cook Thanksgiving.  This makes a great sandwich or just a plate of comfort on a weeknight.  Vegetables optional, ha ha.   We actually did have some reheated broccoli ;)  The Bob Evans mashed potatoes are great!
Check up?  Get yours today!
I had not had one in 5 years so off I went.
Hearing - check
EKG - check
Blood work - tomorrow
Pap Smear - check
Breast exam - check
Mamo - coming soon
Please get a medical check up.  As women, we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves.

I NEED a Vacation.  That's all I can say.  Hanna and I are off to Vermont for the Quilt Festival so I'm busy packing snacks and maybe a little wine.
Alice Payne will be there too.  If you see my quilt or me say hello!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Done & Delivered!

Woo hoo!  I finished the king sized quilt for my boy, Andrew.  

Harbor Fog - 96" x 96"
I machine quilted it in 3 sections.  All the quilting is done vertically to make it manageable on a home machine.  Here is how I set up to attach the right and left sections.
I use a portable ironing board and fusible tape.
I just work slowing, moving down the length of the quilt.
For those of you on IG you know I had a problem with the crayola markers - again!  Some but not all of the red markings didn't not come out.  I did an overnight soak again in Dawn and it worked - yay
After moving some furniture I was able to block it with a few fans going.  It took about 3 days!
Here is a little tip:  turn your binding clips around; they work perfectly this way.  Maybe this is how I was always supposed to do it.  Is this how you use them?
How I label my quilts:
This time I sketched some ideas on paper first.
I also use PDF (prepared for dyeing) fabric.  It absorbs the ink better and makes a nice clear label.
 Finally, I attach left over strips to frame it.  The sail number is his Birthday :)
Thank you Pinkadot Kelly for the fabulous vintage little quilt and other fun goodies for my recent Birthday.  I've never seen some of these fabrics before.  I plan to hand quilt it.
I adore this Lancaster, PA  map print and that sweet card is made from a real vintage card.
Fabric APB!
Does anyone have a 1/2 yard of this double pink?  I'm happy to pay or trade for it.
I recently discovered this peachy fizzy soda.  It is refreshing on a hot day, but I do not recommend riding your bike this way.
Have a great week!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Swap Meet with Janet

Hello!  Last week I took a little break for my Birthday but I'm back a few things to share.

First up, I had a small quilt swap with my friend, Janet of Rogue Quilter.  We've been blog friends for many years now and she always has inspiring posts.

Here is the wonderful quilt I received from Janet.  I LOVE everything about it, especially my Abe.  It is a classic Janet quilt with tiny, precise pieces and beautiful quilting, including....wait for it....hand quilting!  I've hung it in my Hall of Presidents.
She also sent lots of special goodies (and she didn't even know it was my Birthday).  The little pincushion is so sweet it is edible.
 Here is the back.  The Eagle fabric is accidentally upside down.  Given the current state of  political affairs in this country, I find it perfect.  
 Here is the little quilt that I sent to her.  It went on a US tour, but finally arrived yesterday in UT.
 I wanted to do a little applique and hand quilting for her.
The backing is a Jo Morton print and reminded me of her beautiful header which often features sheep.
 I had a nice quiet Birthday on Friday and received funny and beautiful cards.  Also, how cute are those little bird wine glass markers?  They perch just perfectly on the rim - so fun :)
 Mr. Fun and I took a walk down at the sound.  In honor of my 55 B-Day, I built a 5 stone cairn.
 On Saturday I attended Commencement at Goodwin College where my daughter works.  It was so inspiring~ and great to meet her co workers.
 Sneak Peak!  I am planning a future applique project with these colors.  My favorite Pennsylvania pallet.  The book on the floor accidentally landed there and wham!  Inspiration!  I will NOT be making the quilt on the book.....stay tuned......
 This next photo looks just like my inspiration fabrics.   We had a little breakfast party for Hanna's Birthday yesterday.
I am doubling my effort to finish my son's king sized quilt.  We're going to see him on Sunday and it will be done.  Thank goodness for the French Open which is keeping me company in the sewing room.
