I changed the quilt in my Bedroom. The crystals and mirrors on this quilt make it fun to see throughout the day and evening.
I'm having so much fun with my OBW. Here are some more blocks sharing space with my Gray Log Cabin blocks. I'll share a few more tips next time.
I am also making mini blocks (see in the corner of the photo above) with the leftover bits after cutting out the triangles. These will be about 3".
I'm almost done with the big triangles.
On the Homefront: poor coco has had a few hard slip and falls on our long stairs so I got these individual runners. An easy and non-permanent fix.
I ordered them online from Dean Flooring.
and just for my own record, a clean sewing room - a rarity ha ha.I have made my Sparrow a permanent personal statement. My IG and FB friends have already seen this. I have some personal reasons for getting this now and I'll share that another time. In the meantime, you can read more here - The Sparrow Story.
Remember when only scary people and bikers got tattoos?
I'm off to the AQS Quilt Show in Lancaster. I'll be at the show tomorrow if you see me, say hello!