
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Well That Was Fun

Happy New Years Eve.  It's hard to keep track of the days in these last weeks, isn't it?

Just before Christmas I finished my last house blocks for My Honest House Quilt.
Which layout do you this is best?
 or #2?
 You move them around so many times it is hard to tell.  Here are the last couple of blocks.   OOpps, I flipped the house section on this one and it's staying.  Take that Quilt Police.
I really like this combination.  I'll think of this as Jilly's house because she loved purple.
Hanna was able to come home for a whole week which was wonderful as my son was on break from Nursing School too.  Having them here was the best gift.
Hanna and I went to Bingo at Foxwoods.  So fun and we got a lot of admiration for our festive attire, lol.
I love bingo, does anyone else?  There is always such hope when the game starts.  I don't even mind losing because we play like 30 games.  We were one away several times.

The same day as my last post we had a big ice storm.  Here are some photos and a short video.
It was incredible and lasted several days.  
The Swap Blocks are coming and I'm keeping a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty or nice......Deadline is January 11th. 
Coco turned 10 on Christmas Day and here is her Birthday Portrait.  Backdrop provided by my local Consignment Shop, Molly Rose in Madison, CT.
 It was pretty hard to get her to sit nice (which of course she didn't).
 Here is my favorite outtake.  What is that face even doing?
Nutmeg enjoyed all the packages, lights and taking naps on the tree skirt.  Can you find a kitten in this pre-Christmas photo?
Can you tell Hanna is excited for Danish Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes and Cabbage? 
Everyday we took a long walk outside which are some of my favorite memories.
I hope your Holidays were filled good laughs, good food and good times.

I wish you all a Joyous and Peaceful 2020.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Christmas Time is Here

Hello and Welcome one and all.   Thank you, Lori for putting this blog hop together for us all to enjoy.

My God Jul quilt made for my Danish husband, Rich.  He's my biggest supporter and the center of my world.
This is the view from our bed.  My Nana had a ceramic tree and I've come to love them for their kitschy vintage aesthetic.

Here is my new Christmas Quilt for 2019.
Toile' the Night Before Christmas in our guest room.
This is always the Red and White Room so it works naturally for Christmas.
Little Mary Engelbreit houses I've had for years and a little red and white quilt.
I am cutting down on wrapping paper because it isn't great for the environment, so here is a cardboard box that just needed a little embellishment.  The whole box can be saved for next year :)

Here is an upcycle idea.   I use Christmas cards that I receive as gift tags.  I love to receive old fashioned cute cards and adorn packages with them.
A few little wooden things to decorate the windowsills.
Tin windup toys and another a red and white doll quilt.
Here is a little humorous moment in the kids/guest bathroom on another little quilt.    "You'll Shoot your Eye Out Kid".......ha ha
Rich requested my Jubilee quilt for the eating area in our kitchen.  I also like to layer tablecloths with vintage card tablecloths.
 This is a little sweet log cabin gift quilt from a friend in Illinois, Mary, made for me.
 Another little log cabin doll quilt that I made years ago.
the backing print.  I wish I had more of this one!
Because of Nutmeg, the new kitten, I did not put up my full Dickens Village, but  opted for a mantel display this year.  Here is a short video.
In the Dining Room I have our collection of Nissemen, which are Danish Elves.  Also on display is just a small part of our Danish Christmas Plate collection.
My Big Giant Tree!  Every year I say to my patient husband, "Rich I want a BIG tree. If they don't have a big tree we're leaving"  well friends, my dream came true!
 Here is a video tour of ornaments and bubble lights.
The little elf in a green plastic ball is a gift I received from my kindergarten teacher.  I treasure it.

My favorite Holiday Craft Tradition is making Pomanders.  I just love how they smell and look in a bowl on the table.
The magic tool that peels the rind so the fruit will dry.  You can find them at gourmet cooking shops and also on the all powerful amazon.
I cut a design groove into the citrus.  This year I'm trying lemons, lime and a clementine. 
 I also use a nut cracking tool to poke little holes into the fruit.  Remember Nut Bowls?  It used to be a holiday tradition.
I use it make little holes to insert the whole cloves.
 You can also just let the little peel swirls breath and insert cloves between the lines.
 This quiet old timey activity just makes me happy.  This year I tried a little clementine.
 I like this design which I used on a lime this year.
A few more Christmas moments from around our home.
the hall table~
My German Creche was a gift from my Mother in Law.  I put the baby in on Christmas Day.
A collection of handmade Christmas Mice from our friends, Susan and Owen.  Aren't they sweet?

I was so inspired by Kelly's post, that I made a mason jar vignette myself.  I used pink Himalayan salt and kosher salt and a few vintage pieces.
I put it next to "my spot" where I have my Remembering Jill quilt on the table top.
I have a great view of the room from this seat.  It is where I watch TV, stitch quilts and pass evenings.
From our home to yours, we wish you a very Blessed Holiday Season!

Be sure to visit all the wonderful Holiday Favorites Bloggers

Dec 10 KatyQuilts,

Dec 11  Beth, [

Dec 16   Knitty Quilter,

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Holiday Favorites Blog Hop 2019

Santa is Coming To Town!
 Lori, of Humble Quilts, is hosting a Holiday Favorite Blog Hop to add a little fun to your days before Christmas.  It starts tomorrow and I'll be doing a post on the 18th.

What a cute christmas basket quilt for the hop button.  I might need to make this for next year.  Can't have too many Christmas Quilts, right?

Here are the Elves of the Hop:

Dec 10 KatyQuilts,

Dec 11  Beth, [

Dec 16   Knitty Quilter,

Back soon.  In the meantime, here is my Whoville quilt, one of my favorite liberated house quilts.

Happy Sunday