Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Planes, Cars and Boats

Howdy.  I recently returned from a very busy Labor Day getaway with Mr. Fun.    While away I was able to have a little photo shoot of this quilt that I made for Hanna in 2011 for her high school graduation.  It's called Tropical Breeze.  You can see the original post here (which has better quality photos).

The pool at the farm with the hibiscus seemed a good location.
I finished my Alice Payne Eagle block at 25,000 feet on the way to Seattle.  I was surprised that my stitching turned out so well after drinking a WHOLE BOTTLE of wine lol.
While in Seattle we had an awesome power boat ride, an exciting sail and some paddling in a kayak.  My Brother and Sister In Law have a wonderful fleet of boats and water toys.

Here we are sailing to Bainbridge Island.  You can see Seattle on the right.  Look how far we are heeled over - yikes!
We stopped at Pioneer Farm in Illinois for a few days.   Here is a InstaGram collage I posted.  So happy that the implement shed has a new sleeve.  It looks like new!
I'd say this corn is as high as an elephants eye - I'm 5'3"

Bow Tie Swap Update
Looks like everyone is doing well with the bow tie blocks.  I know some people who are making them even though they are not in the swap.  They are so fun and fast.  I'm starting to receive them and they look great.

Civil War Swapper, Barbara, posted these 2 cute bow tie quilts she made for her twin grandchildren.  Pop over and visit her blog to see what else she has including a stunning star quilt she's working on.
Katy who is also a swapper posted this great bow tie quilt on her blog.  She is a very prolific blogger - check it out here.
Did you know that I have a designated Fun With Barb Facebook group?  Everyone is welcome to join.  It is a place where anyone can post photos of swap blocks and quilts.  I'll be posting my fall schedule there soon.

Thank you all so much for your wonderful and generous comments on my Reconciliation Quilt post.  It is so encouraging to hear from so many readers!


Anonymous said...

LOL at my peek-a-boo feet at the bottom of my quilt. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to see you at the farm this weekend, Masha. I love you higher than heaven! xoxo

Karen said...

I was wondering how the Alice Payne quilt was coming along. You are making progress.

O'Quilts said...

5 foot 3 ??? I thought you were larger than life!!!

Janet said...

I'd sure like to see your eagle block :0) great fabrics and lovely applique. I'm glad you had a good trip.

Janet O. said...

Perfect setting for that quilt--cool and refreshing!
How appropriate that the eagle was stitching while flying (in more ways than one, maybe?).
Some fun bow tie quilts. Almost makes me want to join in--almost. : )

CecileD said...

Hello Barb !
Wonderful Quilt and like Hanna wrote, I laughed when I saw the feet under it !! :)
I'm glad you spent amazing holidays with your family !
I saw on Barbara's blog her wonderful little quilts and I know too Katy's blog and YES ! She is a BIG and PROLIFIC blogger !! But I appreciate a lot her work !
If everything goes right, in 4 days, I will have finished my bow ties !
I wish you a lovely day !!

Barbara said...

Wonderful post! Hannah's quilt is charming! Love the wavy quilting lines. So glad you spent time with family in Seattle. We also have family there. Will you be posting a pic of your Alice Payne block? Would love to see it! Thanks for posting my Bowtie quilts :)

Pinkadot Quilts said...

What a sweet quilt! I do like seeing those feet at the bottom too!
The Alice Payne is looking good and the bottle of wine looked small (-:

Ruth said...

What a fun trip! The eagle - what I could see of it - looks great! One day I want to appliqué an eagle. I have been wanting some good sweet corn. Having grown up in Illinois, we would eat a whole meal of just sweet corn in August or September. We had some delicious corn in Florida that we got at a road side stand in June. I am on the look out for a stand with good corn here in Oregon.

Linda O said...

Looks like you had a great trip! The sky is so blue in the boating picture - we've had a lot of that here this summer! Your applique is gorgeous!

Thimbleanna said...

Looks like you had lots of fun traversing the country! I love Hanna's quilt too -- so cute and colorful. Welcome back - I'm looking forward to all the bow tie cuteness in the weeks to come!

Aunt 'Reen said...

Looks like you had an awesome vacation!
Really enjoyed seeing all those wonderful pictures.

I can't wait to see more of that Eagle block - the sneak peek looks wonderful!

Lori said...

Great quilt!The backing is really pretty to Your eagle blocks is da bomb! A favorite!!.

Diane said...

What a fun trip and I'm not at all surprised that you stitched along the way! The facebook group is great, thanks for starting that.

Rachaeldaisy said...

It's great to see you out and about having fun in wonderful places. I'm impressed you can drink and sew, the eagle would look like a chicken if I tried that. I've got all my bow ties pieces cut and ready for a fun sewing session. It's great to see those inspiration quilts.

Rachaeldaisy said...

Ps I love Tropical Breeze, and your photos by the pool are perfect. I bet Hannah loves her quilt!!

Kyle said...

Loved hearing about your trip from one end of the country to the other. Hannah's quilt is super cute poised by the pool and the eagle truly was soaring. But the best pic was you in the corn field. Too funny.

Jeans @ TESOL said...

I'm glad to find your blog. Interesting journey and beautiful quilts. I love the last one. It's unique.

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