Nutmeg's Puff Quilt....She hates it.
Now you may wonder why I made this. All I can say is that I wanted to try this method because I think they have a old timey charm and I wanted to understand how it was done.
We picked out fabrics. These were from a 5" charm pack by moda. the line is called Slow Stroll.
She liked this partHere are all my little pockets ready to fill and sew. I used this tutorial which I first saw on Instagram.
Here is the back before adding the backing
I layered it and pinned it
In other news:
I made a special label for Hanna and David's wedding quilt using several label books.I got that wonderful flat light box - where else? Amazon. Here is the one I purchased.
I combined several designs by tracing them, and I did the lettering myself. It is not perfect, but it was done by my own hand.
Here it is on the back of the quilt.I'm still doing big stitch quilting on my Vedderstone Ranch quilt.On my Design Wall:This is a quilt I started in 2015 - yep, that's 8 years ago folks.The only thing left to do is sew on the top border and appliqué those top animals. That is all that is why did I put it a drawer for so long???
If you are still here, thanks for reading my post today. I'm feeling very conflicted about blogging at the moment. So many great quilters and friends have given it up.
Like my friend, Wendy Reed, I am going to continue for myself and to journal my creative endeavors.
Here are a few photos out on the sound with my boys.
Good morning Ms. Fun! I look forward to each blog post from you as it is always filled with so much inspiration. I know it takes much time and thought to create content and I enjoy reading about your projects and family. Thank you for continuing to post. Kelley Secrest
I love reading your blog…so many interesting quilts and news to share. I am still blogging too…it’s a way to document what I am making and what is going on in my life. Do you think Nutmeg will learn to like her puff quilt? I’m off to a guil sewing day today. I’m also working on an old UFO…like you, I wonder why I left it so long!
I enjoy reading your blog Barb. As a newer quilter it is nice to see the beautiful things you create time after time. I’ve made some of your recipes, done some big stitch quilting for the first time, and made that big cupcake you posted. Your blog is really inspiring! Thank you for opening up your world to us!
I wonder if Nutmeg would like her quilt better if it had some catnip in it?
Thank you for blogging. I enjoy reading blogs….mostly about quilting but also travels, books, recipes, and family.
Instagram is starting to get annoying with all the sponsored posts and sponsored stories. They seem to be increasing a good bit.
It is sad to see so many bloggers leaving; but, I am staying. Just recording my small ups and downs with my creative endeavors;))) Lately, most of mine have not turned out that well, but, hey, that's how it goes, right?
I also enjoy reading all kinds of blogs --about all subjects, really; I find them fascinating. Hugs, Julierose
Great post as always, Barb! I love the puff quilt! I remember when they were popular and my friend taught the class at Stitches and Stuffing in Naperville. I never tried one myself. I used to follow many blogs and made friends in blogland. I hope to resume posting myself.
Always love to read your posts to see what you are up to. I'm still going to hang in there for blogging. Your cracker animal top is so sweet. Perhaps you are going to be needing it for a special someone down the road?
HI Barb! That sweet baby does not like her puff quilt? Hrmph!!! Your labels are pretty. I too am sticking with blogging, for my own quilting diary.
nutmeg has no taste...LOL...seriously, i enjoy your blog very much and things you make. i for one enjoy lots of blogs as i don't get to shows and stuff where i see others' doings so this is my daily sojourns to other places. i do hope you continue....
I love seeing your projects and adventures and of course, your sweet animals :-) I haven't blogged for almost 3 years because I stopped quilting for what was to be a short break and then life happened. It completely took over till very recently when I was able to start sewing in small bits of time again. I have a complicated border that I'm working on to finish a quilt and hope to blog about that victory! It has cats on it :-) It's going to take me awhile though. Life is still dictated by rehab and other priorities but I have hope :-) I'm still reading Wendy's blog and others who are still creating along. I love seeing the beautiful work. Thank you for continuing to share.
I enjoy your posts and I'm glad you'll continue. The Animal Crackers are cunning! I recall a puff quilt pattern in Woman's Day or Family Circle decades ago but I have never felt compelled to make one.
Re: other bloggers. I clicked on a "pattern bundle" notice and as a result ended up subscribed to a whole bunch of quilt design blogs, all of which are commercial and most of which do not have content that appeals to me. As a consequence I've been unsubscribing as their posts arrive. The blogs I enjoy are the 'diaries' of quilting-in-daily-life.
I love your little "bisquit" quilt! Fun to try a new technique. So funny how we put quilts away that are close to being finished.
Beautiful being out on the water in summer!@!
Please keep blogging. I really don't like Instagram.
Isn't it just awful when you make something for someone and they don't like it? People will politely thank you and then stuff it away when you're gone but cats.... Their thoughts are so public (sometimes). You could try turning it over. She may like the puffiness of it but not the indentations between, and the other side would give her mostly the puff.
Your quilt label is beautiful--stunning, actually.
Animal Crackers is a fun quilt. For me, uncertainty or boredom play a part if laying a quilt aside.
I mourn what seems to be the slow death of blogging. I'm so glad you're going to continue. I really enjoy reading your posts (even though I rarely comment). I suppose lack of comments might be one of the reasons people stop blogging. Unless we're blogging purely for ourselves as a journal or record, we like to have comments for the interactive aspect, knowing others are reading and have a thought or two about our posts. I don't have an instagram account but maybe it's quicker (in these days of shorter attention spans)?
I'm conflicted about blogging too. So many of the people whose work I love to follow have stopped blogging. I've tried Instagram but it's just not the same. Have fun with your Animal Crackers quilt. I love quilts with animal and people shapes on them. This one is so colorful.
Every thing you do is so creative and inventive and fun. Always a delight. Everyday on the water is a good day. Even better with family. Everyday I am trying to figure out a way to get a place on the water 24/7. But alas I didn't win the lottery so that is not happening.
All the best to the newlyweds!
I am still a big fan of blogs although some days it is hard to post comments. Thanks for taking the time to share your work.
I enjoy your posts and hope you keep blogging! I fully understand, however, that some things eventually “run their course” and no longer are satisfying. I’m doing mine to share with others and my stats and comments are enough to keep me going for now, but , some day, when my quilt making wanes I suspect the blog will as well!
I like reading about all your adventures. Quilting and all else. I hope you continue to blog and enjoy doing so.
Aren't cats funny?! I made our cat a scrap pillow - and he hates it! Maybe Nutmeg will explore it a bit more if there is fresh catnip scattered between the squares. I hope you decide to keep on blogging, at your own pace. Seems like a lot of us have slowed the pace of blogging posts, not necessarily because of lack of interest, but more a lack of time and as we age, life begins to demand more and more of our precious time. I always enjoy seeing your quilts and your quilty travels too.
Yes, definitely keep blogging. I am also continuing. It is a good place to house your quilting journey over time. I regularly research when I made something or what I was thinking about the next steps for UFOs, etc.
Cats are such fickle critters and both yours & mine prove it daily! Hahaha! I'm glad you're going to continue to blog. I love seeing what others are doing and I also will continue to blog for the exact reasons you stated. It keeps me focused (really? Ha!) and documents my life, even if only for my purposes. Your Vedderstone Ranch quilt is lovely and the Animal Crackers are fabulous. Keep at it!!!!
I love your blog I'd would miss it. I understand it takes time but you're giving enjoyment to more people than you think.
I just want to tell you a big THANK YOU!!!
That silly Nutmeg. Not everyone gets a hand made quilt. The label is perfect. It's nice to have our work documented in some small way. Love see you all out on the water. I have very wobbly sea legs so I'd be a poor shipmate.
How nice that you're continuing to blog. Agree completely that so many great quiltmaking friends have dropped the practice. I'm not one of them! :-) Can't imagine not posting, though I no longer post pictures of myself because it feels unsafe. (I still regularly must delete spam comments on old blog posts.) It's fun to see what you're trying that's new - puff/biscuits - and what you're trying to finish - Animal Crackers. Us makers must always have a quilt blocks on our design walls!
Thanks for keeping blogging. Here in Europe your blogs are also liked!
Can't wait to see Animal Crackers finished!
Like you, I'm conflicted about blogging. Since becoming more active in my local quilt guild, I haven't had as much time or inspiration for blogging. On the other hand, I miss having the documentation of my quilting projects. Diane Knott was just here for a workshop and lecture, and we both bemoaned the decline in quilt blogging. I'm not sure I see a return to blogging in my future, but I always enjoy hearing what you're up to - via your blog or IG!
Love your blog! Thank you.. Please keep it up. Your work inspires me and helps me to remember to finish my projects so the dont end up added to my ufo pile. Thanks, Lynn Altshuler
Barb, another fun post and I hope you do keep blogging! I don't have a lot of readers and I mainly blog as a quilting journal. I think it was you whose example I followed in printing out my blogs every year or two into books. I'm really glad I have them. Nutmeg's cozy quilt is so fun, maybe she will warm up to it. I love your romantic quilt label for your daughter's wedding quilt, so special.
Oh, my Mom made a puff quilt back in the 70s. My older sister came across it just a few years back. She had forgotten she had it.
Crazy that Nutmeg doesn't like the finished product. I'll be curious, if you do try turning it over as suggested, whether or not she still won't use it.
What a gorgeous label for the wedding quilt. Well Done!
Animal Crackers is such a fun quilt. Sometimes we just need a change and then I tend to forget that I was so close to a finish.
Looks like lovely time on the water.
I am SO glad you are still blogging, Barb. Your blog is always so refreshing, and fun, of course. :)
Nutmeg is a rascal !! :)))
The label for the wedding quilt is absolutely gorgeous !! Bravo !
I know that many bloggers have abandonned blogging for social networking... it's sad....
Great post Barb as always !
And in France, we no longer receive any newsletters from foreign blogs. I don't know why....
I wish you a wonderful WE ! Please give a hug to Wendy !!
Nutmeg, what a fickle girl! We’ve seen her lounging on things far less comfy than a puff quilt (roofs and tall trees come to mind). I love the floral fabric you used on the back; so pretty. Keep on keeping on, my friend, in whatever way is best for you!
That little Nutmeg--what a stinker! Maybe she'll come around once she realizes how comfy her bed is :) The label for Hanna and David's wedding quilt is beautiful and so very special. Great job with the lettering. It must be the right time to finish Alphabet Soup :) Have fun!
I have read and enjoyed your blog for years especially your tutorials,the segments explaining your process, your recipes, your family activities,your wonderful photography. Please keep at it! 20 years ago, I was touched when my youngest chose to wear my wedding gown although with red shoes and red flowers! I also made my Missy cat a nice flannel quilt which she has ignored preferring to sit onmy more polished applique pieces.
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