Before I share the second round of quilts from the Warwick, NY quilt show, I thought I'd show my fabric (new project) purchase.
This is a luscious Alexander Henry print called "siva nataraia". Which refers to the statue, natarai, having it's left foot raised and Lord Siva - salvation. The colors are so beautiful and I love the purple elephants.

And my best purchase of the day was this vintage (ha) ceramic Christmas tree. Now, I know this isn't for everyone, but I have a collection of them that started with my Grandmother's, aka Nana, aka Gertrude.
I'm thinking of giving the Dickens' Village a break and displaying all my trees on the piano this year - They actually are quite charming when grouped.
and it was $3.00, yes that's right - priceless.

Okay on with the rest of the quilts -
Isn't this remarkable?

I'm studying pineapple quilts after making mine - they are an interesting subject.

Tomorrow is clothesline tote day again and I'm hoping to finish it.
Have a great day and I hope you find time to do some sewing.
I have a collection of the ceramic Christmas trees also. I display them by grouping them on my buffet, along with my collection of lighted quilt shops (and a bowling alley for my DH)
Thanks for the photos of the wonderful quilts.
Great quilts, LOVE the second to last photo....very dynamic though a simple pattern.
Just when I think I know you, you go and reveal more of your true self! Ceramic trees ~ Who knew? Glad to see you enjoying so many local quilt shows.
Beautiful quilts thanks for sharing.
Wow, so how do you do this? Do you fuzzy cut four of the same bits of fabric for each block?
Looks great
Thanks for sharing the quilt show pictures. They are so wonderful to drool over. I have started a four patch posie. They are a lot of fun. I've even designed the setting, just need to get to the cutting!
The Purple Elephants is a wonderful piece of fabric. I love all the quilts but the basket one is so unique with the little handles all around the edge!
The little tree is so kitchy!! I lok forward to seeing them displayed this coming year.
What lovely fabric! It looks so rich and vibrant!!!
Great quilt show, as usual. Thanks for sharing.
Great fabric, wonderful quilts and a what about that tree, love it. It looks like sweets stuck to it.
Well you brought back some memories with that Christmas tree. I made one many years ago...I think gave it away after all the moves in the military...weight limits and all. Perhaps that one was mine? Hee!
Fantastic show and share!!
Absolutely lovely quilts. That elephant fabric is quite a find!
Hi Janet -
Thanks for visiting - you are set up an a non-reply blogger - so I couldn't email you a note.
I'm looking forward to using the elephant fabric!
Great quilts! That loopy edge looks like a complicated Sharon Schamber thing.
I think my Mom has a tree like that.
I need a Coco fix.
really REALLY like that string quilt that is second to the last one shown~great use of scraps and fabulously fun results~!!~
p.s. i followed the link from a comment that you left at Humble Quilts becuase i noticed that you were also participating in the strawberry fields quiltalong. i'm just now choosing a setting fabric for my blocks . . . a little slow but it's getting there.
I photographed that pine tree quilt with the wonderful border at the Vermont quilt festival in 2009. Loved how she had used that border.
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