
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Quilt Crime Scene

This is the scene of the crime:  I was the victim of a hit and run at the sewing machine on Saturday.  I hit my finger with the needle and it punctured my nail and cut my finger at the tip (I'll spare you the visuals).

I never understood how it could happen.....I was obviously speeding and also watching Grey's Anatomy and then wham, ooops, OUCH.

Warning: this is an unsafe trajectory.

 and this is how it can happen...

Please practice safe quilt driving, demonstrated in the photo below:

The quilt grab is also safe.

Here are just a few machine quilting tips:

I use a teflon sliding sheet.  It helps the quilt glide and then I don't push down and hurt my shoulders.
(I also use a mighty light that is attached to my machine for extra light.

I use a thread tree, which unspools the thread and allows it to "whip" off the spool easily.

I use bobbin washers to help my bobbin spin nicely.

Maybe some warning cones in the construction area would help me avoid future accidents ;)

Off to a quilt show on Thursday and will share some highlights soon.

Happy Mardi Gras - Shrove Tuesday.  Here at our house that means Pancakes for dinner.


  1. Ouch, ouch, ouch - one of my biggest sewing phobias! Hope you heal quickly. At our house we celebrate the "farewell to flesh" aspect of Mardi Gras: frequently steak, but tonight backyard grilled burgers with blue cheese and bacon. I'm ready to fast now!

  2. Wow! that had to hurt. Accidents can happen so quickly. Hope you heal quickly!

  3. I have twice had an accident with the sewing machine needle. Ouch, ouch!

  4. I have done that before and it is no fun! I am sorry that it happened to you, and I hope your finger will feel better soon. I have never heard of bobbin washers...might have to try some of those! Thanks for the tip!

  5. Ooh ouch! Sorry about the finger. That must hurt. I will be sure to be careful in future quilting endeavors. I hope it feels better soon.

  6. I could tell by your title something had happened. Looks like you're still able to sew, thank goodness. Heal quickly.

  7. Ouch indeed! I hope your finger is feeling better soon! Your quilting looks very nice :0) Enjoy the show! And the pancakes!

  8. No quilting and watching TV at the same time, must stop machine before looking up at screen!
    I hope it isn't too painful and just a nurse your tetanus shot up to date? Just call your Dr.s
    office explain your injury and see if they recommend getting a booster.
    Happy healing and take good care of that wound.

  9. Oh boy - everyone cringes knowing what you did - hoping it heals trouble free. I finally gave up trying to be at the machine while Downton Abbey was on...

  10. So sorry about your accident. Good reminder for all of us!
    I LOVE the cones!! Too cute. : )

  11. the safety reminder is always good. A couple of years ago I was speeding to finish a bag for my DD and I got my finger run over and bruised. I do not speed anymore.
    Hope the finger feels better soon.

  12. Ouch! I recently did the same thing--first time in 30+++ years of sewing. I hope it's the last time for both you and me! (Those little cones are very cute!)

  13. Oh no!! I hope it's not too bad. It must have been an exciting episode of Greys Anatomy. I remember Janet from Quiltsalott took a photo of a needle through her finger. Ewww that image has stayed with me and made me careful. Thanks for all the great quilting tips! Those little cones are so cute!! Happy careful quilting.

  14. I've never sewn through my finger with the sewing machine but I have hand stitched through the tip of my finger that was underneath the fabric. Didn't even realize it until a few stitches later. Hope your finger heals quickly!

  15. Ouch - I've done this - it will forever make you more careful! I love your sense of humor about it! The Teflon sheet is such a great idea - I will look for that. I will also look for a thread tree - I use a little jelly jar right now. Thanks for the great tips!

  16. Most people only do this one time. My time was when I was about 13 using my Mom's Kenmore sewing machine. That was the last time for me! And I wasn't watching TV - back then people didn't have more than one and it was in the living room. I was in a tiny sewing room off the master bedroom.

  17. Hahaha -- you're too funny! Sorry about the ouchie but I LOVE those warning cones. I don't know how you can machine quilt without gloves -- my hands just won't grip the quilt on their own. And what are these bobbin washers of which you speak? I must check them out!!!

  18. Such a funny post for not so funny experience! Was that moment on the Grey's Anatomy at least worth it, I hope! That must have been a big OUCH! Thanks for the tips. Those cones are hilarious! I came close to the very same experience with my last quilt driving on the machine. And that led to that not so fun experience post.
    I did not know about the Teflon sheet for guiding it easily. What a great tip! Oh so lovely to read your post.

  19. Ouch! I have sewn myself also, the web part right above my thumb. It hurts!
    At least you can still sew, love your story! Caution cones, I think so!

  20. Those caution cones are the best! We must have taken the same class - Supreme Slider (queen size), bobbin washers, I use Machinger gloves as well but maybe the Klutz gloves would be a better choice!! Oh, and I do have that light but now have another one that adheres under the throat - love it. Please be careful - you need to be able to sew AND TYPE!! Love to hear from you.

  21. Oh no! Hope you heal quickly. I've sewed my finger one time, and come close many more! You would think after doing it once that I would keep my distance - must be a slow learner.

  22. Sorry to hear about your injury. I've come close to doing that myself. Thanks for the information about the Teflon sheet and washers. I just ordered both from Amazon. Wish I had them when I machine quilted my granddaughters quilt. Hugs

  23. Wincing just thinking of the possibility. Love the hazard cones! Good to know you like the focus light, I have not invested in one yet. Heal fast, enjoy the show.

  24. Oh my! Thank you for not sharing the pictures. Oh take care!

  25. owwww..... thanks for not sharing the bloody bits! I love the witches hats (warning cones)! It wouldn't be so funny if we actually had to use them though... I often have the tv on for company as I sew. I shall have to be more careful now.

  26. I read this last night on my phone and although I feel for you, I laughed and laughed at your post! Love your humor!! I hope your finger is feeling better.

  27. So sorry for your injury but I enjoyed reading this!!! Maybe you should write to the producers of Grey's Anatomy... they could write a storyline into one of their episodes... a dedicated, if not speedy, machine quilter arrives in the emergency room with a finger/needle injury that requires the steady hands of Dr. McDreamy to alleviate the pain and the suffering, remedied by the gentle gaze from his eyes to yours... well, you get the idea!
    I appreciate all the helpful tips you provided... you are so kind to be concerned for our well being!!!

  28. Oh Oh Ouch! Ouch! I've come very close myself a few times. Hope yours heals up fast as fast can be!!!!

    N-o-w MY fingers hurt!!! (sympathy pains)

  29. leave it to you to make a horrific occurrence into something entertaining and enlightening! Couldn't imagine a finger fitting under the needle but now I know!!! Feel better.

  30. Oh my are the second favorite blogger of mine to do that in the last week or careful! I love the post though...does that make me twisted? The traffic cones are just too cute!! Happy healing!

  31. Hope you are doing ok and you don't lose your nail! My husband winces when I pick up the rotary cutter, but so far, I haven't nicked myself. I pretty much stick with hand sewing for the same reason. Driving isn't my forte. Your lavender quilt is going to be a beauty!

  32. Ouch!!! How is your finger now? I hope the pain has eased.

  33. Ouch! I am glad your finger is okay. Love the idea of the traffic cones! LOL

  34. Been there, done that .... Ouch!. Like the traffic cones, need to get me some ;)

  35. Barb - this is so scary. I hope you recover without too much pain. Thanks for sharing -a warning for us all.

  36. So sorry...I have done that too.. Hope you are healing..

  37. Yikes! for your finger. But your quirky humor with the traffic cones made me laugh (sorry, but I couldn't help it). Glad to hear you are healing nicely, and from your completed quilt, I can tell you were back to quilting in no time.



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