Tuesday, November 10, 2015

BSQ 2015 Quilt Show Roundup

Last week I spent four days in New Jersey with the Brownstone Quilt Guild working on the quilt show.  Here is a re-cap:

My Jubilee Quilt won a Blue Ribbon for Bed Quilt and also a Quilt Show Chairman's ribbon.  I was so honored I look like a lunatic !!
Nancy and I tied for 3rd place ribbons in the wall quilt pieced category and they are both houses - perfect!
I forgot to get a photo of Hot Flash, but it was awarded an Honorable Mention.

Before all the fun of the show, I was the Judging Chair and responsible for hiring and making arrangements for the judges and organizing the quilts at take in and on judging day.
Pauline and I have done this for the past 4 shows but it is a challenge each time!
Here is an "action shot" of the judging.
100 quilts were judged between 9:30a and 6:00p.  It was a long, hard day.  Thank you to all who came to help.  It couldn't have been done without you!

The show looked the best it every has!  We used black curtains and wow - what a difference they make.
Here are my buddies - the Co-Chairs:  Pauline and Nancy and the wonderful raffle quilt that they also coordinated.
Here are some and by no means all the quilts I liked.  I just ran out of time taking photos.
Quilt shows are put on by volunteers like our Vendor Queen, Norma and our Ribbon Queen, Peg.
Dana's Booth, Material Pleasures, looked amazing! I was obsessed with the nine patch, of course.  I heard she sold the cheddar and blue - yum
Here is what I purchased at her booth:  A luscious piece of Toile'
and a vintage fabric and Hanky
I picked up these fabrics~
I added to my low volume and script fabric collections, bought another pair of Karen K Buckley's scissors and those pricey but wonderful needles.
I must be obsessed with my new fabric mist, I took its photo twice.

It was wonderful to see and chat so many friends from my recent visits to Garden State Quilters and Pieced Together Quilters as well as Block Swappers.

Well - That's all folks!


Sujata Shah said...

Congratulations on well deserved ribbons! Thanks for behind the scenes pictures of a show!
My favorite has to be judging in action!

Lori said...

That's so cool you went back to NJ to help with the show. Congrats on The well deserved ribbons!!

Brenda said...

Congratulations! I always knew you were a winner! What kind of needles did you buy? I can't see from the photo.

Julierose said...

Congratsx2!! Beautiful work!! Love peeking into the show and hearing about judging...lovely post (and you do NOT look crazee--just happy!!) hugs, Julierose

OPQuilt said...

Congratulations on your well-deserved awards! I think you look great posing by your quilts--it's a deliciously happy moment. I'm impressed with all the work you did on the show in several capacities. Without people like you, we wouldn't have quilt shows to enjoy, and fun to see all the goodies that tempted you.

Diane said...

Congratulations on the ribbons Barb! Well deserved, and you do not look like a lunatic! LOL
Good purchases too, you're going to have fun with those. Thanks for sharing photos of the gorgeous quilts. Sorry I missed the show, it looks like it was wonderful.

Janet O. said...

I see no lunatics in this post, but I do see very talented quilters--mostly you! : )
Congrats on your ribbons--well deserved! Looks like an incredible show.
Great backing piece you found. So you!!
I'm curious about the mist you show twice (what is it, starch?), and the expensive needles you referenced. What brand, and what makes them better than others you have tried? Inquiring minds want to know.

Teresa Duryea Wong said...

Congrats on a great show and your fantastic winning quilt!

Ruth said...

Of course you won a blue ribbon with your jubilee quilt! Congratulations! And congrats on your other ribbon too. The house quilts are too cute. Thanks for sharing the photos. I notice that they use the hangers to hang the quilts instead of requiring a sleeve. A local quilt show does that too and it's the first time I had ever seen that done, but I really like it. Another thing around here (Western Oregon) is that there are lots of quilt shows where the quilts aren't judged. I was kind of surprised and disappointed, although it is OK I guess. I think the possibility of winning a ribbon is some incentive to enter a quilt in a show - and to try to do a good job on it.

Pinkadot Quilts said...

Congratulations on all of your ribbons, very well deserved! I can't wait to put my house quilt in our next show, they were so much fun to make.
I love that Flatter, it works well getting out a stubborn wrinkle.
I love being a scribe at the quilt show. Judging is such a wonderful experience to be a part of, you learn so much!

Raewyn said...

Congratulations on your ribbons and winnings - it looks like a well deserved win! It's such a lot of work to set up for a show but so worth it - well done on a great show!

CecileD said...

Between us, I think they take their time to reward your stunning quilt !! After Paducah and many quilt shows, hooray ! The blue ribbon is for you ! Well deserved Barb and no lunatic woman ! Just a talented quilter "on her little cloud" as we used to say in France !
Congratulations !!
Thank you for sharing and congrats too for your friends !
Hugs !

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

Your quilt is gorgeous...no wonder it won ! You look quite lovely next to it, as well.

Janet said...

You look wonderful next to your quilt! So exciting to win 2 ribbons. It is such a gorgeous quilt and very deserving! I love the raffle quilt - interesting borders. I also love the peek at Material Pleasures booth - that tree quilt looks very interesting and the cheddar and blue is fabulous. I always enjoy the vendors at a quilt show :0) nice purchases! I haven't tried those needles yet - what do you like about them?

Chris said...

Congratulations, Barb! You and your quilt look lovely! Happy and proud, as you should be! Thanks for all the pics and info on your show, so interesting to see how each guild does its shows. Love the black curtains, sets off each quilt nicely. Nice post!

OT Quilter said...

Thanks for the memories! I like the look of our 'neighborhood!"

Susan said...

Your prize winning quilt is stunning........no wonder you were excited to win a ribbon. Thanks for sharing the pics......both of quilts and behind the scenes.

Linda in NC said...

Congratulations! Thanks for the tour of the show. I loved seeing Nancy's and your house quilts hanging side-by-side!

Frog Quilter said...

Way to go Barb. They are all beautiful.

Monica said...

Congratulations, Barb! It looks like the competition was fierce. :D

Every Stitch said...

Big congrats on your ribbons - such a stunning quilt! the black curtains are a great idea - like photos on a black album page - they make the quilt colours stand out so well.

Kim said...

Congratulations. It makes my blood run cold to think of entering a quilt in a show/contest!
So what are these needles you love so much? I really do love the needle you included in your hex vex starter kit
is this it?
You looks so happy with your quilt Barb, it is a beauty!

Happy Sewing and continued success

audrey said...

And a big congrats to you on your ribbons! Fun to see the background scenes as well.:)

Thimbleanna said...

Wow! It looks like an amazing show! Looks like you got some fun stuff too. And Congratulations on your ribbons -- all very well deserved!!!

Nancy said...

Congratulations! Your quilt is a show-stopper. And the house quilts shows side by side with ribbons- lovely. Quilt shows are a huge endeavor and it looks like a great success. Judging day- fascinating but very long. Well done.

Nifty Quilts said...

Wow! Congratulations on your awards!! I'm not surprised that your Jubilee quilt won the blue ribbon. It's really fabulous. Congrats also on a wonderful looking show. Lots of work, and so worth it. Looks like you have very many talented quilt-makers there. Enjoy the glow!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Great post! Congratulations on your ribbos!,

Marge said...

Congratulations! Congratulations! I am thrilled for you that you are being recognized for your talent. Hmm....about that toile...gorgeous!

Sherrill said...

WOW!! There were some awesomely beautiful quilts there. You had a LOT of competition so your ribbons were very well deserved (I'da been a lunatic, too!! LOL). And OHH, that BEAUTIFUL raffle quilt!! Someone's gonna be doing a major happy dance as the winner of that one.

Karen said...

Barb, I'm so happy about your win. I'm glad we traveled the Jubilee Quilt journey together. I know how special these quilts are and it's wonderful to see two ribbons hanging on your fabulous quilt.

smazoochie said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful quilt!
I cannot imagine how difficult judging a quilt show would be. Hats off to those willing to do it & especially to those who do it well.
p.s. You don't look like a lunatic.

Kyle said...

Sending you my congrats too for your beautiful quilts. It takes some wonderful people to put on a great quilt show. It's always fun to see what new goodies Quilter's find at a show. I love the tulip needles too. My eye went right to the cheddar and blue quilt in your photo. I saw it was quilted with a large baptist fan.

christine said...

Congratulations! It looks like you had some great competition as well. yOu've stayed active with NJ guild even after moving to CT? I'm impressed. Does that 'flatter' product work on stomachs? (That is not an auto-correct...just wishful thinking!)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Your jubilee quilt is stunning and I am so happy that you won two ribbons! Love your house quilt, too. Even though you worked hard and long hours, so glad you got to have a fun time with your friends. Your quilting is amazing! Blessings to you from Kentucky - kelley

Barb said...

thanks Kelley from KY ! Your comments were so appreciated today xo

Barbara said...

Great seeing you at the show, Barb! Thanks for all your hard work and congratulations on your winning quilts--each and every one is extra special :)

Dawn said...

Looks like a fun show! Congrats on your ribbons. Interesting to see your purchase from Dana. Thanks for sharing all of the pictures so we could share in the fun.

Cissa K said...

Congratulations! Your quilts are amazing. Great show.

Chantal said...

Congratulations on winning so many ribbons. I nearly split my sides laughing at you looking like a "lunatic". For starters I have not heard that word in ages and secondly if a lunatic looks like that I am sure nobody minds being one!! Lol.
Beautiful quilts at the show. Thank you for sharing with us.

Linda O said...

Congratulations on your ribbons! Your quilts are stunning! Huge job for the show, but well worth it to see such lovely quilts. Picked up some nice goodies too!

Maureen said...

Congratulations on your multiple wins! I think that is a great photo of you in front of Jubilee.
The quilts do look wonderful on the black drape. Are those clothes hangers? Interesting and I think they look good, too!
What kind of needles did you purchase. I can't see and they don't look like a familiar brand.
I always want to say "fun post" in my comment to you and then I think, well, of course it was fun - it's Fun With Barb!

Rachaeldaisy said...

WooHoo!! - a huge Congratulations to you on all your ribbons!! How very exciting!! I hope you've still got that big winning grin. It's fun to see photos of your quilt show friends too. Putting on a quilt show takes a lot of organising and work and you've all done a great job. The black cloths really do make the quilts stand out beautifully! You found such wonderful fabrics too.

Dawn said...

Yup, that's my toile. I just double checked.

Dawn said...

Yup, that's my toile. I just double checked.

fiberchick said...

Congrats on your wins! So deserved!!!

Aunt 'Reen said...

What a beautiful quilt show.
I LOVE LOVE your Jubilee Quilt, the ribbons were well deserved!

Jan said...

All that hard work looks like it paid off! The black curtains do make for a more polished look. Congratulations on your well deserved honors.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Woohoo! Congratulations! I love that quilt. And if you look like a lunatic, I want to join that club! Thanks for sharing all those great quilts too.

Pat said...

No way do you look like a lunatic! I see a very happy, accomplished quilter who deserves all the recognition you have received!! Agree - black background for display looks terrific - your displays are beautifully exhibited. Having chaired 2 quilt shows myself and volunteered for over 30 years, I well understand how much work goes into a show.

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Congrats on the blue ribbon! Well deserved!

Karen said...

Congratulations on the ribbons. Very deserving of them.

I love that pink toile. What line of fabric is it from?

Diane said...

Barb, Congratulations! I'm so proud of you. You've become the quilter I always wanted to be.

Patricia Rosa said...

I was so happy to see Jubilee get two blue ribbons, finally it has been given the recognition it deserves! Mine was a favorite of yours, wow, I didn't know. Thanks

I thought the show was terrific and I thank all who did so much work to make it happen!

Shelina said...

Congratulations on your wins! Well deserved. The black backgrounds do make the show look very classy.