Friday, January 10, 2025

Happy New Year - 2025

Well, we made it to 2025!  This is my final finish of 2024.  I made it for  a special family friend, Jackson.  

I had it quilted by my friend, Scarlett.  I love this quilting design.  It reminds me of toys.
Okay, now to see how I did with my list of 2024 goals.   In order:
Finish this baby quilt
Completed and Gifted!
Finish Jill's Folk Art Quilt
Done - and it Won the State Ribbon for Applique - yay!
Finish this quilt.  Literally a fail on this - nothing happened.
Finish this Community Outreach Quilt.
Finished and returned to the guild for donating.  
Nutmeg Quilt
Done!  Quilted and has a facing.
Quilt this top.  Total fail - nothing happened on this one.
Finish this top - Nope - but it is all basted and I'm working on it.
Make a little quilt like this block for a friend.
Done! and sent to Colorado.
Set and quilt this top.  NOPE
I did, however, decide not to do this setting.  Even after I made all those scrappy flying geese!  I also sewed the middle part together.
Bonus Stuff -
I finished this bag after it sitting idle for  2 1/2 years!
I also made this quilt as a wedding gift!
I finished my extra long crochet scarf and a matching hat.  
I am continuing to work on my Jane Stickle blocks.
I haven't set my intentions for this year, and I may not.  I feel like I stayed very focused and did get a lot accomplished.

I give myself a solid B.

Thank you to all still check in here from time to time.  I appreciate my quilt community now more than ever.

I wish you a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year!

Friday, November 29, 2024

Long Time Gone (again)

 I feel like a turkey, because I have not written a post since August! So this is a photo dump and catch up.  

Kindred Spirits won first place at my local fair in September.

It went on to win Best in State at the CT Fair Banquet earlier this month.  Thank you to all who commented on my IG and FB post.   It was a thrill to win and of course I share it with Jill.
The Wedding quilt was gifted to Rich's Goddaughter in Breckenridge.  Here is it after quilting.
It took quite a while to quilt it, but I liked how it turned out.
I continue to work on my Jane Stickle potholder blocks.
I made my first crochet hat of the season for  my friend, Scarlett.
Hooray - I finally finished Helen's horse barn!  It now lives in Colorado.
I finished this bag that I started 2 1/2 years ago.
I did a lot of traveling and teaching and had the busiest fall I can remember.  Here are some workshop samples.  
After my quilting trips the quilt storage room looked like this!  Nutmeg doesn't mind.
I've just finished this quilt top, which as you can see is like the wedding quilt I made earlier this year.  This is not the final layout.   I'll share the finished quilt next month.
We had an election.  Now we wait to see what comes next.  I was inspired to see this sign on a walk last week.
I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving.  Ours was very peaceful and quiet.   We watched the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.  It is such a great story and beautifully filmed.
Thank you to everyone who follows me on Instagram!  It is not the same community as blogging, but it offers us a chance to share.

In the meantime, enjoy the holiday season and stay well.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Circle is Complete

Kindred Spirits; Jill's Quilt, is finished!

Jill started this quilt in 2006.  It was a group project of our Cupcake Club.   A group of four quilt friends who met every month and did a number of quilts and other craft projects together.

Here we are will red velvet cupcakes.
This how I inherited the project after Jill passed away in 2014.  The pink angel near her initials broke my heart a little.
After completing her appliuqe' blocks, I added a house in the middle.  I chose purple because Jill loved to include purple in her quilts.   Isn't this sweet?  I'm sure it is Jill, her husband, Scott and their son, Justin.
Here is the label I made.  I miss Jill so much and think of her so often.  All in all, I think she would be pleased.
I quilted them the same, using my extra large fan stencil.    It is available in my etsy shop - click here to see it.   I also have a set of 38 patterns that I used for my quilt available.
Here is my quilt.
This is Mary and her Red and White finished quilt.
I love her unique version.  Very modern, and very Mary.
Susan's quilt:  Animal, Vegetable or Mineral.

Here is Lin McQ's  quilt.  She used my pattern set Kaffe Fassett's and added her own patterns,  How great is that striped border?  
I'll be visiting and meeting her next year in Ohio where I'll be presenting a lecture and workshop.  I can't wait to see her quilt in person!

If you are still here, I'm offering a 20% discount on my Etsy shop for  30 days.  Use the code:  JILL20
See you next time.