After posting about my
new project here, several friends and readers have shown an interest in making their own Jubilee quilts! How wonderful!
Lori, of
Humble Quilts, and Regan, of
Floating on a Quilted Cloud, are also turning 50 this year and will be starting their own Jubilee Quilts.
We are planning to have a Jubilee Quilt Project blog and letting anyone working on this project post updates of their work. Lori already has several readers interested in joining the fun.
The main idea of the project is to
make a quilt by you and for you. You don't have to be having a big birthday this year, you can be jubilant about any milestone in your life, past or present.
Email me at or leave a comment. Even if you responded to Lori, let me know too. The more the merrier!
This is a test, this only a test........
I recently purchased 2 bolts of moda bella solids from
Thimbleanna for an upcoming red & white project for my daughter.
I did a pre-wash test and here is how it went:
don't be alarmed, I always wash my quilts in regular detergent.
I used warm/cold, as you never know who will wash it one day.
I used 3 of these. They seem the same as color catcher.
All together now...
I like to buy a cyclamen every year about this time at the grocery store. The best $10. value. They bloom for weeks.
I purposely let it sit for a while overlapping each other. I was really testing it here....
I pulled it out and it looked good! the color grabbers grabbed a little of the red, but not much.
Into the dryer with 1 sheet of bounce and set on medium.
and Viola'! After pressing, it look exactly the same as the fabric on the bolt.
Great news for me, as I would much prefer to piece with unwashed fabric! Hoooray for Moda Bella Solids!!! I give you an A+.
Think about a Jubilee Project, there isn't a deadline to join us and you don't have to have a blog either. Just drop me a line.