
Friday, March 25, 2011

Shawnee Take Me Away!

Happy Friday -

Last weekend was our annual guild retreat and what a treat!

In preparation for the weekend, I decided to make a little favor for everyone.  Here is my basket of little kleenex covers.  I made 29, well actually I cut 9 wrong and didn't realize until afterward - doh!  so I really made 38, ouch.

What's going on here!  Sewing stuff to the right, personal stuff to the left -

Here is the front of the Shawnee Inn in the Poconos in Pennsylvania. It was beautiful setting!

Here is a shot of the moon on Friday night - gorgeous!

Here is our workroom.  It is in the lower level and it was wonderful!


Here is my new toy!  I popped over to Pocono Sew & Vac to get one.  My friend, Susan, found a good site for these if you are interested and they offer free shipping!  Click here to see it.

It really extended my work area, which was wonderful.  I love that it matches the black and gold detail of my feather weight.

This is what I worked on for a while.  It will be a king sized quilt and I'm still working on the lay out.  I'm using civil war nine patches and a variety of chintz looking fabrics.

I also knuckled down and pieced my four-patch posie top.  I'll be working on borders soon.

Here are some of the show tell projects.

This is Sally's project.  I love it! 

I sat next to her (lucky me) and she shared some scraps with me.  I'm going to make a little quilt for our quilt show mini-auction.

And a few more views of the Inn.  If you are near the NJ/PA area it is a wonderful place for a sewing retreat.

A view of the Deleware river.  I'll bet it is really pretty in the fall!

I'm off to the Red & White exhibit and the Empire Quilters show tomorrow - say hello if you see me!


  1. Thanks for the heads up about Shawnee Inn. I live in central PA (near State College - Penn State).

    I'll be at the R/W Quilt show tomorrow, too. I plan on wearing black jeans, white top .. and a gorgeous quilt pin made by 'DyeCandy'. :)

    I'll be w/ a 6'4" guy w/ a ponytail, a 5'4" gal and her SO. [Not sure his size, but somewhere around 5'10"]

  2. oh, envy. first a retreat in a gorgeous place and now a weekend full of gorgeous quilts. enjoy yourself!

  3. Have a great time! I'm rather jealous, LOL.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful week! Like you chinzy quilt top....

  5. Looks like a fantastic place for a retreat. I am wondering what is the white covering for the tables where you are sewing? maybe flannel backed vinyl or white sheeting? and what is the purpose? seems like all the tables I can see in the pictures are covered. am sure that would help if the tables are dark. good idea for classes/workshops/retreats with dark tables as it makes it so hard to see!

  6. you are a lucky girl!!!
    what a wonderful retreat!...and now the red&white exhibit! Way to live it up!!!

  7. It sounds like you had a lovely time! I love the 9 patch chinz quilt you're working on.
    Have a great time in New York!!

  8. I'm jealous you get to go to the Red and White exhibit. Take lots of pictures to post, please! : )

  9. You sure do get around in the quilting world! The retreat looks like it was a lot of fun in a beautiful place. GW quilt looks great and your 4 patch is stunning! Can't wait to see what you do for the borders.

  10. It looks like you had a great time! and got a lot done. Getaways are the best.

  11. First of all, a retreat in the Poconos seems like a wonderful place.
    Next, I really like the Washington quilt you are working on. The fabric and setting are both good choices.
    And last, I have never seen extension tables like that for a featherweight. Very interesting.

  12. Wow, that retreat center looks lovely. Thanks for the link to the featherweight extender table. I definitely can use one of those. Enjoy the red and white show. It is quite incredible.

  13. Can you see the colour, I am green with envy too.
    Looks so magic , I think I need a break too.
    Have fun at the Red/White exhibit.....


  14. Is the extender table metal or plastic? Great idea!


  15. thanks for such a lovely post and a great look at your weekend away. it looked as though everyone present was well set up for plenty of stitching and i love the photo of that beautiful moon! will look for to your red and white post !

  16. I hope I see you in NYC :0)
    Happy sewing

  17. Enjoyed this post... the hotel looks inviting for a retreat. It's always inspiring to see what others are working on. Enjoy the R&W show.

  18. What fun...I loved seeing your sewing machine and all of the quilts!

  19. Your retreat looks like enormous fun, and I just love, love, love your George quilt. Can't wait to hear about the red and white exhibit - it looks fantastic!

  20. What a lovely place for a retreat and now you get to see the R&W quilts, sigh. Thanks for the lovely photos. I really love your nine patch.

  21. I always try to show my husband what other quilters take to retreat...he asks if I should take the truck instead of my little Saturn...I love your picture of what you are taking along!!:o)

    Gorgeous vintage look quilt with President Washington & 9 patches.
    Just found you recently by way of Quiltsalott and will be back often!
    Thanks for sharing.

  22. What a wonderful place for a retreat!! Everyone looks like they are working very hard on their pretty projects :0)

    I'm going to have to check out that extender!!


  23. What a great place for a retreat!
    I LOVE your Double 9 patch..and 4 patch. Very different styles.
    Great score on the extension table for the Feather weight. I hadn't seen those before.
    Have fun at the red and white!

  24. oh Barb love your Washington quilt....the browns your using are beautiful, wonderful choices. Why did you chose Washington fabric any reason/connection to him?
    just curious! Looks like everyone had fun and lots of progress made! so how was the R and W exhibit?
    did you make it to the quilt show as well?????
    can't wait to hear your review!
    I am going in this morning.

  25. I'm so utterly envious-- both of your retreat in that beautiful locale -- and of course the fact that you're heading to the Red & White exhibit and a quilters' show. Your cup runneth over, my blogging friend.
    Enjoy, enjoy!

  26. You guys are amazing. Looks like you had a fabulous retreat!

  27. I would want to sew outside. Just
    Love the Washington quilt and the posie top. You were busy.
    Have fun at the Red & White exhibit. I bet it is going to be fabulous.

  28. i wouldn't mind having a bit more "table" room on my little featherweight~!!~ i'll have to check into that.

    lucky fellow retreaters to get such a fun giftie~!
    looks like a lot was accomplished in this gorgeous setting.


  29. I love your Washington quilt! What a beautiful place, im so happy you had a chance to go. I love your blog!


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