Oooh weee, it's been hot! I've been staying in most afternoons and sewing. Here is Jill's.
As of now, the whole center section is finished. I am on target to finish by end of September.
I attended a Bonsai workshop at a CT nursery with my friends, Scarlett and Lisa.Here are the results of our efforts.
Here is my plant in it's home setting. A lot of petals dropped off at first but it is doing pretty well.
I finished my new quilt top.
I pinned it and I'm almost finished with the machine quilting on my Janome Home sewing machine.
Last weekend I attended a workshop to learn how to make Shibori fabrics. They are dyed with Indigo. Our friend, Liz, did all the prep and walked us through the process.It was hot but the process and results are so cool. Aren't they Wonderful? I just love how each one is different!
Here are the four pieces that I created. My pieces are a bit lighter because I had to leave early and my soakings were not quite as long. Nutmeg approves.
Over the 4th of July we had family time out on the Long Island Sound aboard, our boat, Manitou. Here she is finally on the water.
After months in the repair shed......
Here's her new keel - nice, huh? lol. Now I don't know much, but those look like holes in the hull to me. just saying....
My beautiful kids.
My beautiful kids.