Saturday, February 23, 2019

Stitch, Stitched, Stitching

Slow and steady the stitches are filling in the center of my medallion quilt.
 I am enjoying the echo quilting although it is not perfect or even.
 then again, neither am I, lol
A while back I had decided to make some double X blocks for the 70273 Project, but then life got in the way.   After seeing Janet's blog post here,  I recommited and made 6 blocks.
Janet's visual tutorial was great for me.  I did pieced and machine applique blocks.
click here for a link to the Project Website for block directions.

It is an amazing project and I am glad that I am a very small part of it.  Mental illness is like any other other illness, it is not the fault of the afflicted.  We are lucky to live in a time when there are so many treatments and less stigma.

I felt like sewing and watching TV so I pulled out this long simmering ufo yesterday.
I posted it on IG and many asked what technique I'm using.  I'm just sewing and trimming.  I have a few tricks but that's it - rockin' it old school.
 I makes a complete mess of the sewing room and takes forever to make a block.  Actually I work in a set of two at one time.  Adding 4 strips to each block.
I think this would be a great workshop class as there are lots of tips and it is fun.
I got so close yesterday to finishing those 2 blocks!
Poor Annie - she is sitting up, but still not dressed!  Tomorrow for sure....
Isn't this the sweetest photo of coco?  She looks like she needs a quilt.
It's been icy here in CT so I've been enjoying Hygge time under my Hex Vex quilt.  The big stitch makes it really soft and cozy.
Go on, indulge yourself.   Take a few minutes to read a magazine, listen to music or nap, you'll be glad you did.


Frog Quilter said...

Looks like you are having a blast making a mess. Your pineapple blocks are amazing. Cute coco picture.

Barb said...

If you are not getting comments to your email, comment on your own post and check the "follow" comments box

Julierose said...

Love those pinapple blocks--your strips are nice and thin--really makes the block look super i think. Coco is doing what i have been doing--hibernating in this cold and damp weather...hugs for a lovely weekend Julierose

Angie said...

Love the pineapple/log cabin blocks - I don't think I would have the patience! It was great seeing another view of your Hex Vex quilt. I looked at my Hex Vex in progress yesterday and promised I'd get back to it soon.

Lori said...

There's a better way. You do that on each blog post?

I think Google did some updating, and once I went to settings, email, and added my email address to comment notification email and confirmed the email, I was back in business! If you have noticed the same thing, that's how it can be remedied.

Lori said...

Lovely pineapple blocks, Barb!!
The handquilting is coming right along and it looks gorgeous!! Oh Coco- looks very comfy. :)

Quilting Babcia said...

This post is chock-full of gorgeous color and quilting stitches! That beautiful Coco looks mighty happy snoozing on her blanket!

Janet said...

What a wonderful and inspiring post! Your echo quilting looks amazing to me - those close lines of stitching make marvellous texture :0) I love the pineapple blocks - I bet they take some time to piece but so worth it! Do you know how big you want to go with them?

Janet O. said...

Your hand quilting is so beautiful! Looks perfect to me.
Your X blocks are wonderful! Way to go, Barb!
Wow, those pineapple blocks are insane!! No foundation piecing? Incredible!
Coco looks so content--and oblivious. I could use some oblivion about now.

OTquilter said...

Pineapple class--yes!!

Shirl S said...

You always have the most interesting fabrics,I just love the Mark Twain block.

Barb said...

Thanks Shirl - I'd send you a little piece, but you are a non-reply blogger.

Shelina said...

Your quilting is coming along quite nicely on that beautiful applique quilt, and wow that pineapple quilt! I've always admired your hex quilt.

beth s said...

Love those pineapples! So tempting to begin my own!

Barbara said...

Love the beautiful quilting on your fabulous quilt! I've always wanted to make a Pineapple Log Cabin. I think you should offer a workshop in the near future :) You have so many little scraps to work with! Coco is the cutest!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Your quilting is beautiful! I can't wait to see this one finished. Those pineapple blocks are amazing. Thanks for sharing your 70273 blocks. I astounded that Jeanne made her goal and then some. I really never thought it was possible. It shows me that there is still "good" in the world!

Kyle said...

The echo quilting will add such beautiful texture. Your pineapple blocks are gorgeous. What size are those tiny strips? Working on multiple blocks at a time is really time efficient and doesn't diminish the fun.

Phyllis said...

Your quilt stitches are beautiful. I love echo quilting and do not mind at all if things are not even, in fact, I prefer it, I do not really go for perfection in quilts (or anything for that matter). The old utility quilts with their imperfect points, randomly sewn together pieces of fabric, they warm my heart. There is much more personality in a quilt that is not perfect. I think your pineapple blocks are fabulous! One of my fav blocks, my first quilt was a pineapple, made in the late 80's or early 90's by hand, no tricks, I would not have known how :-) Coco is adorable I could just pick her up and hug her.

audrey said...

Love seeing the medallion quilt with some hand quilting! Beautiful, beautiful work! I've always admired pineapple blocks, but wowsers, the time invovled! Kudos to you for following through!

QuiltGranma said...

love your hexvex quilt!

Ruth said...

I love all your posts! This one is extra special because of the pineapple blocks. Wow!! I agree with the comments about your hand quilting and didn't see imperfections, but they just make it real. Lori from Humble Quilts helped me not feel guilty for them!

Karen said...

I haven't made a pineapple block in a long time. The last I did, I paper pieced it. I have tried pineapple rulers but have not used one that gave me consistent accurate blocks.

Quilter Kathy said...

I have to say, I have not yet sewn a pineapple block. I don't know why...
they are great scrap users, but maybe because they look HARD!