The pink and green strips are just placeholders. I work so much better with real materials when planning things as opposed to this:
How do you work?
I've had some questions about my clamshells. As far as I know, I've developed a new (old) way of preparing them. I made Templar plastic pieces of the clamshell size.
I brush on liquid starch and press the raw edges with my little iron. (tip: the harder the pressing surface, the better. I use the other side of a laptop pressing board)
I let the piece cool with the templar inside before removing while I move on to the next one. I worked on 4 at a time.
It was a lot of fun choosing the 208 different clams.
QuiltCon 2017 really put on a great show this year, from what I could see from my couch.
Best in Show - Bling
Mid Century Modern - Group Quilt
My favorite! No surprise there.
I really liked this one too. My daughter, Hanna, is basically teaching herself cursive. Check out that quilting - wow.
Read More about each quilt and maker here on the MQG website.
Speaking of quilt shows - Here is my Alice Payne Quilt on display at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival. I could not have asked for better placement! yay

Thank you Doreen and Lynn for sending me photos! I'm always humbled by the kindnesses of quilters I haven't met.
Back to watching April, the Giraffe getting ready to have a baby giraffe. You can watch live on YouTube here.
Your quilt is going to be so cool! I have never used that method for applique but will try it some day.
How special your quilt was placed in the most perfect spot so everyone could admire it! It's a beauty for sure.
Your quilt is going to be very beautiful. Thanks for sharing pictures from shows.
Some of your pictures are not least for me. My favorites of your clam shells have been when you focused on a design. Like the bird's nest this time. Does your templar hold its shape well? I know templar can take heat but I have had it warp . Maybe I had the iron too hot.
Forgot to mention that your quilt looks wonderful hanging at the show. You are so right. You couldn't have asked for better placement.
Your quilt is turning out to be wonderful. Love the clamshell and rows of birds.
There is a mix of quilts I like and do not like at QuiltCon. The Lincoln one is pretty nice.
Your Alice Payne quilt looks lovely! From far and close!
I've done that starch method for applique. It works great!
ah I love seeing your quilt thus far and the others from the show...that first one is amazing.
Your clamshells look awesome. Love the little hidden nests and birds! Great idea.
High River, AB
I absolutely love this quilt. Is there any chance you are going to publish a pattern for it? I would be first in line to buy it. IT is just a great visual!!
I am in love with this quilt! Yummy! Your clam shell method is most efficient. I am lazy so I usually make mine as circles and then overlap and cut out the back when I am done with one row. Wasteful yes, but as I said, I am lazy! Hurrah for Alice Payne! What a great spot.
I am pretty sure I do not have the patience for the clamshells, but they look awesome! I especially love the bird nest. : )
Wow--GREAT placement of your quilt in the show. Looks wonderful hanging there, Barb!
That is a great quilt of ABE. And I love the "Cursive" quilt, too. Makes me sad that they don't teach that anymore.
Your clam shells are looking fabulous, what a great tutorial.
This is going to be an amazing quilt!
My favorite quilt of QuiltCon would be that Bling - Wow!
You, and handwork..........what a pair! You do marvelous work, and it shows in the patience you have making 208 DIFFERENT clam shells! My kind of scrapper! Congrats on your quilt being in the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival! HOORAY!
Such beautiful applique. Your medallion quilt strikes me. I don't think there's much handwork in my future but it certainly inspires me to try. And I love the borders.
Wow your quilt is so impressive. It is going to be a fabulous quilt. Enjoyed seeing the quilts from the show too.
I just love the clamshell border--it is a perfect edging for this beautiful piece you are making.
hugs, Julierose
Love, love, love your new quilt and the clamshell and sparrow borders. So many beautiful fabrics to choose from! I can see why you like the Lincoln quilt :) AP looks fantastic! Are you going to Quiltfest NJ?
I love reading your blog as it's always fun to see what you are coming up with next. Congrats on your quilt at Mid-Atlantic, and I'm loving your newest creation. I can sketch all day long, but it's when you get to the cloth that the real decisions are made!
What a fabulous place for your quilt at the show.. ! For the clamshells, well I never made them ! Whaaaat ? Really because I think I don't like them... maybe one day but yours are pretty especially the eggs in the nest ! :)
Thanks for sharing some pictures about Savannah show...the first price is stunning and I love a lot the quilt with Mr Lincoln !!
What a wonderful place for your quilt to hang! It looks gorgeous and properly appreciated. I absolutely love your bird and clamshell border!! It's so original and the fussy cut clamshell are fabulous! I'm loving watching your progress on this one. Thanks for sharing your method for the clamshells :0) That cursive quilt is interesting. We talk about that around here as my 3 older kids learned cursive writing in school but my youngest isn't getting it and I guess it's out of the curriculum now.
Barb thanks for sharing your quilt con pictures, and also the way you do your clam shells. I will have to try that out for a border some day. The birds going around the quilt is a great idea also. Love your Alice Payne quilt.
So you are one of the many watching April, I am too. Been watching since Friday. Hope I don't miss the happy event. I have to sleep sometime. Have a great day. Diane
Look how beautiful your Alice Payne quilt is hanging at the show? I really like the bird border. It is so you. Thank you for sharing.
You're so funny! Abe is wonderful, but I LOVE that cursive quilt! And what do you mean Hanna is teaching herself cursive? I thought she would be old enough to have still had it in school? I think it's terrible that they've stopped teaching it. And Barb! I must take exception to your "Math is terrible" -- how on earth would we figure out our quilts without MATH??? ;-D
Thanks for the tips on the clamshells! Love how your quilt is coming together.:)
I absolutely LOVE the quilt you are working on. Thanks for the clamshell tip. Your Alice Payne quilt looks stunning at the quilt show. Hugs
The bird & clamshell borders are inspired! I'm like you, I work better with my fabrics and my eyeballs; no matter how much I do the math ahead of time, things still don't always work out! I had not seen the MCM quilt from Quiltcon - very cool! And of course, I thought of you when I spied the Lincoln quilt!
Thanks diane for your nice comments.
Thanks Janet - I got such a great spot for Alice in VA.
Your work in progress is just wonderful. The tree of life (or burning bush, or whatever) is exuberant. The borders enhance the medallion perfectly. Congratulations on your MAQS entry. Love the cursive quilt!
How do you machine bast applique?
Your medallion quilt is really coming along! It is just stunning! Such a thrill to see your Alice Payne quilt at the quilt show. Looks like it got a place of honor. I have tried the starch method and found the fabric stiff to stitch through, maybe too much starch?
Liz - you don't have an email attached to your profile.
I pin my shapes then baste on my sewing machine with a very long stitch so that I can easily remove them as I applique' i hope you see this response and consider changing your profile settings.
Oh Alice Payne! Perfect placement indeed! As they say in real estate, "Location, location, location."
Thanks for sharing your clam shell method; I've not tried that method yet. I like your shell-bird combo for the border.
Your medallion quilt is simply FAB! Are there more borders coming, or is this all she wrote?
Just gave your name again to my new program chairs, hopefully they will call you to come to ocean waves guild.
Just gave your name again to my new program chairs, hopefully they will call you to come to ocean waves guild.
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