I'm send you all our 2015 Christmas Card
This was my fall of saying YES! I said that to almost anything that came my way:
- "Would you come to speak and teach at 4 different guilds between Sept and November" - Delighted to.
- "Are you going to do an international block swap with 80 participants?" - Yes.
- "Will you run the judging for your NJ Quilt Guild Show?" - Okay.
- "Honey, do you want to have a Christmas Dinner Party for 24?" - Of Course.
- "Do you want to be the new Hospitality Chairwoman for the guild?" - Why Not?
Today I am sharing some photos of my house decorations and party photos.
House Decorations:
Dining Room hutch with our Danish Tomte and Danish plate collection.
My new door wreath. Thanks Joann Fabrics! Burlap poinsettias.
Uncle Buck got a little sprinkling of berry garland and a poinsettia boutonniere.Here is my boy, Andrew's, little tree. I set it up for his and Sigourneys visit.
This is my sewing room tree. I use red and pink vintage ornaments and Tinsel - yay for Tinsel!!
Hanna's tree has polka dot and jewel toned ornaments.
Our Family Room tree is real and holds our oldest treasures, including my Grandparents 1940s ornaments and one I received from my kindergarten teacher.
House Party:I like to play the game "who am I?". You pin a name on every ones back and they have to guess who they are through a series of questions - like 21 questions. It's a great cocktail hour activity.
I set up a Bubbly Station - It's Christmas after all :)
Here are favors that I made for the ladies: silver whisks filled will kisses the tags read "We Whisk You A Merry Kiss-mas" (thanks Pintrest).
My theme was Red and White. Simple table covers and silk white poinsettias. Everyone brings their own place setting. This is Hanna's and mine.
I brought a tree from home with a simple red burlap and R&W toile' garland. That Craftsy box worked great to give it height and matched my theme.
I made 90, yes ninety, FQ favors. I rolled them in Ikea napkins and tied them with bakery twine. I got the mini laundry baskets at Michaels.
It was so wonderful have Hanna home to help me with set up and to share the evening with me. We had a hoot. How about that ugly Christmas Sweatshirt? It has gold glitter puff paint - ouch!
Aaahhh, all obligations are over and now it is on to Christmas with my family. I took a break and watch Elf, my second favorite movie in the TV room by the little R&W Danish tree under a special quilt. Whew!
This is Fun With Barb signing off to enjoy family time. I look forward to another year sharing quilting inspiration and other fun in 2016.However you Celebrate the Season I wish You Peace and Love.
Merry Christmas Barb! Your decorations are beautiful and you sure know how to host a party. You continue to inspire us and it's no wonder that you are in such high demand. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us this year and be sure to take that "long winters nap" that you certainly deserve.
Merry Christmas to you and yours--thanks for a wonderful year of posts...love reading them all...hugs x 2 Julierose
A Merry & Happy one to you, too! Thank you for sharing all your trees -- we traveled this year so not even one at our house & I do love them. You've had a busy year end, you deserve to put your feet up & enjoy a movie, a quilt & a tree.
What a delightful post. I love your family Christmas card and ALL of your holiday decor. I think I may steal your fat quarter wrapping idea. They look like Christmas crackers - my favorite! I wish you a very Merry Christmas with your family.
Thanks for sharing your year with us. It is also so much fun reading your blog posts. Merry Christmas!
Thanks so much for a lovely post - it's always "Fun with Barb"! :) I love all the trees in your house - your dinner party looked fab! Great bar! But my fave is Hanna's sweatshirt! Enjoy your family time, that's what it's all about! God Jul! xo Chris
Wonderful post as usual ! I love to admire your Christmas decorations !
Thank you so much for this year, so special for me because it was my first swap with you ! How fun...
Rendezvous next year for great sharing and inspiring quilts !
I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas !
Big hugs ! :)
It is always a joy when one of your posts pops up in Bloglovin. Many wishes for a lovely Christmas, and may 2016 be a wonderful year for you and your family!
(And I hope Coco enjoyed the festivities too!)
I love the idea of having trees in various rooms! Sounds like you have been a very busy lady, but it also sounds like fun and let's face it - you are good at fun! Thanks for all you do - I really enjoy your blog and will look forward to next years posts! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
You are always so festive! Fun to spend time with Hanna! Sweatshirt and necklace are adorable (as is she!) Have a very merry Christmas, my lovely friend. XOXO
All things bright and beautiful! AND FUN! Enjoy every minute of your holidays!
Merry Christmas Barb! Thanks for sharing your holiday with us. It looks like your friends and family truly had "fun with Barb." Looking forward to seeing what 2016 brings to all of us.
This post reads Christmas Wonderland! You sure know how to have fun and share cheers around holidays.
Have a very Merry Christmas Barb!
Yes you put on a great party! Yes you are a great blogger! Yes, you need a break!
Wow, if I lived closer, I would crash your party! You are an inspiration! Everything just looks so lovely. Our Christmas movie is Christmas Vacation. We watch it every Christmas Eve. My husband relates to Chevy Chase's meltdown. He loves his family and always wants everyone to have a great time.
Thank you for hosting the swap. I am going to take the bowties out after Christmas and put them on the design wall.
I look forward to seeing new posts in 2016!
Merry Christmas!
hI Barb! Love your blog and your Christmas party ideas are terrific!
I loved participating in the nine patch and bow tie swaps with all the other quilters. Looking forward to all the quilty things in store for you (and me!) in 2016!!
Cheers and keep on stitching!
Wow! Such enthusiasm and Christmas spirit! Your house looks so festive! Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday :)
Thank you for all of your fabulous posts throughout 2015. You are always so creative,clever, enthusiast and you pass it on!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
What a wonderful post. Your energizing and caring spirit just shouts out with the Christmas spirit. Thanks for sharing your wonderful holiday events. But mostly, thanks for sharing some much during the year. You're a great inspiration to me and to so many others. Can't wait for 2016.
Thank you for a wonderful year of sharing inspiration, fun travels, smiles and giggles with us thru your FUN blog! Wishing you & your family a Very Merry Christmas and Health & Happiness in the New Year!
Thank YOU for sharing yourself with all of us and Merry Christmas to you and yours . . .
Merry Xmas! you certainly deserve to put your feet up! ...could I book you to organise my Christmas next year?! ..please
QLove everything you make and do and for sharing your talents with us. . Love your blog and all of your inspiration. Thank you for all the work you did to make the block swap so wonderful. I'm still pondering what pattern I should use to put all the beautiful blocks s together with. How are you going to use yours? Looking forward to your next class at brownstone. Happy, Happy holidays! Lynn
I love all your decorations, you give it your all! I know your party was a success and I am sure they loved the party favors (I did!). Merry Christmas!
You know how to party! I love your Christmas card - very fun :0) Your hutch is gorgeous decked out like that. I hope your Christmas is delightful!!
Oh Barb, you really do make blogland more fun!! I am so impressed with all of your pretty trees and decorations. I am sure the guild party was tons of fun! You are so clever and creative, what a great job you did on all the things you said yes to!
Have a wonderful Christmas and happy new year with your family and be sure Coco gets a little belly rub for me please. :)
So much fun - as usual! I pretty much stopped entertaining when I went back to work full time, but may have inspired me to make an attempt. Love the bubbly station! Best wishes for a fun Christmas with your family and hoping you'll keep spreading good cheer in the new year!
Serindipity. Bad spelling. Who knew that accepting an invite to join a dynamic small group that met in Mt Tabor NJ years ago would grow into such a lovely trip watching you continuously grow and inspire those around you. A dynamic group and my luck to meet others you found important to you personally and just happened to be as creative and wonderful quitters.
Your trees make me melancholy for all I have in storage in northern Wisconsin destined to stay put until house addition is done next spring. and me in a small condo in southern Florida with a genuine Walmart 4 foot tree and only two of my bears....
Seeing your daughters smiling face and the bits and pieces of your year make me smile. Looking forward to visiting with you vicariously through your blog in 2016. Happiness and joy for you and your family and more adventures for you in the new year.
As always, a great post from you. Your posts are always so funny and interesting and inspiring. Merry Christmas to you.
Hi Barb from HRQG & NR Applique. I too have a HUGE Tomten collection although I keep loosing their hands...& a foot or 2 :). AND I just finished my Riley Xmas sit-down for 24 on Sunday with the very same vintage poinsettia tablecloth! I am looking through the pictures and going whoa. Merry Christmas to you! Susan Riley
I loved seeing all your trees! Have a Merry Christmas!
I remember making bunches of those sweatshirts and T-shirts with some kind of fabric picture and the puff paint. They were really popular for a while.
You are lucky to have the sentimental ornaments for the live tree. I like that you decorate a small tree in the bedrooms for your guests.
Merry Christmas, Barb. I enjoy your blog posts!
Wonderful post! Sounds like you need a break. Wishing you peace love and joy!
Another fun-filled post!! Love seeing all your wonderful creativity, thank you for all you share. Your decorations are fantastic! Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
One of my early Christmas gifts this year was meeting you. I look forward to our having some adventures together in 2016. My usual thanks for all of the sharing that you do with your blog, and for all of the inspiration that I get for my own quilting and decorating from you. Enjoy this special family time ... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas Barb! It looks like all your efforts paid off. I'd love to be at one of your parties!
It all looks so beautiful and festive Barb. And Icicles -- my favorite! (Can't have them though with the cats -- naughty kitties!)
Have a VERY Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Barb!
Merry Christmas Barb! I am about worn out after reading your post - you have been busy. Had I known that you were saying yes to everything, I would have asked for something - lol. Your trees and decorations are all really pretty, and I love your Christmas card.
Happy Holidays!
Wow you have been busy. Everyone asks you, because you do such a great job with everything, and you say yes!
I love how you get into the holiday spirit and go for it!! It's great you could all be in this years Christmas card photo. Each tree decorated in their different themes are a wonder to see. Good on you for saying yes to lots of things, it meant you were busy but I know you would have enriched peoples lives by sharing your talents.
Wishing all the Fun family the merriest of Christmases!!
Thanks for all the wonderful holiday photos. Plenty of Christmas at your place! I love all the individual trees. Thanks for a great year, Barb, and Happy Christmas!
Hi Barb: Can't help but get into the spirit looking at all your marvelous decorations. Hope you have a wonderful New Year.
Given everything on your schedule I'm amazed that you were still standing on Christmas Eve, but it looks like you did it all in stride and had lots of fun doing it (surprise, surprise!). Happy New Year to you and yours!
Wendy in NH
Nice tree Barb! Great place for it with reflections on door & window, & must look pretty from outdoors. I like your gnome collection! I've been thinking about starting one! Happy New Year!
Loved this post Barb! I think it's time for you to go lay down and take a nap!!
Happy New Year to you and yours......think of me when that bubbleeeee is popping all around your nose!
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