
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fun For Friday - Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles.

First and foremost.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to send me a comment or email regarding my quilt at the AQS show.  I told my husband that in many ways they are more meaningful and valuable to me than the ribbon or the prize.

So, why this new feature you ask?

I put a very high value on fun.  I try to inject fun into my life and those around me.  I believe having fun is a state of mind and I want to inspire fun to others (wow, that was almost a mission statement on fun, weird.)

Here is what was recently fun for me:

Drinking  bubbly.  I couldn't wait for RV to get home, so I started and he joined me, wee.

Playing with my new light up bubble gun.  I got this in Disney World and it's so fun!!

Here I'm trying to show you how they look in the dark - the bubble sort of light up!

Don't have a bubble gun?  These work just fine!

The only NOT fun thing.   Poor coco has a belly ache and I'm hoping she'll be back to her old self soon!

I bought these salt & Pepper shakers in WDW.   They look almost toile' to me.  Pretty elegant for mouse merchandise.

Eating our family's favorite WDW treat.

When was the last time you picked up bubble gum?  It's still fun! 

Tomorrow I'm leaving at 0-dark hundred to go to the show in Lancaster.  It's always fun to pack some treats for my car mates.  You are never too old for treat bags with your name on them.

In closing, I'd just like to say that I know life is not all fun.  I too have my own challenges, disappointments and worries, trust me, I do.

Having said that, I hope you find some fun near you!


  1. Really we're just antique little girls you know. I'm all for the fun and I really want a bubble gun now. I think you're whole weekend is going to be a blast, have a safe trip.

  2. Good for you! I'm smiling now...thanks!!
    Have a great weekend.

  3. To quote Dr. Seuss: "These things are fun and fun is good!" I must needs get a bubble gun - awesome! And any day with bubbly is a good day in my book. Hope your weekend is maahhvelous!

  4. And what's not to love about bubbles and goodies in a bag with your name on it? Lol love the comment about antique little girls, I'll put myself down as retro.

  5. I really enjoyed your post on "FUN"!!! One can do so much to inject a bit of fun into your life and those around you. Things can be way to serious. Having fun, like smiling and being happy is a conscious decision!! You can choose to do it - and it really makes you happier - or not. Way to go Barb!!! I like your style!

  6. I want to come to your house sometime. Looks like a lot of fun!

  7. I know you'll have a great time in Lancaster! We want to hear all about it when you return! With pics, too! lol

  8. Ohmygosh -- what a FUN post -- thanks for all the cheer! I can't think of anything much more fun than drinking bubbly while blowing bubbles -- I'll bet you two were quite the sight -- Too Cute! And those S&P shakers -- now I want some too. Especially when you add that rice krispy treat -- how awesome!!!

  9. OH GOOD, I was afraid you were not going to get to see your award winning quilt live and in person and have YOUR picture taken while it hangs in public! I look forward to seeing that picture!
    Stop by and see my friend Debby Brown in the Handiquilter booth and tell her I say HI :0)....she's a really good friend.

    bubbles with the bubbly......
    too fun and good for you for embracing the good times.

    Happy Sewing and safe trip to Lancaster.

  10. Looks like you are going to have a fun car ride to Lancaster. enjoy and lots of laughter.
    I went to Lancaster in 2010 and loved it..

  11. Btw I blow bubbles with my little grand daughters and we have lots of fun catching them

  12. wheres the peeps for those bags????
    Have fun! I totally agree with you and yes when your around there are always fun times and lots of laughing which is so good for me!
    don't forget to take lots of pictures.

  13. What a fun post, thank you. I sometimes think we forget about the fun side of life as we get older.

    Have fun at the show too.

  14. I may need a bubble gun. Have fun in Lancaster!

  15. I'm sure there is lots of fun to come in Lancaster! Enjoy!

  16. Congratulation my beautiful creative friend. First place in Lancaster is HUGE! So happy for you. Bubbly will be on me next time we see each other for some fun times. Miss you, xo, Joan

  17. now that was fun~!~thank you.
    hope your weekend is full of quilt show fun. but then, how could it not be with you along (and those personalized yummy bags)~!?!~


  18. Congratulations on your quilt winning! That is a really wonderful honor and the quilt is spectacular. I hope you're having a great time in Lancaster.


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