Saturday, February 22, 2025

February - Longest Month Ever!

Hello! Here is my first 2025 Finish.  Sweet little dolly quilt.

I also made a little doll quilt for a sweet girl turning 1 year next month.
If it looks familiar, I made it using leftovers from this quilt and it is for the same little girl.
In January, we went to Chicago for  a family wedding.  Here is a group shot of the "Danish Cousins".  It was a wonderful occasion to reconnect with family.
Rich and I spent a whole day visiting Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry.  It is by far my favorite museum.  I've been visiting it for over 50 years.  The U505 Submarine exhibit space is incredible.
I have always loved getting a mold-a-rama as museums and zoos.  They had a special exhibit with many vintage wax molds.
It was a fabulous day and trip down memory lane. Here is my little pile of treasures.
You may have seen this in IG.  I Mod-Poged  a quilt puzzle.  
I have made several more Jane Stickle blocks.  I'm using a variety of techniques.
I'm making this quilt with the pot holder method, so there are a lot of single bindings to sew.
Woo hoo!  I finished stitching the large black ring on my Eagle.  I'm getting close to finishing this quilt top.
I found this beautiful lamp at the Good Will store.   It needs a larger shade, but for  now I'm enjoying it.  The price you ask?  $7.99.
The Magnolia has such a soft pretty look, and I also love the gold accents.
Just last night we enjoyed a candlelight concert.  It was wonderful!  I highly recommend finding one near you.   We heard 4 young men from Yale play Vivaldi's Four Seasons and a few other pieces.
When the house lights go out, and hundreds of (flameless) candles are the only light, it is truly magical.

Finally, if you are still here I wish you peace and comfort in these troubling times.  
Stay warm and well friends.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Happy New Year - 2025

Well, we made it to 2025!  This is my final finish of 2024.  I made it for  a special family friend, Jackson.  

I had it quilted by my friend, Scarlett.  I love this quilting design.  It reminds me of toys.
Okay, now to see how I did with my list of 2024 goals.   In order:
Finish this baby quilt
Completed and Gifted!
Finish Jill's Folk Art Quilt
Done - and it Won the State Ribbon for Applique - yay!
Finish this quilt.  Literally a fail on this - nothing happened.
Finish this Community Outreach Quilt.
Finished and returned to the guild for donating.  
Nutmeg Quilt
Done!  Quilted and has a facing.
Quilt this top.  Total fail - nothing happened on this one.
Finish this top - Nope - but it is all basted and I'm working on it.
Make a little quilt like this block for a friend.
Done! and sent to Colorado.
Set and quilt this top.  NOPE
I did, however, decide not to do this setting.  Even after I made all those scrappy flying geese!  I also sewed the middle part together.
Bonus Stuff -
I finished this bag after it sitting idle for  2 1/2 years!
I also made this quilt as a wedding gift!
I finished my extra long crochet scarf and a matching hat.  
I am continuing to work on my Jane Stickle blocks.
I haven't set my intentions for this year, and I may not.  I feel like I stayed very focused and did get a lot accomplished.

I give myself a solid B.

Thank you to all still check in here from time to time.  I appreciate my quilt community now more than ever.

I wish you a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year!