Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Missed Seminar and Miami

This past weekend was the American Quilt Study Group's seminar and it was in my backyard....  and I missed it.

This is a great organization if you like to study and learn about antique quilts you should check them out.  This year they held their seminar in Cherry Hill, NJ.   The next seminar is in Lincoln, NE.  HHmm, great steaks and quilts, what could be better?

While I was not able to attend, some of my handy work did.
Along with my cupcaker buddies Jill and Susan, we supplied the seminar with the centerpieces.

We made the oak leaf and reel into a table topper about 14" square.

I made 13 of them.

I used a reproduction rubber stamp and a fabric ink pad to make the labels on mine.  Yes, they are fused on.  Kind of a cop out after hand stitching all those bindings... (or maybe because of it).

We did the quilting and the stitching at the same time.

It was fun laying them out.  It would make a lovely quilt.  Since we redrafted and made the pattern, I think I may one day.

coco gave them a spin and liked them.

The other component to our center piece were canning jars with 4 FQs of reproduction fabric in different color families; red, blacks, yellows, etc.

Now there are only a few things that would prevent me from going to a great quilting event; Rich, Andrew or Hanna.  Last weekend I got 2 out of 3.  Thanks, Andrew for watching coco!

The building of her (current) declared major.

We were lucky enough to be there for a broom ball game.  Her team are "ice holes" pretty funny.  A sport that is a mix of ice hockey, field hockey and soccer.

Hope you had a great weekend too!


YankeeQuilter said...

I missed it this year to attend a friend's wedding. I've warned everyone already that next year's dates are taken...

Love the little fabric preserves!

Maureen said...

Awww! I'm sorry you missed the AQSG seminar but how could you not? Those centerpieces are perfect. Was there any significance to the pattern you chose and New Jersey?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes I would have missed it for this as well, there is always next year, but seeing your kids is always special.

Love the Oak leaf it has been a favourite of mine.
Lincoln NE, I visit the Study Centre in Lincoln last year and loved it....

Anonymous said...

The Oak Leaf and Reels look great all together, what a nice touch for the seminar.
Hanna always looks so happy! She must be enjoying college - my daughter is in her first year of Psych too - loves it.

Karen said...

Thirteen is an unlucky number. You should have made one more! That was a really nice thing that you did that and was not even able to attend.

Thimbleanna said...

Well, you couldn't have missed it for a better reason! Sounds like you had a great time. And those little quilts! Eeeek!!! I LOVE that pattern. I've had applique on the mind lately -- looking at the Rose of Sharon -- but I'd forgotten about this one -- it's fabulous!!!

ann hermes said...

I got to look at those great quilts at every meal. Don't worry, they were covered with plastic! I wasnt lucky enough to win one of the preserve jars, boo hoo. Totally cute.

Janet said...

You made 13! Each one quilted and bound - I think that must be more work than making one large quilt! They look fabulous all together on the floor. Looks like you had a fun weekend even though you missed the seminar.

Laurie in Iowa said...

The oak leaf mini quilts are beautiful.

Dawn said...

The center pieces were beautiful and I didn't win one of the jars either ;-) Thanks for your efforts!!
Was hoping to meet you - maybe next year.
I missed the yr it was in my home state too.

Jan said...

A great block choice; I love that you thought of applique and quilting in one! At least you can see the great pics that Barbara Brackman is showing on her blog.

Kyle said...

Your blocks are wonderful. I'm sure they were enjoyed by everyone who attended. What was a huge project!

Taryn said...

You made those 13 table toppers and you didn't attend? I don't think I've ever met anyone that selfless in my life. They are beautiful and I see my very favorite fabrics in them. I am sorry I missed it this year, too, since it was so close.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Wonderful table mats and centerpieces! But it sure looks like you had a good time on campus!

antique quilter said...

Looks like she is settling in very nicely there!
Glad you had fun and bet it was comforting to see her so happy.
beautiful centerpieces, so nice of you to do all that work for a great organization. I am sure they were very much appreciated.

Shelina said...

The table toppers are beautiful. That is a lot of them to make! I can see missing the event to see your daughter. She looks really happy. Many people in my family have studied psychology, including me and my daughter. One thing about a psych major though is you can't do much in the psychology field without going on to get a masters or PhD.

Lori said...

You had a good excuse to miss the seminar. You probably had more fun anyway!!

Love your centerpieces. I'm sure they were loved.

Nifty Quilts said...

Your centerpieces are wonderful! I saw that Barbara Brackman came home with one. I wonder if it's yours! Also fun to see your kids.

Sujata Shah said...

I missed it too! I had high hopes on being there and seeing all the antique quilts but could not make it! Love your center pieces. Nothing like oak leaves and reels to get you into the mood for Fall.
Love your picture with Hanna. I am glad you got to go visit her!

Miriam said...

Wow, you have been busy!! Your table toppers are gorgeous. I love the design you chose.

The photo of you and Hanna is wonderful!!

Janet said...

The centerpieces look fabulous and I agree, they'd make a what a great quilt. So glad you had such a good reason to miss it all and had family fun.

Anonymous said...

Wow...all those wonderful mini quilts!! Lotsa Jo...love it!!!
I also enjoyed photo of your daughter and the caption of her major!!!
We are going through same with my youngest this month. We are doing campus tours and applications. It is really hard for him to decide a major but must because he has been in Early College High School and has his first two years completed! It is time for those "Major" classes...decisions!

Ann Champion said...

Those little quilts are SO pretty! That pattern is on my "Bucket List". Very clever of you to do the applique and quilting at the same time.

It looks like Hannah is settling in just fine? Such cute pics of her with you and her Dad.

Maybe you can catch the show next time?

Yellowledvedder said...

Thanks for the Shoutout masha. Hanna looks so silly in her broomball gear but it was great seeing you guys repping Miami. Love ya, -Andy