Thursday, June 21, 2018


Happy Summer!  Thank you all who left nice comments on my last post and for your encouragement to continue blogging.

Here is another early peek at my new Liberated Piecing Project.
I have plans for a series like this.  There are some more details to add.  Very different but it's exciting to do something different.

Yay! There seems to be a fix for blogger email connection to comments.  I have heard of a couple but this is what worked for me:
Open Blogger
Click Settings
Click Email
Add your email to the box and SAVE CHANGES.
If your email is there, like mine was.  REMOVE IT - SAVE
Close all windows
Re-open Blogger
repeat above then "add" your email and SAVE CHANGES
Your should get an email to subscribe to "emails" in your email inbox.  Follow email instructions and you should be good to go.

Good Luck!

I have also been working on a new workshop sample based on my Lollipop Garden Quilt. 
In progress~
Still needs to stitched and borders.  It has been fun making circles and doing machine applique' this week.
Susan McD sent me a photo of some rag balls she made with African fabrics.  Aren't they fabulous?
Lifestyle Section~

Do you have a Morning routine?  I used to watch about 2 hours of News in the morning and I've weaned myself completely off and I'm so much happier!
Now I read, meditate, sew, dream and plan....aaahhh that's better.

Here is a great recipe I tried this week.  It whipped up in about 30 minutes and was great for a summer dinner.  I think it would be good for a 4th of July BBQ too.

Meatball Sub Casserole - click here for Recipe
If you shop at Costco I highly recommend their Green Matcha Tea.  It is good hot or cold and look how clever it rests on the top of your cup/pitcher/glass.
Alice Payne is on Display at the  Shipshewana Quilt Festival.  Give her a little love if you see her :)
I'm off to the Vermont Quilt Festival tomorrow with Hanna - yay!  There will be Ben & Jerry's and Flea Marketing this time.



Barb said...

test, test, is this working?

Kyle said...

A newsy post! Just followed your Blogger email directions and I have reconnected with myself. Have fun with your new liberated project and, of course, have fun in Vermont with quilts, friends, ice cream and flea market finds. Happy Summer solstice

Unknown said...

Hehe yes! Can't wait for this weekend of fun!!

Janet said...

Another post filled with fun :0) I love doing stuff with daughters - I hope you have lots of fun in Vermont! Your new buildings quilt looks interesting - I look forward to seeing what you add to it and the lollipop quilt. Hurrah for Alice - I'm sure she will be well appreciated at the show. Thanks for passing on the info about blogger and emails - I will reconnect myself as well.

audrey said...

Ahh.. Alice Payne. One of my very faves of your quilts! Always a pleasure to see your liberated quilts coming along too. And the Blogger fix is so timely. I think many of us were getting frustrated enough to give up.:)

Lori R. said...

I'm so happy you were able to Blogger FIX. Love Alice Payne and the Lollipop sampler. Have fun in Vermont!! I have a small gift for you. Please send me your address so I can pop it into the mail to you.

Julierose said...

The fix is working for me, too. thanks for posting Barb;))
Oooh that meatball sub casserole looks so goooood....yummy/
Still doing my 4-sies here and searching for a pattern to use them up...hugs, Julierose

Pinkadot Quilts said...

Thanks for posting the blogger fix, I just did it following your directions! Your quilts look fun and very creative. Of course, Alice is a favorite of mine and I never get tired of seeing it. Meatballs, yum!

Angie said...

The new liberated piecing project looks like it's going to be fun! Thanks for the Blogger fix instructions. I followed them and appear to be back to receiving email notifications - yay! I'm impressed that you have given up watching the news in the morning. I don't watch much AM news, but I am addicted to reading a number of online news sources. This week has been rough and I know I need to stop, or at least pull back a little, but it's too easy to steal a quick look at Twitter during the work day...
Have fun at the Vermont Quilt Festival - that one is on my bucket list!

Pat said...

Thank you Barb - great instructions and it works! Have been following you for a long time but just in the background. Happy you are blogging. I sent your workshop info to our guild program chairpeople . Have a great visit at the Quilt Festival.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Thanks for the FIX update -- I've reset mine and will wait to see if I get emails again.

Paulette said...

Thank you for the fix! You've got a lot of fun things in the works! I've been doing pretty well with my morning meditation routine, but things are pretty loosey-goosey after that. Swore off TV news a while ago for my own sanity (still manage to keep up on what's happening somehow). I do try to get a few minutes of fun time in the sewing room before noon.

Elaine Adair said...

Happy day - hope this works. Gotta print out instrucctions, but my spirits are high, hearing your "fix" might solve the problem! Thank you very much! elaineadairpieces

Jill said...

Thanks for the blogger tips. I am glad you are continuing your blog. :-) Wish I could attend the Shipshewana Quilt Show. It is a nice one as I have attended in the past. Enjoy the Vermont Show!

Barbara said...

Fun post, Barb! Love your liberated piece and your new lollipop workshop! I tried the Blogger fix and accepted the invitation but no email yet even after I left a 'test' comment. Maybe it takes a while? Susan's rag balls look great in those African fabrics :) Have fun at VQF this weekend!

Barbara said...

Just a follow-up. The email went to my junk folder. So all is good. Thanks, Barb!

Nann said...

Thanks for the magic fix, Barb. I have flowed the instructions and hope it will work for me. I like your liberated cityscape. And the lollipops. Enjoy Vermont!

Janet O. said...

I just deleted the email, put it in again, saved it, and it worked! I confirmed it with the email that came to me and all is back to normal. Crazy, huh?
Lollipop Garden is so great! I really like the look.
The rag balls in African fabrics are beautiful!!
Alice Payne is getting some well earned attention--that is wonderful!
Have fun with Hannah. Sounds like a good time.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

I tried the comment fix and I think it worked—thanks so much Barb! Love the lollipops too—fun!

Shirl S said...

Have fun in is on my bucket list. Love the Lollipop Garden too.

I hear you about the news...I was in a waiting room and one TV was CNN and the other wouldn't even think they were talking about the same thing.They are both just trying to keep us divided. I quit watching it a long time ago. I figured while everyone goes in a tizzy over the next revelation I'll be here quilting, reading , gardening and just enjoying life.

SandraC said...

What a lovely post...I just found you through the linky party at So Scrappy and will look forward to more of your posts. And, thank you so much for the "fix"!

Shelina said...

The lollipop quilt and the rag balls are both so cute! I gave up on the news one year, but then I was totally surprised at events that happened while I was in my own insulated world. Now I feel that I need to be alert and keep in touch with what is going on. There is a happy middle ground somewhere, although I haven't found it.

Barbara Black said...

THANK YOU--- the fix worked! So glad you took time to share it.

beth s said...

Thank you so much for the info on blog comments! I've added your link to my post today and hope everyone is able to Get it to work!

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

Barb thank you so much for those instructions - easy thanks to you - ! Your quilts are so great and the lollipop garden is such an inventive fun idea. It will be cool to see where your cityscape ends up. I liked the lifestyle section of your post and your healthy (for mind and body) morning routine;).

Sharon said...

Thanks for the blogger fix. I'm going to post it on my site and link back to you!

Sharon said...

Thank you so much for the blogger fix!! I tried it and will see if it works. Which means I have to do a blog post, which is long overdue.
Thanks for the recipe, it looks yummy. Yay for Alice - she deserves to be seen! Have a fun trip with your daughter!

christine said...

Do keep blogging! We enjoy and a great diary for yourself. I like your new improv work. I need to get myself going into a new ‘deck’ of ‘must do’ projects is almost cleared! What next? So many options!! Also, curious: do you know what was in the center of the rag balls?

Rebecca Grace said...

I hope you enjoyed the Vermont Quilt Festival! I love your lollipop runner and agree completely about not starting the day with toxic news immersion. I get the New York Times top story headlines emailed to me every morning and I just scan through them -- in case we're suddenly at war or something I REALLY need to know about -- and then I hit delete. But I find that I can overdose on my blog reading/writing/quilt planning and lose enormous chunks of time that way if I'm not careful! Thanks for the Blogger tip, by the way. It's been making me crazy that I can't reply to comments on my blog posts!

Nancy said...

Thanks so much for the blogger comments/email fix, Barb. I hope you don't mind that I'm sharing how to do this in one or two of my Facebook groups and a post on my blog. I figure spreading the word will help communications among the blogger community return to "normal."

How I love your Lollipop Garden!