I changed the quilt in my Bedroom. The crystals and mirrors on this quilt make it fun to see throughout the day and evening.
I'm having so much fun with my OBW. Here are some more blocks sharing space with my Gray Log Cabin blocks. I'll share a few more tips next time.
I am also making mini blocks (see in the corner of the photo above) with the leftover bits after cutting out the triangles. These will be about 3".
I'm almost done with the big triangles.
On the Homefront: poor coco has had a few hard slip and falls on our long stairs so I got these individual runners. An easy and non-permanent fix.
I ordered them online from Dean Flooring.
and just for my own record, a clean sewing room - a rarity ha ha.I have made my Sparrow a permanent personal statement. My IG and FB friends have already seen this. I have some personal reasons for getting this now and I'll share that another time. In the meantime, you can read more here - The Sparrow Story.
Remember when only scary people and bikers got tattoos?
I'm off to the AQS Quilt Show in Lancaster. I'll be at the show tomorrow if you see me, say hello!
so much to comment on. Love your quilt in your bedroom...and the tatoo...ouch!!
All is wonderful !
Can you send me before april 3 the photo with all the blocks made for the Log Cabin QAL, even unfinished for the parade on my blog, please Barb ?
You are brave that tattoo! And it is perfect for you. Glad Coco will not have to slip again. And those vacuum lines are impressive in your sewing room. Did you have to empty the cannister twice from all the thread? The OBW is turning out great!
A bright spot on your wall for sure! And your OBW is looking wonderful. A clean sewing room? It won't be that way for long once you get back from AQS show! I went to the one in Daytona in early March, and it was outstanding. Do hope you enjoy!
I wish I was going to the show!Is this tattoo #2? I have 3 now.
Great quilts. I had to add the stair runners as well, probably for me though!! hahaha
Another great post, pretty solution to slippery stairs! Love the sparrow post from 2011. Do you know the song, His Eye is on the Sparrow? It is a favorite of our family, we've performed it several times over the years. Sparrows are special. Take care!
Your mini OBW blocks are so cute!
I like the runners you chose--I think they look really good.
Your clean sewing room makes me want to make that happen in my sewing room. Wonder if it will happen? Nahhh.
Read your Sparrow post--really enjoyed it. I thought I was familiar with most Paul Simon songs, but that one wasn't ringing a bell. I will have to look it up and have a listen.
Enjoy Lancaster!
Your Passage to India quilt is so beautiful, and your hexies are coming along quite nicely. I looked into getting carpet for my stairs. Those are really pretty.
Love the sparrow story and the new tattoo. I'm so chicken, I can't imagine getting one, but good for you for being brave enough. It's clearly meaningful and so pretty! I'm impressed by the clean sewing room too. Feel free to stop by my house and work your magic on mine! Have fun at the show, sorry I won't be there.
Love the bedroom quilt. You are a great mom to Coco. Tattoo, how cool is that.
It was wonderful to read your story and your personal connection to the humble sparrow. You're a brave one in my book.
I love to discover another quilt from you and the Indian quilt is beautiful ! Congrats !
Congratulations too for your new tattoo...brave Barb ! :)
Love your tiny blocks and I can't wait for the result !
Enjoy the show...I hope your will take some pictures ;)
Love seeing your India quilt on the wall! I can't believe how many OBWs you've made already. All from the same fabric? The end result is going to be amazing! Sorry to hear about Coco slipping on the stairs but you found a great solution. I could use some of those treads myself! Beautiful sparrow story :) A tattoo??
Now I'm really insprired to dig out my OBW book! I've wanted to make one for years, but never seem to be able to find a fabric I'm happy with. You step mats look great and are something I should look into. My rescue pup Kylie recently rolled all the way down 13 steps--scared me to death! She got right up and pranced around, so I guess it didn't affect her as much as me! Have a great time at the show!
OBW looks amazing so far...and leave it to you to make a tiny version, too! You have changed my perspective on small is beautiful!
I don't remember having seen the India quilt before. Outstanding!
What a colorful quilt to put in the bedroom!! It will catch your eye, every day. Glad Coco has safe steps. She is worth the beautiful step rugs!! Dogs are just so great.
I like it that you have a "personal statement!" I wish I had one - I'll have to think about it. I'm assuming that the stair rugs stick on somehow. They really look nice. I'll have to send a link to my sister.
I admire how you can change quilts out with the seasons. These are all lovely. I'm enjoying your OBW progress. Thanks for sharing.
Hope you had fun at the quilt show! And are you trying to say you're scary or a biker LOL???
I surely wish we could have met up at the show. As it turned out we left even earlier due to the snow storm. Enough already! Love the tat. You are the sparrow! The OBW quilt is really taking shape.
I love your little tattoo....and it's meaning for you. The new quilt in your bedroom looks fantastic. ENJOY!
Love the bedroom quilt. You are a great mom to Coco. Tattoo, how cool is that.
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