
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Brownstone Quilt Show - Part 3

With the dishes done, the decorations collected and the leftovers nearly gone, it's time to return to quilting!

Here are the last few photos from Brownstone Quilt Show 2011.

As part of our Patriotic display, Berniece shared this quilt "My 9/11 Flag Quilt".  It is really spectacular!  I have encouraged her to get in touch with the 9/11 museum, as I feel it should be shared with the world.  It even includes a memento from the restaurant at the top.  The blue represents the brave police and firemen and it's torn and ravaged, as our the many lives following the 9/11 tragedy.

This elegant and beautiful quilt, "Cranes in Flight" was made by Elizabeth O'S. It is a gift and is hand quilted, and includes sashiko.

I love the softness of this quilt, made by Bea.

Here are the 2 mini quilts I won in the auction.

I was thrilled to win this one, as my boys are sailors.  I think I will matt and frame this, the stitchery is lovely!

Here are some of my purchases.  Already made - score!

One of my favorite vendors is Joe, of Lancaster Traditions.  I bought this piece of 19 century double pink - my Favorite!!

And also two yards of this glazed cotton.  I don't know what I'll do it, but I just had to have it.

I was so excited to buy this from Antique vendor, Dana, of Material Pleasures.  My home town, Chicago, Worlds Fair Hankie, 1893.  I'll frame it with this gold fabric.

And how sweet is this calendar print from 1899?  I guess she is training the dogs as they are surrounded by whips.

Who could resist these faces?  Not me.  I will frame this also.

Lastly, I tried to take a couple of photos of my Passage to India quilt to show the crystals.  It is just not possible, but there are over 600 on the quilt.  The boys suspended raking to give me a hand - thanks guys!

The pieced backing.

I used a practice piece for the label.  Waste not, want not.

Thanks for sharing the show with me!

I've started a few new project and I'll be back to share them next time.  In the meantime, I hope you are having fun!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Giving Thanks

I interup this quilt show report to wish everyone (in the USA) a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Some random photos of my stuffed turkeys and other decorations--

The turkey on the right started it all...I made it about 15 years ago.

For years I have collected vintage postcards.  My rule for Thanksgiving was it had to have a turkey.

I found this spun copper colored, glittered metal nest at Homegoods this year.  I have big Homegoods love.

I've been collecting Fair Winds china for years.  I also pick up the occasional non-matching brown transferware.  The George Washington covered sugar bowl is a favorite.

Homegoods, again....Spode Thanksgiving transferware and other misc.

This is my family room mantel.  I feel bad that I don't have an Native American couples, must work on that.    Aren't those portraits kitch-alicious?  They are painted on plywood.  I got them at a garage sale years ago.

These turkeys are only temporary by the hearth.  coco would have them gutted in 2 seconds.

This year we will have a one child returning to the nest, and the other on the wing.

Whether your celebration is large or small, I wish you a festive and Blessed Thanksgiving.

I'm giving thanks to all the nice friends I've met through this blog.  Every comment encourages me to keep posting.  So Thank You all!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Brownstone Quilt Show 2011 - Part 2

Here is part 2 of a 3 part report on the recent quilt show.


The Lincoln quilts were a challenge that I did with my 2 friends, Jill and Susan McD.  We celebrated the 200th anniversary of his birth.  It was such fun to have a themed challenge, I'm ready for another!

Jills, "And Malice Towards None" (not judged).

Susan's "Lincoln blogs" (hand quilted, and that is his signature)

and my, "Remembering Abe".

This is Jill's fabulous quilt, "Circa 1880".

I love what she did with the border edge here - very cool

 This is a stunner!  Look at the edge - beautiful!

Susan H's Wickersham quilt called "Stella" (hand quilted)

What lovely story.  Susan Z. made the top and gave her to her best friend, Barbara B for her birthday (a big one).  When Barbara opened it at a guild dinner she cried, we all did!  It is lovely and titled "A Gift of Friendship".

Margaret's (our quilt show chair and hero) beautiful quilt, "Down on the Farm".

My completed "Passage to India".  You can't see it here, but it has over 600 Swarovsky crystals and embroidered mirrors.  To my great honor, it received Margaret's quilt show chair ribbon award.

My "Whooville" quilt.  How nice that the judged recognized liberated piecing and ribbon matches the quilt :)

And finally, I can't resist adding this photo of me and Susan H.  In some odd way her shirt matched my skirt, sort of

So, I have a new profile photo because I had to send a photo of myself with a quilt show entry.  I have one word to say about setting up and taking my own portrait; awkward.

Have a fun weekend and I'll be back with part 3 soon!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Brownstone Quilt Show 2011 - Part 1

Greetings!  Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes for a good quilt show.  After 2 years of planning and many hours of work, it was a Wonderful Show!!

I'm excited to share some of the quilts with you.  This was a judged show, but I'd just like to say that I'm grateful for all the wonderful women who entered quits and shared their passion and talent, regardless of judges recognition.  Far too often wonderful quilts are passed over because of Judging bias (just saying).

Best in Show -

Best Use of Color-

Best Machine Workmanship - (this also won viewer's choice!)

And in no particular order some of my favorites-
Donna's - Give Peace Another Chance.

Susan's, Blueberries and Cheddar

Pauline's - Floral Charm - Note:  the squares are Hand Appliqued on the background!

Nancy's  - A Leisurely Trip Around the World. (incredible hand quilting!!)

Renata's - My French Garden

Maureen's Red and Green Album

Our Vintage Revisited Challenge (previously posted here)

The mini auction, which is such a hit with the visitors to the show.  I won three this year, hooray.   Susan and Barbara took this over from me and did a fantastic job!!

That's all for now.  I'll be back with more quilts to share.
In the meantime, I have a lot of blogging reading to catch up on.

Thanks for coming to the show today, I hope you had fun.