I've been a quilter now for over 25 years and it has been more than interesting to watch the birth of the Mod Quilt Movement. I think it's fabulous for all of us.
I said it.
The Mod Movement has really been good for everyone. It has increased the number of people quilting. I has made traditional quilters look at work differently. Many Mod quilters are actually using traditional patterns (sshh, they don't know this yet). It has also created a lot of exciting new fabrics.
As a quilter I'm traditional like this:
But I am also this:
and this:
and this:
and this:
and most recently this:
Gwen Marston sent me a link to this wonderful podcast on Crafty Planner which featured her last week. Give it a listen, it is really good stuff. Listen while you bake, wrap gifts, write cards.

I have put a poll on the side bar. Which are you? Mod, traditional or like me BOTH? I can't wait to see how it comes out I hope you'll cast your vote.
See you next week with more Christmas Decore and our annual card.
Me too! I couldn't agree more. I love pretty much every style of quilts. Why limit ourselves?
Amen, sister! I'm tired of the distinctions. I'm a quiltmaker influenced by lots of folks, including Gwen Marston. I just want to make great quilts!
I used to be strictly a traditional quilter. I still love traditional but I am leaning toward modern. I love trying something new. Gwen is the best. I took a class from her once and it changed how I see everything. Hugs
I listened to Gwen's podcast. It's really great! I'm not sure how the modern quilt-makers define themselves, so I really don't know if I fit in there at all. For me, it doesn't matter. I just make whatever brings me joy in the moment.
So, if you had a category called "I Don't know," that's where I would vote. ; >
Of course, there is room for everyone and every style!
Well said. I think I am more modern but I definitely love the old too!
I love traditional antique quilts but also love modern. What's old is new again as they say!
Great post! I've always felt I was a little bit traditional and a little bit modern. I'm glad the "modern" movement is attracting new quilters - I would hate for things to stagnate.
I am definitely both, and everything in between. Actually I am simply a quilter and don't feel the need to categorize myself as one or the other. It's too limiting.
I have to say I am a traditional quilter (love vintage quilts) since it is the only thing I have ever known. I live in a one horse village (junction lol) where things don't change much over the years. With the arrival of the Internet, I am finally exposed to a whole new world and I do like (some) modern quilts but haven't really tried it yet. Therefore, I am still a traditional quilter ... but not too granny lol. ;^)
I'm a quilter that embraces both the past and the present. I love and appreciate vintage quilts. I'm drawn to simple classic designs that work well with Traditional and Modern fabrics and enjoy the challenge of creating a complex and/or contemporary quilt now and then.
I love it all! Thanks for voicing what I've been feeling.
I love every style, every colour. XXX
Hello Barb !
I like to think that modern style is born thanks to traditional style !! So I am first a tradtional quilter but since a few month, I discover the modern style ans I love its colors !!
Yes, our goal is to quilt ! And there is a place for everyone !
Traditional and modern !
I can't say that I am both because I didn't do a modern quilt yet but !!! but !!!.... I have bought some fabrics to make it one !
So in a few months, I will tell you that I am both !! :))
Hugs !
I appreciate skilled quilters regardless of their choice of steles or fabric choices. Deep inside I will always favor traditional quilts
If you look at my quilts from the 70s, they would be considered modern now. I stopped quilting in the early 80s due to job and kids and picked it up again 5 years ago in an all out way. I chuckle that I was ahead of the curve then and had no category. Now, I have a hard time designing my own quilts because of all the pigeon holing and vast array of styles.
Loved your quilt show!!
It's funny. As soon as I think I'm a traditional quilter, I make something modern, and vice versa. Whatever makes you happy!
Exactly!!! I couldn't agree more and we have brilliant quilters like Gwen to thank for giving us new ways to look at and think about quilting.
Wonderful post - I too am BOTH... Or, "just a quilter" - when I'm not quilting, I'm thinking about quilts or reading about quilts. I know what I like and it varies pretty widely. Do we need to categorize each other? (No!).
I'm with you- if it's a quilt, I love it! Great photos. Oh, those orange quilts... gorgeous. But they all are.
I "Quilt" in the moment with the color and pattern that make me happy!
Oh wow! You said it baby. I will have to send you a piece I wrote (way too long for a blog comment) back in 2004 (before the modern movement) on Artist vs Quilter. There is certainly room for all art, craft, food, whatever, in this world. I am a very traditional quilter who LOVES all kinds of quilts. I am usually first drawn to the antique and traditional quilts in ever show and then enjoy viewing all the crazy "modern" quilts as well. I also love traditional quilt patterns that utilize "modern" fabrics. Thanks for bringing this up!
My heart become to old quilts and traditional quilting but Modern Quilt " makes me eyes ";in french "me fait de l'oeil"...My english is bad..Sorry
Sorry I mean : " belongs to"
Brilliant post!!! Well said!! How perfect that Gwen is the keynote speaker at Quiltcon 2016. She has always crossed all times and styles. I've really tried to stay away from the labels modern and traditional. People classify me as a modern quilter but so much of my inspiration comes from traditional quilts. Maybe I'm a Moditional quilter :)
Oh and thank you for the link to the podcast featuring Gwen, I'm looking forward to listening to the first chance I get.
I love both Modern and Traditional quilts, have done both, but tend toward traditional quilts and the designs for inspiration whether doing a modern or traditional feel quilt. What's more fun than taking something traditional and taking it one step up, unexpected and reborn? I'm glad there is new blood coming into quilting and helping to insure that quilting stays a viable art form in the future. I hope that "Modern Quilte Movement", will continue to evolve and become more interesting in the designs and use of the fabulous fabrics, colors and contrast, scale,shading, light source, etc., than it has so far on too many of the blogs I've seen. ( my only beef with Modern Quilts, too much of the same stuff on all the blogs.) When I look back at my old quilting magazines and books from the 70's, I see how "traditional" quilters have gone through many fads, phases, and styles and see a lot of evolution and am looking forward to seeing how the "Modern" quilt movement will too.
An interesting post! The poll results are interesting too. I'm a traditional quilter - I have no intention of changing - and I LOVE it! :0)
Well said, Barb. I'm definitely a traditional quilter but have been known to test the waters out of my comfort zone--maybe traditional with a twist? If there was ever something that caught my eye in the modern quilt world I'd most likely give it a try but so far that hasn't happened, lol!
Both, I make quilts that I like, I don't care what genre they are so long as I like them and enjoy making them that is I care about.
Great post!I'd like to remain an Omniquilter and dabble in every direction. Both schools overlap and can learn a great deal from each other:)
I'm traditional and not afraid to own it. : )
I do love batiks, which are not traditional, but I love the color!! I tend to use them in traditional patterns, though. : )
I. Love. This. Post!
I've been around a long time too. At first, when the mod movement started up, I thought --geez, they're just slapping fabric together, no skills required. But, it's become so refined, and just like traditional, some is beautiful (to me) and some I don't care for. And like you said, the fabric -- it's spawned some gorgeous fabric and for me, it's all about the fabric. (Well, ok, not ALL, because I do LOVE the process. And the quilting. And ... LOL).
Thanks for the link about Gwen -- will definitely try to listen during last minute prep next week. She's so funny -- when she was here (wait .. I have to check my blog) -- wow, it's been 3 1/2 years ago (I would have guessed 1 1/2 or 2!) she said she was going to retire the following year. Luckily for us, she didn't stick to it!
Thanks Barb. It's an interesting result thus far!
To me, the main benefit of a definition is that it gives me something to challenge! Otherwise, I like pretty much everything quilty. :D
One world is enough! Great post Barb! I enjoyed seeing your modern and traditional quilts. My inspirations definitely come from traditional quilts. I enjoyed listening to Gwen's podcast. :)
love this post...i consider myself a bipolar quilter meaning i love civil war AND mod too! both jo morton and kaffe fassett fabrics make me swoon...so glad i don't have to choose or that you don't either...love all your quilts...ooh those kaffe flowers...wow!
yes, yes, and yes! wonderful post. thanks!
I was never able to be put into a box, and hope I never can be. I try to make modern quilts and they wind up looking traditional and vice versa. There are also other categories - like art quilters and primitive quilters, etc. I think it is more fun to fit into all of them. Besides, today's modern quilt will be tomorrow's traditional quilt.
Always happy with your posts...Snowed in my neighborhood in Charlotte with the dog and cats and my sewing machine...Catching up on blogs and saw this happy one. LOve GM....HOpe you are doing ok in the snow too....praying the electricity will stay on...hugs
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