
Monday, March 10, 2014

Show and Tell

Thank you all so much for your caring comments about my injury.  It is healing well and I got a tetanus booster.

It was so great to see quilting friends at the quilt show and guild meeting last week.  There were two exhibits that I especially enjoyed.  Sorry, these are iphone (old one) photos and not the best.

The Baltimore Applique' Society quilts -

A Halloween themed album quilt - love the bat border!

I'm obsessed with this quilt.  It's one that I wish I had thought of, it is Sue Garman's pattern (no credit given on the placard).

I really like this one made by the Modern Quilt Guild.

Sorry didn't get a photo of placard on this modern quilt.  Very graphic and well done!

Here is an exhibit of challenge quilts.  Members of this group took pages from the fall issue of Vogue magazine as inspiration for their challenge.   So creative!

We liked this so much that 8 of us are going to have a similar challenge for our fall retreat.  We are using any magazine page from any magazine.  I can't wait to start mine.  It is going to be an art quilt.

New Toy!  Maybe this will help keep my fingers clear!

Here is the "action" shot.... I'm so exited about this light! (for norma, ha ha).

Happy Daylight Savings - more daylight hours to quilt - hooray!


  1. Such gorgeous applique!! Some beautiful quilts - thanks for sharing your show highlights!! What an interesting challenge with some interesting quilts resulting! I was grumpy about the time change because it made my quilt retreat one hour shorter :0( you have a better attitude! Enjoy your new light!

  2. Looks like great fun at the show. Great quilts, and I love your light.

  3. Thanks for sharing, some real beauties among those quilts. I missed your earlier post about your sewing mishap. I had a similar accident and remember screaming at my husband to check what I had been sewing to make sure there were no blood stains!

  4. I too went to the show. I was there on Thursday. The Baltimore Albums were wonderful. I bought raffle tickets for all three prize quilts. I enjoyed the show. So nice to get out after the winter doldrums.
    Nice light. If I did not have such a tight budget I would have bought it. I saw the quilt with the birds among the branches and thought of your bird quilt. Totally different techniques but it had the same feel.

  5. Glad to hear your healing well! Gorgeous quilts especially love the challenge quilts, so interesting!

  6. Incredible applique quilts!
    The magazine page challenge is fascinating. Can't wait to see what you create!
    Haven't seen that light before, but it looks like something that would be very helpful for these old eyes of mine. : )

  7. Those album quilts are just amazing!! And how interesting are the Vogue challenge quilts. I really like they way they've used the inspiration to create a botanical themed quilt. I'm looking forward to seeing you and your friend's versions. It's good to hear your finger is on the mend. That light will really brighten things up!!

  8. The quilts are gorgeous! Love that Halloween one too.
    That challenge is going to be awesome, I am tempted to play along.
    I think that light will help prevent further injuries...

  9. Thanks for showing the quilt show pictures! That Vogue challenge must have been a lot of fun, especially liked the Praying Mantis, and it will be fun to see your challenge quilt pictures someday too. Is that light a floor or table model? The older I get, the more I need light and it looks like it would do a great job! Still trying to get used to the Daylight Savings Time change so no extra quilting time for me. :(

  10. The applique quilts are outta this world! What a fun challenge! I loved seeing these and look forward to seeing yours.

  11. Wow! Those applique quilts are gorgeous! I'd love to start a baltimore album quilt -- what an undertaking. And what fun your new challenge will be -- it sounds exciting!

  12. Thank you for the show!! Your challenge will be outstanding I am sure!!

  13. The applique quilts are swoon-worthy. Then the modern ones...oh my. I love the 'inspiration' quilts. My favorite is the first one. (Wonder how the model on the couch would feel about the quilt LOL )
    Thanks for sharing all those beauties.
    Glad you are healing.

  14. LOVE MY LAMP! I still make mistakes but now I can see them more clearly!!!

  15. The lamp interests me. I have daylight bulbs in the overhead light fixture and I have one of those little lights that attaches to the side of the sewing machine. This looks like it would light up a larger area.

  16. Beautiful quilts!! I love all quilts Baltimore.

  17. What an interesting challenge! Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with. Lovely exhibition.

  18. I can't imagine making one of those Baltimore Album quilts! So many tiny pieces!!! As to daylight savings, more daylight to quilt, if you quilt more at night, that is. What about the early risers like me?

  19. What a great quilt show! Thanks for posting such fabulous applique quilts...they always motivate me and make my heart sing!

  20. That Halloween "Baltimore" quilt is a hoot. Hilarious.

    One of my bloggy pals was telling me about this challenge--the whole magazine thing--and I just couldn't understand it. NOW I do. Thanks for the photos--some of them were really great. And nice light! I think even if I flooded my whole sewing room with light, it wouldn't be enough. I love lights!

  21. Thanks for the pictures of show quilts! Don't you just love the lamp? I'm looking forward to the challenge, too.


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