Monday, June 24, 2024

Happy June !

Hello!  Popping in finally for  a post.   First up:  UFO update:

After spending a lot of time making these flying geese - I don't like it as a border.  I feel it detracts from my Scrappy Stars.  Still a UFO at this stage. 
Yay!  Nutmeg is done!
I am continuing to hand quilt Jill's Quilt.
I went to Arizona with my Best Girlfriends.  I'm so lucky to have these women in my life for some 45-50 years. We had a side trip to Sedona.  It was incredible.
On the way from Phoenix I saw so many saguaro cactus.  
We visited the Phoenix Art Museum.   They had a great exhibit on Barbie!
It was so fun to see all these vintage dolls and accessories.
I potted lots of flowers
I received this new planter for my Birthday.  I love it.
So I had a funny Birthday this year.  I was born on 6/2/62 and I turned 62.  Rich and I hosted a little dinner out with our best CT friends.
My friend, Wendy Reed, send me a half-size version of my Scrap Happy Quilt.
Isn't it the sweetest thing you've ever seen??  She used the directions in Quilt Mania and cut them by half.  Wendy even added hand quilting!  What a special friend.
I am continuing to work on Jane Stickle Sampler blocks.  I've quilted and  put red binding on several.
  Here are three new ones.
I got together with Scarlett to make zippered pouches.  Aren't they cute?  I still have one to finish.
I have a new finished (not originally planned) quilt top.   The blocks are 10".
It was an unusual color scheme and a bit challenging.  I was inspired in part by the decore in our VRBO in Sedona.
I'll end this post sharing this sweet flower stand I saw on my early morning walk.
Such a sweet display and the bouquets were priced at $2.00 and $3.00.  I bought 5 and took to them to a sew day and gave them to friends.  It was so old timey and charming.

Happy June!


Jocelyn said...

Loved the Barbie museum! What a treat of sweet memories. You have been busy. And celebrating a special birthday. Happy Birthday!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Super quilts! I visited that area about 6 years ago. The aridness kind of choked me as I am used to lots of greens. Wonderful to have friends that long who want to be together.

Robin said...

Arizona is hot-hot-hot but it is such an interesting place to visit and experience. I like your quilt interpretation of the Sedona visit. And, you made it up so fast! We went to Santa Fe last year and I've been wanting to make something in SW colors but I haven't come up with an idea that satisfies me yet. Your blue flower pots are so striking together. Enjoy your summer as June wanes, time went so fast this year.

cityquilter grace said...

fascinating collection of barbie and stuff....oh yes wendy is an amazing quilter...happy birthday indeed! 62? still young...

Julierose said...

Happy belated birthday;))) What a great way to celebrate with friends...
You have so many lovely projects on the have been busy;))
Love how Jill's quilt is coming along...hugs, Julierose
P.S. Stay cool--talk about a hot June!!

Chantal said...

So good to hear from you again. Happy belated birthday, young chick! Did you get a lottery ticket? With numbers like that, I would have. :^D
I don't mind the Flying Geese in the border, but maybe have less, like just in the corners or maybe asymmetrical? Anywho, that's my twopence.
Love, love, love Nutmeg block. Very well done! The Barbie Museum must have a blast. Wow! Love your Jane blocks and the zippered pouches, so cute! Congrats on the new finished top. Lots of solid colours here. Pretty unusual from Barb, I think. But the show stopper is the mini Scrap Happy Quilt from Wendy! It is such a darling! Gorgeous just like the original one is. Enjoy! ;^)

Anonymous said...

Ms. Fun, great update on your quilting progress and travel. Nutmeg is lovely and she looks great sitting on that bright, cheerful fabric. I like the flying geese on your scrappy stars and the yellow border separating the geese and stars adds nice interest to this lovely quilt. Jane Stickle is coming along nicely and I look forward to seeing your progress! Happy belated birthday to you and wish you much joy and happiness in the coming year. Kelley Secrest

Anonymous said...

It sounds like June was a great month for you! A special birthday celebration, a fun trip with your friends, and lots of sewing. I agree that the flying geese don’t work on your quilt…maybe it’s the scale that makes them too heavy…how about squares with Background fabric in between. I will email you a picture of what I mean. Those blue pots are gorgeous. Our flowers are all blooming right now. Gail at the cozy quilter.

Susie H said...

How fun -- a girls trip to AZ! Looks & sounds like a wonderful time! Love the quilting on Jill's quilt. I'm so glad I ordered my own Giant Baptist Fan stencil from you. I've used it once so far and shared it with a friend who in turn ordered her own. Thank you for making them available. Sweet gesture sharing those pretty flowers with friends. Happy Belated Birthday to YOU!!!

Quilting Babcia said...

Happy belated birthday! You've had a great and busy month. Good to see all your project updates.

Gladi Porsche said...

A belated happy birthday to you!! May your 63rd year be healthy and full of wonder, delight, and happy stitching!!😊

Nann said...

Looks as though you've been celebrating in fine style! Good to read you post, Barb.